Dd screams bloody murder the entire time she is in the car to the point she makes herself pass out. I was honestly questioning how long I would be able to rear face her because I am genuinely terrified I'll get stressed from the screaming and become distracted on the road. She has a big mirror, toys, the works back there. Her straps are at the perfect height, she's strapped in tight enough but not too tight. I'm at a loss
I've traded my car for a mid size suv and I think having more space has helped her because she isn't quite so hysterical but it's not much better. Dh and I were considering installing a DVD player in the car for road trips when we really can't afford to be distracted. I'm concerned however about the potential for any installed DVD player to become a projectile in the event of a crash..but a little more concerned for how much more likely a crash may be if we can't find a way to calm her down in the car.
Thoughts? Ideas? Opinions? I'll take anything!
Re: Need some honest opinions!
Is the car seat in the middle or on a side? I read that if a child does have motion sickness that putting the seat in the middle can help, they have an better view out the back window rather then the side windows. Otherwise, the only tip I have seen is talking/singing to your child or playing games if your child is older. If she has a lovey or special toy you could bring that in the car, maybe it would help. I sing Baby Beluga to my LO and it's calms him down in any situation, even the car. He also quiets down when I play some kids music CDs in the car.
It's so hard to listen to your LO cry in the car, DS screamed every day on my 45min drive home from work for the first 2 months after I went back. It's awful! Hang in there mama, hopefully someone on here knows a magic trick that will help!
DS went through this around 5 months. It can be so distracting and with you constantly reaching behind and giving your LO a toy it can be dangerous. As in PP I would see if it is motion sickness. Maybe the Pediatrician can give you something to help your DD out if that is the case. A couple things we tried was playing calm music - like spa music, or playing toddler tunes. For the toddler tunes we have CDs we've gotten from Kindermusik which he enjoys. Have you changed her to a convertible carseat? DS rode in a nice Britax one when we visited my brother. He didn't complain at all when he was in it. I think it was much more comfortable than his infant car seat.
I feel for you. It seriously makes you feel crazy and helpless when they are hysterical like that.
Roll up towels/receiving blankets next to her so she feels all snug and cozy again?