October 2014 Moms

Everyone introduce yourselves here :)


Re: Everyone introduce yourselves here :)

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    I'm am due Oct 4th. This will be my 8th pregnancy. I have two beautiful girls. I have had 5 miscarriages.. 4 in the past year. Hoping all is well this time around.
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    @lilnunz1 - Would you mind pinning this thread to the top as well, at least for now?
    Me & DH: 34 - Married 2011
    DS: 10-9-14
    MC: 9-4-16

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    Hei! I am Amanda, 31, brazilian, tax lawyer, live in Rio de Janeiro. Just found out that we are expecting our first child!! We are a little bit terrified because we have 3 miscarriages. Congrats to all October, mamas!!
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    My due date is october 7, 2014!!!
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    Hi all! I am Emeigh (pronounced Amy). I am 27, and DH just turned 35. I had an incomplete miscarriage followed by a D& C on 12/30, but by some miracle of God one month to the day, I had a bfp hpt and blood draw thursday, with a due date of 15 Oct. I will have to do another blood draw for levels this coming week to confirm it is a new pregnancy, but all indicators point to yes. We are so excited, but yet trying to use caution with the small chance it could be residual from my last mc. So MANY emotions!!! Other than that, we live in Tucson, my husband is a pilot in the Air Force, and currently stationed at DM. 
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    Hi everyone! EDD is 10/12 with my 2nd child. I have a almost 16 month old little boy named Jack. I am 25 and work in a bank but also teach Tap Dance. DH is 27 and we have been married for 2.5 years. Wishing for a H&H 9 months for all of us.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Hey everyone, I'm Jayma. my husband and I are expecting our first on the 5th. I am excited and nervous. I am a substitute teacher and he is a security guard and fireman. Haven't told anyone yet and it is driving me crazy. :)
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    MrsGibsonTTCMrsGibsonTTC member
    edited February 2014
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    Hi ladies! My name is Autumn. I am 23. I have a 5 year old son Noah (Born 12.26.2008) and my fiance's name is Ryan. This is our first child together. We got our BFP on January 29th. I am due October 8th. We tried to conceive for a little over a year. I had my blood work done today and I go again on Monday to make sure my numbers are doubling! 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker

    Baby Gibson is due October 8th! (Bfp: January 29th)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Noah 12.26.2008

    6 lbs 6 oz / 19.5 inches long

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    My name is Lauren, and I am due October 9th with baby #4 for me, but my FI's 1st.  My other kids are 11, 9, and 5.  I live in the middle of nowhere SD, but I am originally from Georgia.  I work in a tiny, 15-bed hospital as an aide.  We have 4 cats, 2 ferrets, a Great Dane, and a Newfoundland.  It's a full house.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Hi I'm Emily. I'm 29 and DH is 36. We live in a suburb of Houston, TX. We have a 17 month old son and my due date for bambino #2 is October 8th. I am a nurse but I just gave my notice to my work.... SAHM now! : )
    \BabyFruit Ticker 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Hi, I'm Melissa. Just got a BFP this morning and DH is out of town until tomorrow so I've been trying to come up with a cute way to tell him! We weren't trying, but weren't not trying either but this is our second, our daughter is 2.5 and I was on the July 2011 board so i look forward to getting to know everyone here. I'm not really sure of my EDD.. October 7th or around there!
    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    My name is Jess and I'm excited to be here. Due October 4, 2014 with our first. My husband and I have been TTCing for over two years--I'm 32 and hubby is 36. Still cautious as I've had 2 CPs in the past few months, but my beta was 2900 yesterday (and seems to be doubling quite well...) So fingers crossed, first ultrasound scheduled in a week, hoping to see a heartbeat so we can tell our parents!! {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red51\green51\blue51;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl280\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 BabyFruit Ticker}
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    kmd3180kmd3180 member
    edited February 2014
    Hello everyone!  My name is Kristen and I'm 33.  This is my first pregnancy and my husband and I have been TTC since we got married in 2007.  We went through a lot of fertility treatments in 2013 and ended up getting pregnant during a break from that.  :)  My EDD (my guess) is October 7th and I am currently 4 weeks, 4 days along.  I have my first OB appointment on Thursday.  Have already had 3 betas and my progesterone run and all numbers were good.  I look forward to getting to know you all.
    Kristen (34) - PCOS/IR/Hypothyroid
    DH (38)
    Married & TTC #1 Since 12/1/07
    Synthroid 75mcg, Metformin XR 500mg
    BFP @ 10dpo 1/25/14
    Beta #1: 5738  Beta #2: 11,995
    7w2d - It's TWINS!
    EDD 10/7/14

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    VsplantVsplant member
    edited February 2014
    Hi everyone! I'm 36 and my SO is 33. We live in Boston and this will be our first. My EDD is Oct 1. We are beyond excited and I personally can't wait for this awful bloating to subside!
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    edited February 2014
    We're from southern oregon :)
    BabyFetus Ticker


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    I'm Monica I have been married for 3 years, have a 2.5 daughter and baby #2 due October 10th

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Hi!  I'm 28 years old, and a nurse.  My husband and I have been married for almost 7 years. We've got an 18 month old awesome baby boy.  Baby #2 is due October 10th!  Got our bfp on Wednesday! Kind of hoping to be team pink this time.  

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    Hi ladies!
    I'm 31, from Toronto, Ontario and this is my third pregnancy. My son is 5 and my daughter will be 3 in March. This pregnancy was a complete surprise but now that the shock is wearing off, I'm feeling very blessed and excited. My main concern is that I struggled with postpartum depression after both of my babies and I'm terrified to go through it again. I'm trying to be positive and just focus on putting supports in place for after this baby is born. I know my warning signs by now so I hope to be able to catch it early and do what I need to do. Right now I'm weaning off my antidepressants and hoping to be able to manage ok without them during this pregnancy.


    Pregnancy Ticker

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    MissKris57MissKris57 member
    edited February 2014
    Hi! My name is Kristen and I am 33. First Bfp received 1-24-14 expected due date 10-7-14. Worked with fertility clinic for 6 months to get my cycles "rebooted" finally convinced naturally after 4 months un-medicated! Super excited!!!! Still in shock :)
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    Justabean3Justabean3 member
    edited February 2014
    I'm 31 years old and DH is 35. We are expecting my 3rd baby 10/5 - 10/11. They are doing a gestation scan 02/14 to see exactly how far along I am. I have 2 boys one 3 and one 15 months. I have a feeling there could be twins with this one but you never know.  I do newborn photography, 911 dispatcher and I sell Jamberry Vinyl Nails.
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    New to this board. Was part of the IF board for a while - but SO happy to say I am due 10/3 with our FIRST! I am Skye, live in Maine, I'm an RN and my husband and I have been TTC for a year and a half. Obviously, I know this is so early, but I'm very hopeful!
    Me: 37
    MH: 37
    Married for 6 1/2 years (in nursing school for first five)
    TTC since 10/2012
    HSG in April, 2013 - clear
    August, 2013 - started Clomid 50mg - day 23 labs were optimal - BFN
    September, 2013 - repeated Clomid 50mg - BFN
    October, 2013 - upped Clomid to 100mg - BFN
    November, 2013 - Repeating Clomid 100mg - BFN
    December, 2013 - Started Letrozole 2.5mg - BFN (but excellent progesterone levels!)
    January, 2014 - Repeated Letrozole 2.5mg - even better progesterone levels!! - 1/27/14 - BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Our miracle, Jane Lauren, born 9/14/14, 5lbs, 5oz, 19" long.
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    This is my first pregnancy and I am due on October 1st. I just got married 3 months ago, so I guess we didn't waste any time :) I'm struggling with depression and loneliness this first trimester. Lack of "having fun" if you will. I feel like life is so limited pregnant so I just sit home bored 100% of the time and it's pretty miserable. Can't find motivation to do anything. Looking forward to talking with y'all and getting some ideas to help me get out of this rut.
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    Hi everyone! My name is Janelle and I am due Oct. 10th! I have an 8 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. My husband and I are so excited to add our third child to our family! :) 
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    edited February 2014
    Hi! Just got my BFP this morning. EDD is October 17. I have an 18 mo daughter named Alana.

    Im a SAHM and have been married for 4 1/2 years. Im so excited for another baby!
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    My name is Megean and I am due with baby #2 on October 8!!

    Addison (DD) born 6/10/12
    M/C 3/3/14 Due 10/8/14
    Rainbow Koen (DS) born 7/9/16

    Lfafer  you want to have in your playgroup  * Best Baker  * Sweetest Lfafer * Best NBR\GTKY Threads*  Most Supportive Lfafer *   Best Mom * Lfafer you want organizing your meal train after birth

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    Hey everyone! My name is Bethany. I'm 27 and DH is 31. We live in Minnesota. This will be our first, EDD 10/14/14. We've been married since 2008, decided in 2013 we wanted to add to our family. ( We have 2 dogs and a cat) Excited and looking forward to turning to this board and all of you ladies for support and advice :)
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    Hey girls, I'm Lindsey. This is my 3rd pg, and hopefully our rainbow. My history is in my sig. I've been on TTCAL for a while and I'm hoping I don't have to go back until sometime after October! My EDD is Oct 5. 
    TTC Our Rainbow Since May 2011

    BFP#1 9/9/12 -- EDD 5/14/13 -- MMC 10/10/12 Miso 10/19/12

    BFP #2 9/17/13 -- EDD 5/25/14-- CP confirmed 9/21/13
     BFP #3
    2/1/14 -- EDD 10/5/14 -- NMC 2/10/14

    Dx: low progesterone & mild hypothyroidism

    My Chart

    4e41feae2813d8779361f4b4a13b4b 1


    ~*~All AL Welcome~*~

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    Hi Ladies! I got my BFP this morning and I am still in shock! I am 26, DH is 28. We have been married for 8 months and this will be our first LO, EDD Oct 14th. We have 2 dogs. We are both government employees. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!


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    edited February 2014
    This is my 1st! My husband and I have been married since July 2011. I am an elementary teacher and hubs is a fireman. We're super excited :)
    Congratulations everyone!!
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    Just saw this...I wrote a separate intro on the main board but will add one here too. I just got my BFP today and have my fingers and toes crossed for a happy and healthy 9 months! We lost our ID twin girls at 20 weeks about 6 months ago so my emotions are a mix of excited, scared and nervous. Can't wait to get to know you all and hoping for the full 40 this time!

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    Hello, my names is Faith, I am 24. I am 5 weeks pregnant. This is my second pregnancy, I lost the first one a year ago. I am terrified and completely paranoid. My boyfriend and I have been together for over 3 years and we are very happy to be having a baby.
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    Hi, my name's Kathleen and I'm 34 years old.  This will be baby number 2 for my husband and I.  Our DD just turned 2 last month.  Due October 2nd.  Although my daughter was born 3 weeks early so I might end up being a September mom this time around.  :)  
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    TeeJayyyTeeJayyy member
    edited February 2014
    Hey! So excited to finally be here. I'm Tee, husband is E, both 28. We've been TTC for almost 5 years and finally saw our first-ever BFP this month after our 2nd IUI. Tentative due date is October 7th. We've waited a loooong time to get here and couldn't be happier.
    TTC since June 2009. Diagnosed with PCOS 2010. Many, many rounds of Clomid.
    FINALLY: BFP #1 in January 2014 after IUI #2!


    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Hey everyone, I'm Allison & expecting baby #2 on Oct. 10. I used to be a teen services librarian, but I'm currently a SAHM to our 13 month old son. DH & I have been together for 9 years, and are looking forward to completing our family. Hoping for a nice, uneventful pregnancy this time around--and trying not to panic about having 2u2!
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    Hi, I'm Melissa, I'm 29 and this is my second pregnancy. I miscarried my first at 9 weeks. My husband is also 29, and we have been married a year and a half.

    I live in Canada, and am a full time photographer. Excited to see where the months take us!
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    Oh and I'm due October 2nd. :)
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    Hi All,

    I'm Nina, and I live in the Philadelphia suburbs. I'm a 27-year-old PhD candidate, hubs is a 28-year-old medical resident. We have a delicious son who just turned 1 last week. Just dropped down to BF'ing before bedtime, which apparently was enough to trigger one period and ovulation and then BFP! Feeling very lucky (and just as nervous as the first time around, ugh!) EDD is Oct. 7th. Not looking forward to carrying through the summer, but I'm really excited to give DS a built-in best friend.
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