@kc101212 is scheduled to be induced today at 11:00 a.m! I am her labor buddy but haven't heard anything from her. I'm sure she has other things on her mind right now!!! Let's all wish her good luck and keep her in our thoughts. I'll update if I hear anything for her, if not looking forward to her birth story. Good luck!
UPDATE 1: last I heard she was all hooked up and waiting to see the doctor. How exciting!
UPDATE 2: (5:30 pm EST) she's just hanging out on cytotec and having fairly regular contractions but nothing too painful yet. Her DH is obsessing over a Criminal Minds marathon he found on tv so that's a nice distraction. They are in good spirits. She wrote that it's been busy around there so no ones been to check on her in a while since it seems like it'll be slow going for them through the evening.
UPDATE 3: (8:00 am EST). I just got a PM from her and things are starting to move forward! Here's what she had to say:
So no baby yet. They had me on cytotec through the evening and having contractions every other minute but they really weren't painful. Then all the sudden around 12:30 there was a painful pop, some fluid, and contractions turned into a freight train. They became so incredibly painful with no warning and were almost constant. The nurse gave me stadol for pain, which made me high and delusional. I may have been convinced we were inside a candy crush/original Mario video game reality. For 90min I don't remember, I apparently couldn't stop talking or calm down. Then stadol wore off and I got an epidural. It was a long four hours for DH to say the least, poor guy haha. But he was wonderful trying to calm and appease me. But this epidural is AMAZING. Baby has been having some D cells since around 3am, so I've been flopped to every position and on oxygen. I'm at 6cm, 100% effaced, water broken, can't remember what station but they could feel her hair! They won't start pitocin bc of the d cells so we are just waiting for little girl to get her act together.
UPDATE 4: (12:18 pm EST) She says: Fully dilated and effaced. I'm at +1 so dr wants to wait an hour before pushing unless she starts up on her own. And I'm crazy numb so that'll give some time to get some feeling back!
FINAL UPDATE: (6:33 pm EST) Miss Alaina Rae Chavers was born at 2:39pm with all ten fingers and toes at 7lbs 9.9oz and 20.5in long. Mom and baby are doing well!
Mama of boys, Landon (Jan 14) and Harrison (Aug 15).
Re: kc101212 induction - She's here!