I have been CD for almost 6 months with no issues. I use pockets during the day and I was using a tri folded prefolds with a bamboo in the middle at night with a cover over. My covers and prefolds were NB size and baby has outgrown them so I went to pockets and it has been a disaster ever since. Nothing is holding through the night. I tried a pocket with a MF and a bamboo behind and he leaked. So then I tried a MF with 2 bamboo behind and he leaked. Last night I did a change at 230 and he got up at 730 and he had leaked. Jr does not sleep through the night and is often up every hour to 2 hours so this may be part of it. He is nursing a lot still at night. I'm half tempted to order some bigger prefolds and some blueberry OS covers and call it a day. I don't want to have to sposie at night.
Re: Help with nighttime dipes
Fitteds are great, but i never found the need.
I made my own hemp inserts. From 12 months to 2 years I've used one large cotton prefold and two double layer hemp inserts. I made my own hemp inserts out of one yard of hemp fleece.
You could easily use a bamboo prefold without microfiber. Hemp absorbs slower so if it's just hemp it may cause issues, if it's a blend it might be fine. You'll need to test it.
Disclaimer: I've never looked at hemp prefolds so I know nothing about them.
For DS at one month we use a prefold jelly rolled and snappied with a size small thristies hemp insert laid in a bummis super whisper wrap with no issues. I only change him at night if he poops and we haven't had any leaks with this combination.