Cloth Diapering

Water levels

I have a super old, extremely basic washer, and I don't have the option to do extra rinses, so I do a light wash w/o detergent as my prewash and extra rinse after. My loads are usually small, so I put the setting at medium. Since doing a full wash instead of a rinse uses more water, I wonder if there is a way to cut back. Do I need to add the extra water on all three washes, or on just one or two of them?
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Re: Water levels

  • I also have an old school washer. I just set the dial to rinse instead of running the whole cycle for the extras.
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  • I wash EOD, about 15 CDs of various combination and I do a medium prewash w/o detergent. Then I wash on hot, detergent and use the small water setting. Works for us
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