March 2013 Moms

2nd PP Period late?

Hey ladies, My dd was born Mar 15 and i bfed for just over 8 months. I had my 1st PP period Dec 15 and before I had dd, my periods would come every 28 days. This means that I should have gotten my period yesterday,  but according to multiple pregnancy tests, I am not pregnant. Is it normal for periods to be irregular now?

I like to be able to plan these things, so I find this quite annoying!

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Re: 2nd PP Period late?

  • If you are still BFing regularly, then yes, periods can be irregular and cycles can be much longer than before. Ovulation can be delayed and/or your luteal phase (the 2ww) can be shorter (rarely longer). The irregularities can remain for the entire time you BF, or it can regulate after a few cycles.

    I've had mine back for 7 months now and they're still not entirely regular, though unfortunately for me, they're usually shorter rather than longer.
    DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS- 3/20/13 
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  • My 2nd one came 40 days after the first period.  I still BF so I expect that to continue which also means I will probably be taking several pregnancy tests just to be sure. :)

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  • Yep, its normal! I have a weird period now (38 day cycle) most of the time I am even a few days later than that. Blahhhh. I am also still BFing often so im guessing that is why.
  • Before DD I had a cycle between 40-45 days. Thus far, 4 months post BF and 6 months (roughly) since first AF PP it is averaging 54 days.

    BFP #1 7/6/2012, EDD 3/13/2013, Delivered 3/14/2013

    BFP #2 1/7/2014: EDD:9/14 MC: 1/9/2014 (confirmed via blood work)

    BFP #3 7/5/2014: EDD 3/11/2015 MC: 7/15/2014

    BFP #4 11/7/2014: EDD 7/17/2015~~Please be my RAINBOW!

    My Chart

    image image image

    All are Welcome!

  • Bf'ing or not, it will probably take awhile for your cycles to become regular. I had my 1st pp period in Oct, and am still waiting for the 2nd, ha ha!
  • Okay I'm glad that its normal! Has me paranoid lol.

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