
Crying baby help!!!!

I'm a regular poster on 3T but had a question for you guys.

I run a daycare from my home and I have an 8 month old that cries alllll the time. Nothing's wrong with her, she just wants to be held. I've tried letting her cry it out but she just doesn't stop.

Do you guys know if anything else I can do besides old her long??
Married 8/6/2011 Me (26) DH (33) SA normal,HSG clear TTC since August 2011 7/2012 50mg Clomid+Trigger+IUI+progesterone =BFN 8/2012 100mg Clomid+estrogen+Trigger+IUI+progestrone=BFN 10/2012 100mg clomid+Gonal+Lupron+Trigger+Progestrone+IUI=BFP but ectopic.

Re: Crying baby help!!!!

  • Yeah I would ask her parents if they have any tricks.

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  • And I don't think there is anything wrong with calling her parents now. I would want to know if my baby was crying all day.

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  • Yes the parents told me to let her cry it out as I have other children to care for.

    I tried the sling when I first got her at 4 months and she didn't like that either.
    Married 8/6/2011 Me (26) DH (33) SA normal,HSG clear TTC since August 2011 7/2012 50mg Clomid+Trigger+IUI+progesterone =BFN 8/2012 100mg Clomid+estrogen+Trigger+IUI+progestrone=BFN 10/2012 100mg clomid+Gonal+Lupron+Trigger+Progestrone+IUI=BFP but ectopic.
  • EVA116 said:

    And I don't think there is anything wrong with calling her parents now. I would want to know if my baby was crying all day.

    We have talked about it many times. She cries all the time at home too. She's been to the doctor and nothing seems to be wrong. The only way she stops crying here and with her parents is if she's being held.
    Married 8/6/2011 Me (26) DH (33) SA normal,HSG clear TTC since August 2011 7/2012 50mg Clomid+Trigger+IUI+progesterone =BFN 8/2012 100mg Clomid+estrogen+Trigger+IUI+progestrone=BFN 10/2012 100mg clomid+Gonal+Lupron+Trigger+Progestrone+IUI=BFP but ectopic.
  • Try the blow dryer or vacuum. Paci?

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  • Maybe a different carrier?  DS straight up HATED the sling, but loved the baby bjorn facing out (which killed my back) and is all about being in the backpack carrier
    image image
  • edited January 2014
    EVA116 said:

    Try the blow dryer or vacuum. Paci?

    The sound of the blow dryer used to be the only thing that would calm my DD down when she was on crying jags.

    Edited: words
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
  • Maybe a different carrier?  DS straight up HATED the sling, but loved the baby bjorn facing out (which killed my back) and is all about being in the backpack carrier

    The Bjorn is what I tried not the sling. I will def try it again and see if she likes it better.

    Married 8/6/2011 Me (26) DH (33) SA normal,HSG clear TTC since August 2011 7/2012 50mg Clomid+Trigger+IUI+progesterone =BFN 8/2012 100mg Clomid+estrogen+Trigger+IUI+progestrone=BFN 10/2012 100mg clomid+Gonal+Lupron+Trigger+Progestrone+IUI=BFP but ectopic.
  • EVA116 said:

    Try the blow dryer or vacuum. Paci?

    She refuses to take a paci. I'll just start vacuuming all day! The older kids love the vacuum.
    Married 8/6/2011 Me (26) DH (33) SA normal,HSG clear TTC since August 2011 7/2012 50mg Clomid+Trigger+IUI+progesterone =BFN 8/2012 100mg Clomid+estrogen+Trigger+IUI+progestrone=BFN 10/2012 100mg clomid+Gonal+Lupron+Trigger+Progestrone+IUI=BFP but ectopic.
  • Darbie914 said:

    Yes the parents told me to let her cry it out as I have other children to care for.

    I tried the sling when I first got her at 4 months and she didn't like that either.

    I would try the sling again, as she's a little older and may like it.  

    DD was, and is still, a clingy baby/toddler and loves to be held.  I understand that you can't hold her all the time as you have other children to tend to.  But I would give the sling one more shot and see if it works.

    Does she have any lovies/stuffed animals from home that her parents can bring it to help comfort her?  

    She has a blanket that calms her but only when she's down for a nap.
    Married 8/6/2011 Me (26) DH (33) SA normal,HSG clear TTC since August 2011 7/2012 50mg Clomid+Trigger+IUI+progesterone =BFN 8/2012 100mg Clomid+estrogen+Trigger+IUI+progestrone=BFN 10/2012 100mg clomid+Gonal+Lupron+Trigger+Progestrone+IUI=BFP but ectopic.
  • This same situation was happening at the in-home daycare we use for my daughter. Baby J was never happy, would disrupt the naps for the other two babies, and caused a lot of stress. After 8 months of care, my DC provider ended up telling the family they needed to find new accommodations for their child. This all occurred in November and I will say that everyone is much happier with Baby J being gone.

    I have had the baby for 6 months now and I'm getting to the point where I may tell the family I can't take her anymore.
    She gets the toddlers crying and also wakes then up from their naps so then they are cranky and tired.

    I do love the parents and am going to feel awful if it gets to that point where I can't care for get any longer but something has to give here!
    Married 8/6/2011 Me (26) DH (33) SA normal,HSG clear TTC since August 2011 7/2012 50mg Clomid+Trigger+IUI+progesterone =BFN 8/2012 100mg Clomid+estrogen+Trigger+IUI+progestrone=BFN 10/2012 100mg clomid+Gonal+Lupron+Trigger+Progestrone+IUI=BFP but ectopic.
  • OhBenji said:

    Is she on formula or breast milk.
    DS cried a lot when he was a baby and the formula we were giving him was giving him gas. Once we switched he was fine.
    She is on formula now. She was on breast milk until about 2 months ago. They had to switch bc she was getting acid reflux and was very gassy. She has been much better with the gas and spit ups since switching.

    Married 8/6/2011 Me (26) DH (33) SA normal,HSG clear TTC since August 2011 7/2012 50mg Clomid+Trigger+IUI+progesterone =BFN 8/2012 100mg Clomid+estrogen+Trigger+IUI+progestrone=BFN 10/2012 100mg clomid+Gonal+Lupron+Trigger+Progestrone+IUI=BFP but ectopic.
  • Thank everyone for the suggestions. I'm praying something will work soon.
    Married 8/6/2011 Me (26) DH (33) SA normal,HSG clear TTC since August 2011 7/2012 50mg Clomid+Trigger+IUI+progesterone =BFN 8/2012 100mg Clomid+estrogen+Trigger+IUI+progestrone=BFN 10/2012 100mg clomid+Gonal+Lupron+Trigger+Progestrone+IUI=BFP but ectopic.
  • is she medicated for the reflux?  Just because the spit ups have gotten less doesn't mean she's not silently refluxing.  

    Do you think she is getting over stimulated and just can't calm her self down?  Is it possible to put her in a dark room with a sound machine on for a few minutes every hour?  Some babies just get way too overstimulated with other children to watch (DS2 was an awful baby with that).  

    Have you tried giving her a massage when she gets super upset?  Sometimes that's enough to help regulate their body etc and can help really calm them down.  I understand you have other children to care for, I did that with my boys basically, they're 2 years apart but DS1 was at about a 9 month old level when DS2 was born and he was a DIFFICULT baby.  So I'm trying to think of quick easy fixes that could work.  

    Do you have a swing?  Could you try wrapping a blanket really tight around her arms and putting her in the swing facing a wall?  Sometimes the world around could jsut be really overwhelming.

    To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew
  • Have you tried bouncing with her while sitting on an exercise ball? Obviously you can't do that all day, but maybe just a few minutes to calm her down? I think I bounced with DD for an entire year.

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  • Oh this sounds like my baby! Not quite as severe though. All those other things only helped temporarily. She hates bouncers, swings, any sort of baby containing device actually. Does she like the other kids? My 10 month old is doing great now that she is playing more and will willingly leave the DCP to go crawl to the other kids. She sits in the middle of the toy room and the older kids sort of playa round her, she loves it
  • 8 months is about when they start getting mobile, right? Does she like anything like an exersuacer or a johnny jump up? 


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  • 8 months is about when they start getting mobile, right? Does she like anything like an exersuacer or a johnny jump up? 

    She's not crawling yet just sitting. She likes the jumper for about 10 mins then screams.
    Married 8/6/2011 Me (26) DH (33) SA normal,HSG clear TTC since August 2011 7/2012 50mg Clomid+Trigger+IUI+progesterone =BFN 8/2012 100mg Clomid+estrogen+Trigger+IUI+progestrone=BFN 10/2012 100mg clomid+Gonal+Lupron+Trigger+Progestrone+IUI=BFP but ectopic.
  • hdall0807 said:

    Oh this sounds like my baby! Not quite as severe though. All those other things only helped temporarily. She hates bouncers, swings, any sort of baby containing device actually. Does she like the other kids? My 10 month old is doing great now that she is playing more and will willingly leave the DCP to go crawl to the other kids. She sits in the middle of the toy room and the older kids sort of playa round her, she loves it

    I've tried to have the other kids play with her and that doesn't settle her down either. Honestly the only time she's ok is when I'm holding her and she has my full attention.

    If I'm changing the other kids diapers and she's sitting right next to me she still screams.
    Married 8/6/2011 Me (26) DH (33) SA normal,HSG clear TTC since August 2011 7/2012 50mg Clomid+Trigger+IUI+progesterone =BFN 8/2012 100mg Clomid+estrogen+Trigger+IUI+progestrone=BFN 10/2012 100mg clomid+Gonal+Lupron+Trigger+Progestrone+IUI=BFP but ectopic.
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