We had a private evaluation completed with a doctor who specializes in ADHD, Anxiety, LDs and ASD. He also tested DS's education placement, if he was behind, average or above for his age as well as his IQ.
With the evaluation complete, what is the next step to prep for public school kindergarten? Florida FDLRS said to just provide the evaluation report, which is fine, but I don't want to be unprepared for any meetings that will come up - is there a book to help us with this journey of what to expect?
I'm not sure if he will be receiving an IEP or a 504, but we want as smooth of a transition as possible.
Re: IEP/504 School Placement Question.
Many parents in our area (and within 20mi) will pull their children and place them into private schools to get lower-ratio classes and more one-on-one attention.
DS did get dx'd, but there needs to be one class observation before testing is complete. So far, there are signs of ADHD, immaturity & social skill issues, as well as defiance issues but he isn't saying if its ODD yet, just "defiance." They think he would fair well in a class of peers of his own age, but as I explained to the doctor, I 100% agree but in our experience, there is zero tolerance for DS behavior in private preschools...its annoying. I held him back from EI, getting private help done and doing a few activities a week, and while its been wonderful in helping DS he isn't in a school of peers his age for a few hours several times a week - which would help with social skills.
Since 2.5yo we have attempted to place DS in preschool, private preschools, there arent public preschools in our district. There were a total of 3... and before being asked to leave them allD S stayed in one for 3mo, one for 2 weeks, and one for 2 days. After trying so much, we decided to stop (to avoid anxiety in schools), focus on his delays in therapy, and also seek further evaluations with a doctor - which is where we are now.
DS does have speech issues, but they are regarding pronunciation, as the doc also evaluated his speech and the findings show kindergarten level for verbal communication skills, so I'm not sure if he would even qualify for school speech therapy (IEP).