I'm a regular poster on 3T but had a question for you guys.
I run a daycare from my home and I have an 8 month old that cries alllll the time. Nothing's wrong with her, she just wants to be held. I've tried letting her cry it out but she just doesn't stop.
Do you guys know if anything else I can do besides old her all.day. long??
Married 8/6/2011
Me (26) DH (33)
SA normal,HSG clear
TTC since August 2011
7/2012 50mg Clomid+Trigger+IUI+progesterone =BFN
8/2012 100mg Clomid+estrogen+Trigger+IUI+progestrone=BFN
10/2012 100mg clomid+Gonal+Lupron+Trigger+Progestrone+IUI=BFP but ectopic.
Re: Crying baby help!!!!
I tried the sling when I first got her at 4 months and she didn't like that either.
Try the blow dryer or vacuum. Paci?
She has a blanket that calms her but only when she's down for a nap.
She gets the toddlers crying and also wakes then up from their naps so then they are cranky and tired.
I do love the parents and am going to feel awful if it gets to that point where I can't care for get any longer but something has to give here!
Do you have a swing? Could you try wrapping a blanket really tight around her arms and putting her in the swing facing a wall? Sometimes the world around could jsut be really overwhelming.
Have you tried bouncing with her while sitting on an exercise ball? Obviously you can't do that all day, but maybe just a few minutes to calm her down? I think I bounced with DD for an entire year.
If I'm changing the other kids diapers and she's sitting right next to me she still screams.