September 2014 Moms

Pregnancy brain

Anyone have any examples that you're willing to share?

Seems like since I found out I was pregnant, my mind has been on another planet.  Sometimes I'm driving and I forget where I'm supposed to be going.  In the shower a few mornings ago, I forgot if I'd already shampooed my hair or if I'd just gotten it wet. I go to call a familiar number and I forget which numbers to dial.

I have to try really hard to make sure I have everything on my "to do" list written down and available.  If I forget the list, I am so lost!

I wasn't this way at all before pregnancy!
IAmPregnant Ticker

Re: Pregnancy brain

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    I am right there with you! I've been having serious pregnancy brain. It's horrible.  Without lists I would be 100% lost lately. I usually never forget things and can always remember everything without having to make notes or a list, but not lately! You aren't alone!!! 
    Me: 30 Him: 33
    Married: August 2012
    BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
    DD: 9/22/2014
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    I have the memory of a goldfish too!  My office is plastered with post it notes so I can remember to do everything!
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    I am a personal/administrative assistant for 3 of the hire ups aty company. A big part of my job is remembering tasks, phone messages etc and I feel like a huge fail whale at least once a day. I forget CONSTANTLY and it is driving me bonkers. I have to carry around little notepads everywhere I go because by the time I get back to my desk I forget.
    Married to the love of my life <3 09.26.09
    Mother to my Sweet Baby K <3 12.30.10
    …with Baby Number 2 on the way!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    In chat I just totally confused NSYNC lyrics for Savage Garden lyrics. My apologies to the ladies. Darn pregnancy brain!!
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    I left my purse in Bloomingdales the other day. Stored my car keys in the freezer and now today I misplaced my wallet. I only left the house once to take dd to school. The sucker is just gone, so frustrating.
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    Dude, new mom brain is so much worse though! I left the keys to my car ON MY CAR not once, but TWICE in the weeks after DS was born. SOOOOO lucky I didn't lose my car!
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    3 times this week I loaded the dishwasher and put soap in it but forgot to push start. Then in the morning I am wondering why the dishes are still dirty. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I tried spelling delicious the other day.. I spelt it out a few times before deciding on "delishish" as the proper spelling. Wow.
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    Yay, ya'll have a friend in me!  It is honestly making me feel like I am going crazy.  Today, I am having lots of trouble finding my words.  I'll start a sentence...and then forget a word.  And it's usually a simple word, like "bank" or "dog" or something like that.  Instead of saying, "I need to go cash a check", I end up saying something like,  "I need to check my cash."

    I'm so glad hubby can still figure what I mean most of the time!

    No one told me that I'd need to stock up on post-it notes for pregnancy....but I sure do!

    Good luck with this everyone!
    IAmPregnant Ticker
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    I like to think I am usually pretty sharp, but this pregnancy has me feeling like a complete idiot. If I don't do what I tell myself I need to right then and there, I will forget what it was. I forgot I had set out to find my hair straightener A WEEK AGO until I stumbled upon it this morning. I put my cereal bowl in the fridge and took the milk to the table with me. I was carrying around a tube of toothpaste for ten minutes the other morning for what reason, I don't know. Currently, a lot of my position at work takes place on a teller line, and I keep telling my supervisor that I should NOT be responsible for balancing a cash drawer right now. Yikes. Only one more week on the line - hopefully I make it through without incident. 

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

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     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

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