October 2014 Moms

Everyone introduce yourselves here :)


Re: Everyone introduce yourselves here :)

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    WonkersMagooWonkersMagoo member
    edited February 2014
    Hello everyone! I'm Lish. I'm 31 and live in PA. I just finally got my BFP on Sunday after almost of a year of TTC. DH Tim and I were starting to think we'd end up at a fertility clinic, so we were just over the moon with the news! This will be my 1st and I'm due October 12. Looking forward to getting to know all of you! 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    PitaPata Dog tickers

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    Hey Ladies!
    I got my bfp Friday :) EDD is 10/12/ This will be my and dh's 2nd babe. We have a 8 month old son. I'm looking forward to the "adventure" of having 2 under 2, haha! I'm 25 and Dh is 28. We live in Texas currently but we will be moving to Alaska in a couple months.
    Congrats to all of yall. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone!


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    Hi everyone:) I'm Jessie and I just got a BPF for #2. EDD 10/14. My first is 2yo. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    BFP #1 5/4/11 -- DD born 34w5d 12/4/11
    BFP #2 2/4/14 -- EDD 10/13/14
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    Got my BFP on Sunday. :) I'm 29 and DH is 30. We live in Michigan with our dog and 2 cats. This will be our first child.

    EDD 10/14!
    Pregnancy Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Hi, I'm Jaleesa! I'm 25, married for 2 1/2 years to my 30yo hubs and due Oct 3rd :) this is my first pregnancy and I'm very excited!
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    Hi my name kelly , I have been married for just under a year and we made a baby on my birthday so our due date is oct 9th!! This is my first child and I work at the school as a student support worker :)
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    beckybonbeckybon member
    edited February 2014
    Hi my name is Becky, I'm 26 and have been married for 4 years this June. My due date is Oct.8th
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    jacks035jacks035 member
    edited February 2014
    My name is Myiesha. I am 27 years old and my husband and I have been TTC since January 2012. We miscarried August 2012 and are expecting again. We are soooooo grateful and excited about this new addition to our family after the heart break of losing the first pregnancy. We believe that we will carry this baby to full term and it will be a healthy pregnancy.

    <a href="https://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Trying to Conceive"><img src="https://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt19a9ac.aspx" alt=" BabyFetus Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    CptKirkCptKirk member
    edited February 2014
    Hello ladies! I'm pregnant with my first, due October 7th! My SO and I were ttc for two months, still shocked it happened so fast, it doesn't seem real yet. :) Congrats to you all and nice to cyber meet you!
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    I am a working mom and I'm due Oct 3 and this will be my 2nd child. My son is 11 and my husband and I have been married for 4 years. We had a miscarriage our first year of marriage and I ended up having to have my right ovary and tube removed because of a mass on it. We had finally given up and decided it would never happen again for us. And that's when I found out about this pregnancy. So now I am doing everything I can to keep this baby safe!
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    hotdot28hotdot28 member
    edited February 2014
    Hi I'm Dorothy from Kansas! My husband and I have been married for about 5 months and are due with our first on 8 Oct. We are both in the military and we are really excited and really nervous to start this chapter!
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    Hi! I'm a 27yo due with #2 Oct. 7 (I think) I have an 11mo son. This came as a little surprise as we weren't trying this early. But still so excited! Looking forward to chatting with you moms!! And soon-to-be moms!!
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    I'm Beth. Due with #2 Oct 14. We confirmed with the doctor today and had some levels pulled to get baselines. I had HELLP syndrome with my DS who is 3 yo. He was born 6 weeks early. I'm being monitored for high risk.

    This was a surprise and we are blessed for it, but the doctor said to eliminate stress. We're building a house and have major projects at work. Guess that means I'll have to be here for comic relief!

    Congrats to all of you!


    PG#1 - 3rd cycle BFP. Team Green. HELLP syndrome @ 34 weeks.
    Later diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, possible link to HELLP.

    PG#2 M/C 3/14 - Surprise BFP 2/13. Beta's doubled every 52 hours from 3w5d-5w5d
    Viable pregnancy scan at 5w5d; 2nd u/s showed 2 days of growth in 7 but a HB of 120
    3rd u/s on 3/10/14 had no HB and baby had only grown 7 days over 14
    D&C 3/17/14 - complications - DX Retroflexed uterus, multiple tears to cervix

    All Welcome


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    Im Heather. Im 34 (35 in May), DH is 36. We are expecting our first baby together Oct3! We had an ectopic is September.
    We have three kiddos from my first marriage (10, 8 and 7). They are going to be excited. They have been asking for a baby for over a year :)

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    Hi @AggieBeth06. Congrats to you and John ;)
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    Hi I'm Belinda and I live in Australia. I am due Oct 11 with my first. Been TTC for 12 months with PCOS.
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    sragreen said:
    Hi @AggieBeth06. Congrats to you and John ;)

    Hey! We haven't hit FB yet with this, but will soon.

    Small world to be in the same birth month club!! :)

    Team green! Love it from multiple perspectives!


    PG#1 - 3rd cycle BFP. Team Green. HELLP syndrome @ 34 weeks.
    Later diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, possible link to HELLP.

    PG#2 M/C 3/14 - Surprise BFP 2/13. Beta's doubled every 52 hours from 3w5d-5w5d
    Viable pregnancy scan at 5w5d; 2nd u/s showed 2 days of growth in 7 but a HB of 120
    3rd u/s on 3/10/14 had no HB and baby had only grown 7 days over 14
    D&C 3/17/14 - complications - DX Retroflexed uterus, multiple tears to cervix

    All Welcome


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    sragreen said:

    Hi @AggieBeth06. Congrats to you and John ;)

    Hey! We haven't hit FB yet with this, but will soon.

    Small world to be in the same birth month club!! :)

    Team green! Love it from multiple perspectives!

    We are waiting until after the first trimester to say anything on Facebook, so I completely understand. It's crazy knowing someone IRL on these boards.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBabyFruit Ticker
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    Hi ladies! I'm Megan. I'm a FTM and my due date is 10/06. My husband and I just got married in October and were beyond excited for our first BFP!!! Were waiting until our first doctors apt to tell anyone but it is SO hard not to tell anyone when I have baby on the brain!!

    Can't wait to see baby on March 12 :) it's nice to have a place like this to talk to other women :)

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Hi all! Miriam here, I'm 25, and have been married for 3 months, so I was a little surprised when we found out we're pregnant and due October 9th, but we are so excited!

    Pregnancy Ticker

    “I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.”
    ― Audrey Hepburn


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    It'll be here before we know it! We will probably say something on FB soon. We've told family and it seems like no one can keep their mouths shut.

    We are telling people earlier because we definitely need some prayers for health!


    PG#1 - 3rd cycle BFP. Team Green. HELLP syndrome @ 34 weeks.
    Later diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, possible link to HELLP.

    PG#2 M/C 3/14 - Surprise BFP 2/13. Beta's doubled every 52 hours from 3w5d-5w5d
    Viable pregnancy scan at 5w5d; 2nd u/s showed 2 days of growth in 7 but a HB of 120
    3rd u/s on 3/10/14 had no HB and baby had only grown 7 days over 14
    D&C 3/17/14 - complications - DX Retroflexed uterus, multiple tears to cervix

    All Welcome


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    Hello Everyone! So excited to see how many of us there are. Congrats to all! I am 30, living in the LA area, and expecting our 2nd on 10/7! We have a 27 month old girl. We had been trying for a year so I am very excited but nervous!
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    Hi I'm Jess. This is baby #3 for us. I live Connecticut I'm a SAHM to Emma whose 5.5 and Noah whose almost 4. I'm excited/nervous about having another one it feels like it's been a while since I was pregnant the last time :)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Hi everyone. This is my first pregnancy, and I am 32. My husband and I had been trying for 16 months. Our little bundle of joy is due around oct. 2nd.
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    I'm Kristen. My husband and I just found out we are pregnant with our first child. We are due October 9th and we are so excited!!
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    Hi everyone! My name is Kate and this is my first pregnancy. EDD is Oct 7, I'm 5 weeks today. My husband and I have been trying for 6 months and right now it all feels too good to be true! Haven't told ANYONE yet so I am looking forward to being able to discuss everything with the group :)
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    Hi everyone, I'm Jessica.  I'm 28 and my DH is 29.  We just found out yesterday we are expecting our first child on October 13.  We've been married 4.5 years.  Like others, we have not told anyone yet, so I'm looking forward to using these boards to chat about it!
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    Hi everyone!  I'm 27 and dh and I am due October 7 with #2 and our first is almost 2yo.  I had an emergency c-section after 29 hours of labor with my first and will prolly have a rcs with this one.  I am working somewhere between part and full time right now, but plan on being a sahm after this one is born.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Hello! I'm Cristina and I am from Ohio but currently live in Sydney, Australia. This is my second pregnancy but hopefully first baby. I'm 29 and DH is 30 and we have been married 5.5 years. Happy and healthy 9 months to everyone!

    Edit: EDD 10/4

    I live in Sydney Australia too!
    My name is Shelley, I'm 32, DH is 36 and this is our first baby. EDD - 10/03
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    Hi everyone!

    I am pregnant with my first - just about 5 weeks now which puts my due date around October 6, 2014.  So far so good.  Wishing everyone healthy happy pregnancies!
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    Im due October 7 (??) with our first! Im so excited!
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    I just found out I'm due 10/8 with #2. My daughter is 20mos. I had a miscarriage in sept as well so a little nervous this early on but hope all goes well. Both myself and DH are 30 and live in Maine!
    imageimageBabyFruit Ticker
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    WonkersMagooWonkersMagoo member
    edited February 2014
    Congrats to everyone! 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    Yay @emerald27 !!!! Congrats - it's great to see you here! :)
    Me & DH: 34 - Married 2011
    DS: 10-9-14
    MC: 9-4-16

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    Hello !! I'm 29 and pregnant with #2 ! My EDD is oct 8 ! My DS is 3y and he is already talking to my belly :) can't wait for my first app !
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    Hello everyone!  I'm yet another Beth (there seem to be a lot of us!)  I'm 26, 27 in a couple weeks, and my husband is 31.  We have been married since August '11 and TTC since May '12...so it's been a much longer journey than we ever anticipated.  We went through fertility testing and the RE said she saw "no red flags" but I was still starting to doubt I would ever get pregnant.  Well, one cycle of Clomid and here we are.  EDD October 2nd.

    This is our first pregnancy and I wish we could just be excited about it but we're pretty nervous, expecting the worst after twenty-some cycles of disappointment.  Hopefully I get to stick around through October (and beyond!)
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Hi Everyone-I'm Lisa, married 4 months and 5 weeks pregnant with our first. We are very exciting and cannot wait until my first doctors visit (my OB made me wait until 3/3 to come in). Looking forward to this forum!
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    Hi All! I'm Erin, and i'm posting a cautious hello. My husband and I have been TTC for over a year now and we've had 2 CP and a MC over the summer, so FX that this little one is here to stay. Any Maryland ladies in the group?
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    MrsSnyder124MrsSnyder124 member
    edited February 2014
    Hello everyone ! My name is Michelle and I am expecting baby number 2 October 8th!! I am from Washington state and work at a pediatric clinic as a medical receptionist ! I look forward to hearing all of your stories and sharing our ups and downs !

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