March 2014 Moms

Mystery solved re: why I was gaining so much weight


Re: Mystery solved re: why I was gaining so much weight

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    Photo changed and no reply....

    Its ok chunk, drown your sorrows in some more ice cream, tacos, and smoothies. 
    photo 334932ce-4f16-4b35-8d49-b4c5beb158c9.jpg


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    Now I want to google search my pic and see what comes up
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    She really should just thank you for driving traffic to her blog, or whatever that was. 

    Me: 33 DH: 32 SA#1 low count (6mil) SA#2- now in IUI range!(30mil) Dx:MFI
    11/1- IUI#1,12/1- IUI#2, 1/2- IUI#3 all BFFN
    IVF#1. Long Lupron.ER 3/8 10R,4M,5F. ET 3/3-one 1AB, 2 frosties 5dp5dt-BFP!! Beta 3/25-794 Beta 3/27- 1794
    First u/s 4/8 saw hb. 4/22 missed mc 8w3d. d&c 4/26
    FET #1- bcp start 6/9. ET 7/12. 2 perfect blasts.5dpt-BFP!! 
    Beta 7/24 -1,239!! Beta 7/26- 2569 Beta 7/29- 7120.  U/S 8/7 hb 118! U/S 8/14 hb 143! U/S 8/20 hb 170. Graduated!! Stick baby stick! 

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    dotgirl2 said:

    I'd better change mine too - that's a picture of me and my kids!

    Your kids are so obedient!!

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    @babylimas good point. I edited it.. But, anyone can still look up her info via the picture. So, really now it's like I gave directions to everyone on how to make a bomb instead of just shopping the bombs out. But at the same time.. Maybe a good safety PSA as well.. And now I'm off to beg DH to go out into the snow for a taco.
    Oh totally. I often think the TOU are interpreted dumbly. Luckily we don't have over vigilant mods. ;)
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    torilea said:

    I think I'm the only one who doesn't care if I'm bump-stalked.  My social media accounts aren't very interesting and if you travel to my town to kill me, you'll die of boredom in this tiny craphole of a town before you can even find me.  

    This is me exactly... Lol
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    ...I want tacos now. >_>
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    March 26th, 2014
    9:38am CST
    7 lbs 0.8 oz
    19.75" long
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    happyamyohappyamyo member
    edited December 2013
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    torilea said:

    I think I'm the only one who doesn't care if I'm bump-stalked.  My social media accounts aren't very interesting and if you travel to my town to kill me, you'll die of boredom in this tiny craphole of a town before you can even find me.  

    I feel the same way. I've put lots of info out on TB that it would be very easy for anyone to find me, my full name, even where I live and work. If anyone wants to stalk me id say they're in for disappointment. I'm a major bore.
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    Just like last time, she posts, attacks, we all dive in for some good drama and fun... And then she vanishes. Boooo
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    WHY ALL THE DEAD BIRDS? I have to know!!!!


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    I don't care if I'm stalked on the internets either. I'm pretty boring and so are my other profiles (actually I just have FB and linked in!). I did google Clo1982 and found that there is someone in florida who is seeking love that has the same profile name. FYI, that isn't me! ;P Also there is someone very active on twitter! Both of those individuals are probably way more exciting than I am! Why can't I be a literary celebrity?!?!
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    @dotgirl2, look at the ones who loved one really familiar to me. 


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    dotgirl2 said:

    What's with all love tits on the original post?

    I'm pretty sure it's all the other people that didn't get good responses on their "OMG I weigh xxx pounds I'm such a gross cow how much have you gained" posts.
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