March 2014 Moms

The Randomest Thread


Re: The Randomest Thread

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    Robert is becoming a thumb sucker and it's killing me. Arg.

    @SomersIsles‌ same here :(
    I used to date a guy who sucked his fingers... He was in his 20s... This is a big problem people.
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    It's baptism day here too and complete chaos. Think Griswold family Christmas, complete with a RV in our driveway. So many toddlers having meltdowns. Keira, why can't you take a bottle so I can have the drinks needed for this day?!
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    @younglove316‌ I'll send all the drinks I can't have to you. I hope LO calms down and your wrist feels better.
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    Finger sucka 4 lyfe!!!

    I used to suck my fingers like that! And then I would reach in back and twirl my hair. Which is how I ended up with a pixi in the early 90's. My mom got sick of un tangling it.
    Ds1 calls it "sucking his spidey fingers" bc it looks like spider man.
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    @jcoffeebeans‌ that is so clever!! I have also heard to put a breastmilk ice cube in one if those mesh fruit feeders. I haven't tried it yet.
    I am obsessed with the Sims game on my phone.

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    FUCK jet lag. Fuck it fuck it fuck it.

    I hate life right now.

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    Jt7dreamz said:
    @bennieangel‌ I feel like I can't catch one Re sucking fingers. My lo does. Sometimes not always. Asked doc. He said to be happy w the self soothing and at this age not to worry. You can break them of it later on like at a year. Of course we all know my doc is progressive though. They suggest putting a bit of hot sauce or something on their thumbs when they're a bit older to break them of it
    This times a million. My DD didn't suck her thumb or fingers and it was a constant stream of us going into her room at all hours to pop a pacifier back in her mouth. DS sucks his fingers and now when he stirs at night, he pops a finger in, sucks it, and goes back to sleep. It's glorious, and right now I'm happy to pay for braces if it means a full night's rest. 
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    @bsouls I want the double chocolate chip ones!!
    We didn't have any cookies to put in our nightly ice cream tonight. Sad face.

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    @younglove316‌ @Jt7dreamz‌ I'm glad it isn't just my LO!! Haha he's nutso when he eats... Not relaxing at all lol
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    @DisneyAddict1‌ I went to bed at 9:30 :)

    Ugh, I wish!!
    I was up with LO until he finally passed out at 10, the DH put in News Room.
    I got into bed at 11:30. LO woke up at 12:15.
    DH is snoring. :(
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    @DisneyAddict1‌ I went to bed at 9:30 :)
    Ugh, I wish!! I was up with LO until he finally passed out at 10, the DH put in News Room. I got into bed at 11:30. LO woke up at 12:15. DH is snoring. :(
    I also wish.  I finally got LO down at 2:30 am.  Then we got up for the day at 7:45.

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    @younglove316‌ I like for artwork. I also second joss & main, onekingslane and gilt.

    Emma Rose
    Born 3.11.14
    8lbs 14oz, 21.5 in
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    So we're switching Layla from bed sharing to her own room. Right now she is sleeping in her crib. And all I can think about is how much I miss her.
    I think it's time for us to stop--we've gotten to the point where were disrupting each other's sleep--but I really miss how she curls up next to me.

    Sad face goes here

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    Speaking of furniture we have this horrible hand me down couch from my husband's grandparents. It looks like it came out of a 1980s Bo
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    Question: Do you think The Wizard of Oz would be an appropriate movie for an almost 3 year old to watch? 

    I found an ADORABLE lion costume that I want the baby to wear on Halloween and I'd like DD to dress as Dorothy. The husband and I would be the scarecrow and Tin Man. I know she could wear the costume without watching the movie, but I'm thinking she might be more excited about it if she saw the movie first. 

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    @SmittyPants my almost 4 year old is scared of Frozen so there is no way I'd let him watch wizard if oz. the costumes sound so cute though!
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    Thanks @Jt7dreamz‌ she's doing better . She's not STTN now . Is there a 5 month sleep regression ?!


    Married  : ** 09/09/2011  ** BFP : 07-18-13 ** Baby #1 is a GIRL , Born 03/12/14 ** 
    ** BFP 2 :  01- 05-15 ** EDD 09-11-15 **

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    My DD watched The Wizard of Oz when she was 2 or 3 (several times) but she completely understood that a lot of things in movies weren't real.
    She also watched Die Hard and Jurassic Park and Terminator with no issues at a young age (5 - 7 years old).

    I do agree though, that you should base it on how you feel your child would react to the witch, loud noises, flying monkeys...
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    I don't necessarily use 'years' as a guide.

    I think the 'experience' or 'length of service' is a good thing to have noted.

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    Most people have missed the part about the ice bucket challenge that you are supposed to donate to ALS either way, its just a matter of how much. $10-$25 if you dump the water and $100 if not.

    Exactly. I think it's a good cause and effective, I just am ignoring my challenges. I'm saving up my causes for next month when I have multiple things going on. I have so many causes to raise money for now I'm being selfish and not diluting myself. :)
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    Oh and because I'm obstinate and refuse to do anything I'm told I have to do. :)
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    Tmi - anyone have insane periods since giving birth? I have had multiple periods since and they haven't calmed down. They were heavy before but now is something else. I'm constantly changing my super tampons. If I sit on the toilet I drip continually. It's nasty.
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    Mine have been super heavy too, but only last three days max. I've had three since DS was born.
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    Oh yea and AF is a B too since having DD.... I've had 4 since having Harper and it's worse !


    Married  : ** 09/09/2011  ** BFP : 07-18-13 ** Baby #1 is a GIRL , Born 03/12/14 ** 
    ** BFP 2 :  01- 05-15 ** EDD 09-11-15 **

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    Today's my first day back at work. I'm going to try and pump and bump during lunch, but I may go MIA when it's really busy.
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    I had to take today off work cause daycare is closed. I'm having a PLL marathon. Helps that Joe cake home for 2 hours, and I got stuff done.


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    kirotea said:
    It's pretty sad when there are a good number of us in this (small) department who want to leave ASAP because of the management.
    That seriously SUCKS. I just can't understand how companies can get that part so wrong.

    RE: AF, what is the longest any of you have heard of someone going without it? I have not seen hide nor hair of mine returning.
    While on Depo Provera after having DD I didn't get a period until 21 months post partum when I stopped injections. 

    Unmediated completely, I've heard or BFing women claim they've gone as long as til they weaned (close to 2 years pp) or 14-15 months for a non-BFer. 

    I haven't known any women IRL that breast fed more than a couple weeks (other than myself), so I can only tell you what I've seen/heard/read to be claimed. 

    Generally, the rule I was told to consider is that when LO starts sleeping more than 6 hours at night is when you should be ready to expect it, but it may not return until LO sleeps 10-12 hours. 

    **now I question my memory about whether you even breastfeed. Hmmm. If you don't, then I'd probably check in with my doc. 
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    @younglove316 anything by Janet Evanovich is good IMO
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    Now that we seem to have a nighttime routine and I know I can get a couple hours to myself, I want to start reading again. Anyone have any good book suggestions? I'm not too picky just not into sci-fi really.

    what are some of your favourites..

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    @younglove316 I used to read a lot. I like chicklit, parenting books and murfer mysteries. Lmk what you have liked
    I'm also a fan of a good mystery or crime book.

    James Patterson has his Alex Cross crime books. Pretty easy reads. And there's a chick lit mystery series where the first book s Size 12 is not Fat. I liked those books.

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