May 2012 Moms

My bad mommy moment :(

So, this Saturday while DD was napping I was working on cleaning the upstairs bathrooms. When I got her up from her nap I forgot that I had windex on the bathroom counter and before I realized it, she sprayed herself in the eye with it! I immediately googled "toddler sprays windex in eye" and read a few different things saying to just thoroughly wash it out with water which I did. Yesterday DH noticed her eye was watering, so we rinsed it out again with water. This morning when she woke up, the area under her eye is all red from irritation from the watery eye I assume. I called the pedi this morning and they said they'd like to see her. The nurse asked if I called poison control and I felt like a total loser when I said no but I googled it. In my defense, she wasn't rubbing her eye or fussing. It honestly didn't seem to phase her much but now I'm really worried. I take her in t 430pm. Will update you all later or tomorrow morning. 

Re: My bad mommy moment :(

  • ugh that sucks but trust me i totally understand!  it's so hard to remember to move hot things and knives and stuff away from the edges of the counters and tables!!!  good luck!
  • Thanks Dayz- One of her daycare teachers made me feel a little better telling me her own mommy horror stories. she has 2 under 5 and apparently one has eaten her birth control pills and another drank most of the bottle of infants tylenol. I just hope my little monkey is ok, I would never forgive myself if her eye is damaged. 
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  • Oh I'm sorry, but don't stress if it hurt she would have fussed. I would have googled not called.

    Let's see my bad mommy moments of recent... Lucas was playing with my knife last weekend when I walked away from the kitchen to deal with Nathan. There's more I'm sure that's all I can think of right now
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  • My nephew is a handful and SIL has called poison control several times. They are pretty useless in all the experiences I have heard. They probably would have just said to rinse her eye which is what you did. Little Monkey! They are so fast when they spot something they shouldn't have. Twice I've caught DD walking around with the scissors.
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  • I would have done the same, don't worry about being a bad mommy!
  • If it makes you feel any better, you are one step ahead of me. I probably wouldn't have thought of calling poison control or googling. I probably would have just called my mother. I'm actually surprised pediatricians don't take the time to bother making sure parents have something (like a magnet or something) with both poison control and local fire departments phone numbers on it for parents.

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  • Well the Dr looked at her eye and said the eye itself is not irritated at all, just the skin underneath. She said there may have been a little bit of windex that the eyeball was working out by tearing. So, we are ok but I was really nervous. The Dr laughed and said this won't be the last time something like this happens, just call poison control and they will tell you exactly what to do. Thank goodness she's ok! 
  • And, thanks for sharing all of your own stories, it made me feel better :) I love my may mommies! 
  • Yep, same here. DD is a pro at finding things she shouldn't have! She had a paring knife last week, and has more than once played in the toilet water when DH forgets to put the lid down :( little monkeys!!
  • Thanks Dayz- One of her daycare teachers made me feel a little better telling me her own mommy horror stories. she has 2 under 5 and apparently one has eaten her birth control pills and another drank most of the bottle of infants tylenol. I just hope my little monkey is ok, I would never forgive myself if her eye is damaged. 
    hahaha my mother said i also ate her BC pills once!  too funny!
  • najzomax said:
    Yep, same here. DD is a pro at finding things she shouldn't have! She had a paring knife last week, and has more than once played in the toilet water when DH forgets to put the lid down :( little monkeys!!
    EWWW! DD does the toilet thing too, but she likes to stick things down in the water then pull them out sopping wet...yuck!  :P
  • I had to call poison control after my DS drank calamine lotion while I was bathing DD. It ended up fine and the nurse I talked to laughed when I said I was embarrassed. We all make mistakes :)

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  • I accidentally gave DD the dosage for Tylenol instead of motrin last week.  I was so worried.  I googled and then called Peds.  They said she would probably have a tummy ache...which she did.  I felt terrible.  Then I caught her with a clorox spray bottle pointed at her eyes with her fingers on the trigger.  Thank goodness I caught it before she sprayed.  UGH. 
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