I had a shitty weekend so Im trying to turn around my Monday with a near lethal dose of awesome.
This is one of my favorite videos of all time from the web. I have this entire speech memorized and always say it myself before a race
https://youtu.be/EglLi6nZnZUeven though when I race, I race desert it looks a lot more like this;
https://youtu.be/S-pYON7G-joanyways - this is my "awesome"
someone else go. What's your awesome for Monday? Keep the awesome comin!
All I do, all day long is watch for mistakes in film which as usually 1/30th or 1/60th of a second. The frame where the explosion happens, the guy disappears. Watch his elbow - its not totally obscured by the smoke and just isnt there. and there's no smoke! after the explosion, the room would be FILLED with smoke..... and after the poof - the room is totally clear.
the boom sound doesn't seem to have to same room sound as the guys' voice - the explosion sound was taken from an effects reel of some kind.
Also, the "bad lighting" isnt bad at all - kinda like nighttime scenes in movies. then post explosion, the light is on again
It's a clever, Lo-Fi short in standard Def. Standard Def is VERY easy to hide mistakes, not so much in HD