Those that have kids and named 'em (or those that are pregnant and have picked).. how in the world did you choose? How did you even come up with possible choices? We are sort of a blank slate. I know lots of people who have said "I've liked xxx name for ages, and my husband liked it too so we used that.." but I don't have a name like that. I have a TON I like. And my husband is just kind of "you make a list, and I'll cross off the absolute no's and we'll narrow it down from there".
So I got this brilliant idea of going to and going through the letters... jotting down possibilities. I'm on the A's, right? I have 14 boys down and 9 girls. This isn't gonna work. By the time I get to Z, I'll have 200 names on my list.
It appears my issue is I like too many names. And I can actually see myself using all of them. Nothing is hitting me more than others.
Did it just pop out at you? How did you choose? It's a good thing I have over 30 more weeks. I'll need them all.
(one miscarriage @ 12 weeks)
Re: Choosing Name
For me, I knew I wanted my kids to have more traditional or classic names. My husband and I are not trendy/modern, so this made the most sense to us. I didn't want the most popular name, but was ok being somewhat popular (although my girl name is in the top 5, so we may have to rethink that one should it ever be an issue). I tended to lean towards biblical names too. Maybe you want to honor someone in your family? We didn't have that in mind when we named our little one, but that is important to some people. We used his middle name to keep on with my husband's family tradition of the middle name being DH's first name. Then try sounding out names with your last name, we have an Italian last name that sounded really funny with quite a few names, or if you have a long last name, maybe pick a shorter first name, or the opposite, so it's not too much of a mouthful for a two-year-old to say (because he is so cute when he tells people his name :-)). Also, try using it in the professional sense, "Dr. Andrew Lastname" sounds/looks better to me than "Dr. Bentleigh Lastname". We also had to cross off a lot of names that were associated with people we didn't like or exes.
My husband is a restaurant manager and had a hard time with this, I would say a name, he would have a server from 5 years ago that had that name that he hated or whatever, so it would get crossed off, that type of thing...Good luck, it's a daunting task, and it's permenant, you don't want to have naming remorse, so put some thought into it. But you'll know once the baby is here, they kind of grow into their names and you can't picture them as any other name.
(one miscarriage @ 12 weeks)
often find an association I don't like and I have too many rules, per se, that restrict what I like (for ex, I don't like alliteration or rhyming or otherwise matching with family members or within the full name)
We started with the family tree and did consider a few other ideas but ended up staying within the tree. I know that's not what you want, but that's our story of what worked for us.
DS2 is Jude Mason. In 2011 Mason wasn't as popular as it is now but it was on the rise which bothered us some but since it's a middle name it didn't bother us in a huge way. I am not a trendy name person so I'm glad it's his middle name.
Jude was *thisclose* to being named Jackson until I realize that I couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting someone's kid named Jackson. I live in the South so the whole Jackson, Ms has really appealed to a lot of people. I talked DH down off the Jackson ledge & we started from scratch. It was hard because he was super attached to the name. We had picked it out when we were engaged & we knew no one named Jackson.
We knew we wanted a J name to honor DH but we didn't want a Jr. I really liked the name Jude & pitched it to DH who also liked it. My dad's middle name is Judson & Jude's godmother's name is Judith so he is named after them also in an untraditional way. The meaning of Jude's name "praise" in Hebrew was very important to us as we are Christian believers.
We chose Mason as a way to name DS2 after DH who is Jason. It's similar but not the same. I'm personally not a fan of Juniors or "Little" being tagged to the front of a child's name. DH didn't want to pass Jason to our child simply because it can be tough to work with if used as a middle name.
We absolutely had no girl name picked out. Lol.
ETA: I had liked the name Mason when I was 15 & a cousin's cousin named her son Mason. I'd never heard of it before then. Such a great name.
(one miscarriage @ 12 weeks)
I've had boys names picked out since high school. I told DH that he was in charge of the girls names as long as our oldest daughter's MN was the one I had dreamed about since I first heard it about 14 years ago (it is).
DD was a pain to name. DH hated everything I liked. He finally said he wanted a longer name that could be shortened, so I made a list and there was really only one name he could live with and we went with it. I am very happy with DD's name, but it was just very frustrating.
Friends for 17 years. Married 10. TTC since Jan 2009.
2013: IVF#3/FET#4 Elisabeth CJ born April 30, 2014
Cerclage, P17, and 3 months of bed rest brought us our Rainbow.
Dum spiro, spero.
(one miscarriage @ 12 weeks)
Anyway, I read through a lot of posts on here. I had heard the name Isla before, but I never really thought about it. I read it on here one day, and it just sort of clicked. I had to say it many times over the past few months for it to click for DH. He always liked it, but he was unsure if it was "the one."
#3 DD June 2014
CP December 2015
M/C 8/2016
Rainbow & Babe #4 EDD 7.28.18
So about two months or so ago I was in the same predicament . We liked SO many names . We were at around 200 ... So day by day I posted names on here and people put in their opinions and suggestions that I never thought about . Then, I came across the name Elizaveta & I fell in love. None of the other names mattered anymore . So, although I agree with your DH, I also believe that when you come across the right name it will jump out at you .
However, once we knew we were having a girl, we knew what her name was going to be because it was the only one we both liked.