
Sherlock - First time

I lost my Sherlock virginity, at first it was uncomfortable, but after a few minutes I really enjoyed it. I am now flying through them on my Netflix and I have the most current season recorded on DVR.

I tried Doctor WHO... but I just couldn't get it up for that show... maybe I will try again in the future.

At least I will be able to chime in with the Cumberbitches :)

Re: Sherlock - First time

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  • I can't get it up for Doctor Who either.  DH keeps bugging me to give it another try.


  • yes, the first season is tough to get through but if you can make it past the first one, you'll think back to it fondly.

    however long the night, dawn will break.


  • Yeah Dr. Who is hard. I am on episode three in the first season but Sherlock distracted me.

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  • Try a different Dr. After I didn't like the first few eps, I switched to Matt Smith and really enjoyed it. Per the pp, Tennant is also very enjoyable.



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    Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014

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  • Season 1 gets better by episode 5 or 6. 
    A: 3.07
    G: 6.10
    L: 11.13

  • You need Eccleston to understand Tennant the way you need Tennant to understand Smith.  They are extensions of each other and the storylines the previous ones went through definitely play in to the performances of the later doctors.  




    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • I actually really liked Eccleston once I got over the WTF? of the start of the show. Are you my mummy?

    *Stuck in quote box*
    That's the episode that got me hooked.  I liked him too by the end. 
    A: 3.07
    G: 6.10
    L: 11.13

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