It's a sweet gesture when a close friend gives her friend a gift for becoming a new grandmother... but to get your own shower? Can we say SPOTLIGHT STEALER?
Wow, just wow... "I'm becoming a grandma and we don't want to haul the baby's stuff over every time he/she comes over, so please buy me stuff even though I had a shower welcoming me to motherhood when I has a child..." Yep, still sounds tacky.
I hate to admit this, but... My mom had a grandmother shower. Yes, I know. These women who work for her insisted. She and I were both horrified. We had never heard of a grandmother shower. Fortunately, it wast just a few women who work for my mom. And me. I felt so weird when she opened gifts. For my child. I remember thinking, do I say thank you also? Since the gifts are technically for my kid? (I did.) Should I get her a gift? WTF? (I ended up getting her a grandmother picture frame.) She most definitely didn't not register. Most of what she received she ended up giving to me anyway. Overall, it was super strange, but a nice gesture. This is NOT me recommending them, BTW.
I can't believe this is a thing. When my brother in law had his twins they just sent over any extra items they got to keep at his moms house. Everything else she felt she needed she went out and bought. People are so greedy its disgusting.
Pregnancy #1 DD 08.30.2007 Pregnancy #2 Natural Miscarriage at 6 weeks 03/2014 Due date 11/9/2014 Pregnancy #3 DS 02.23.2015 Pregnancy #4 Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks 11/2018 Due date 5/22/2019 Pregnancy #5 Positive test 12/11/2019 Due Date 8/17/2020
As a grandma myself, I must add my two cents. I would be absolutely horrified if anyone ever tried to throw me a grandmother shower. It's bizarre and weird. My granddaughter is 4 months old. I bought a mini crib and portable swing from Craigslist, to keep at my house, and my daughter and son-in-law bring whatever else she will need when she visits. I do have some books I've picked up, and will also pick up some age-appropriate toys (probably from yard sales) to keep at my house,along the way. What is wrong with people and this craziness?!?!
I think if someone wants to buy a gift for a new grandmother, the will. A shower is excessive and totally unnecessary. My MIL has a group of friends that have brunch/lunch together on a regular basis. Last time they were together, one of her friends bought her a gift to say congrats on your first grandchild. It was a set of bibs that said things like "I my grandma." Super cute, and I think gifts mean more when they are given without provocation.
Omg my mom's friends are doing one for her. She already found her a pnp and swing at a garage sale. She is stocking up on diapers and wipes to keep at her house. What else exactly is left?!
Generally I think it's a little crazy, but there are a few circumstances that are exceptions. One of my cousins lives across the country so we threw a party where we all brought baby gifts and called it a "grammie-shower." With the exception of a photo album or two, all the gifts were for the baby, it was just a way for us to celebrate something exciting in our family.
It also may be worth noting that the grammie-shower was for my aunt who always organizes everyone's baby and bridal showers and goes above and beyond for everyone in the family, so it seemed like a no brainer to do something special for her
My mother had a grandma shower. She didn't register for anything and it was done at work by her friends during lunch, they volunteered to do it. The only reason was because she was getting my nephew when the courts awarded emergency custody to her. She had literally 48 hours to get everything together. The gifts were just hand me down toys and clothes and there was a small cake.
My AW of a MIL would totally want one...glad she doesn't know that this is a "thing" now!! We only see her twice a year, and she would never be allowed to have LO unless we were there...but she LOVES attention, so I wouldn't put it past her! At my bridal shower, she listed everything that she did in preparation for the shower to all of the guests, and then one of her friends gave a speech about how lucky I was to have such a wonderful person as a MIL. Little do they know that the woman has never even invited me over for dinner in the 6 years I've been with her son...eye roll!!
My mom will be watching our son part-time and will need a PnP and a car seat base, so we just put them on our registry. We will also use the PnP when we travel, so that is really for us anyways. My best friend is throwing me a "friend shower," (my mom is throwing one for my family but it is in a different city) and my mom and her close friends will be invited as well. I know them all though, and they attended my wedding, so I don't find that unusual at all. Plus, the shower is for me, not my mom...I think she would be mortified if I even suggested it!!
My mom is dead. My MiL loves to steal my thunder so I'm sure she would be 'honored' if someone did this to her. She just has to be better than me at everything. Nhdj&$;)&/
If she has one of these, I'm blaming TB
Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012 PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
My mom had a surprise shower thrown for her at work when I was pregnant with my first child. She has worked for the same company for 23 years and was struggling with the fact that I was going to be an unwed mother at 25.
It was a complete surprise for her, but it made her feel special. She obviously didn't register, but was given things like clothes and diapers. They also bought her the bedding that she had wanted me to pick... it was all very sweet and it came from a place of love and not a place of want.
Yes it was wonderful to see my moms friends honor her in a sweet, small way. I said thank you to the guests and gave my mom a gift myself. None of the older women thought it was weird or shameful.
I'm not sure if what my MIL did is considered a "Grandma Shower" or not, but let me explain. We live 16 hours from DH's family. Obviously we couldn't go that far for a shower before the baby arrived. One Saturday we got a phone call and it was all the family and friends and who knows how many people and they were having a shower without us there and without our knowledge. My MIL put it together, she invited all the family to her house and had food and drinks that she provided for them. Husbands were invited too. They had a grand party and everyone brought unwrapped baby gifts. The women all oohed and aahed over everyones gifts and then they had a wrapping party. The men ate drank and watched tv and talked. When MIL/FIL/BIL came to visit when my son was 3 weeks old they arrived with all of the gifts from the party. It was kind of like a reverse shower in a way and we spent the first night they were there opening gifts and MIL spent the first night she was there holding the grandson while we opened them. Maybe that was her goal? It was very sweet of everyone there to think of us especially since we couldn't travel that far, I had never heard of anything like it.
Re: Has your mom or mother-in-law had a grandma shower or have you attended one?
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
Pregnancy #2 Natural Miscarriage at 6 weeks 03/2014 Due date 11/9/2014
Pregnancy #3 DS 02.23.2015
Pregnancy #4 Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks 11/2018 Due date 5/22/2019
Pregnancy #5 Positive test 12/11/2019 Due Date 8/17/2020
What is wrong with people and this craziness?!?!
If she has one of these, I'm blaming TB
PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
Dangit. My two dogs totally got robbed when I was pregnant with DS.
They also want to celebrate the baby, why won't you let them???
Edited for spelling error.
Is this the one you're referring to?
WTF are "Big Brother gifts?" I can't even...