May 2014 Moms

So, apparently pregnancy + low blood sugar= passing out in public places.

That was new, and wholly unexpected. I was paying for some last minute Christmas gifts, and waiting in line when I started to feel a little light-headed. An older gentlemen behind me joked that I shouldn't lean on the shelves and that life couldn't be that bad. I laughed it off and said "Well, pregnancy has a way of making you extra tired". Next thing I know, I'm at the check-out and completely pass out. Thankfully, there was a retired nurse in line behind the older man who had overheard me saying I was pregnant and had someone get a chair and a Coke. She was so nice and stayed with me until I was feeling better, and walked me to my car. I felt like such an idiot! I hate things that draw public attention to me, so this was particularly horrifying. She also told me I should start carrying around cookies with me to ward off such instances in the future. Who knew it could hit so quickly like that?!

Anyone else have unfortunate pregnancy-related public incidents? Please tell me I'm not alone with this craziness. In any case, I'm stock-piling gummy bears to carry around with. It's nice to have an excuse for it :)
BabyName Tickerimage  BabyFruit Ticker  
DD born 2/3/03
BFP 3/21/13 w/ EDD 12/02/13, C/P 3/29/13.
BFP 9/18/13 w/ EDD 5/26/14,
Beta #1 @ 14-16dpo = 375, progesterone 33.6
Beta #2 @ 20-22 dpo = 8,782!
Beta #3 @ 27-29dpo = 44,230, dx subchorionic hemorrhage/ threatened mc
Beta #4 @ 29-31dpo = 72, 080 :)
Grow, little one, grow!

***** All  AL  Welcome *****


Re: So, apparently pregnancy + low blood sugar= passing out in public places.

  • I haven't had anything like that (yet) but I'm glad you were OK and there was a helpful woman near by! Feel better soon!!

    And any reason to carry gummy bears is a good reason.
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Always carry a snack.  Me and the 6 fake teeth in my mouth are proof that it can happen at any time. 
    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

    PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
    Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion

    My Spring Babies! 
    <3 Angel Baby   Elisabeth Adelle  April 2008 <3
    Asher Benjamin  April 2010
    Lola Aisling  May 2014
  • Loading the player...
  • Welcome to my life. Usually it's on trains and nobody helps. Good old fashioned London hospitality.



    09/23/11 - Married DH

    04/01/13 - BFP at 4wks

    05/30/13 - MMC - BO @ 12wks 5d

    08/29/13 - BFP @ 4wks 4d

    09/17/13 - 7wks 2d - Normal HB Detected! Baby measuring perfect for dates and positioning!  

    10/23/13 - 12wks 3d - Perfect NT scan! HB 167 & baby wriggling, waving & yawning!

    12/17/13 - 20wks 2 d - We're having a beautiful baby girl! Go Team Pink!

    05/03/14 - Bobbie Gloria was born at 39+6 weighing 6lb 14oz!

  • LDQAM516LDQAM516 member
    edited December 2013
    Not 100 % sure if they are ok while pregnant (I cant imagine them not being safe) but I would get low blood sugar easily before pregnancy and whenever I would feel faint I would take a couple of glucose tablets...they work like a charm...and great for your handbag.
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    photo DSC_0014.jpg
  • Oh goodness!  Glad you're okay!  I haven't had any public pregnancy experiences like that, but my mom passed out often while pregnant - I remember one of the places being at church.  
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • so glad youre ok!  this happened to me in line at 6 flags a few years back.  i wasn't pregnant, but it was a very hot day and i had been sick so i didnt have much in my stomach.  i told my sister i was going to sit down while she waited in line ( we weren't even in the park yet, just in line to get tickets) and next thing i know im on the concrete with a man and my sister hovering over me and my little niece and nephew cowering in the distance.  i guess i was out for quite a bit...but i stayed and relaxed by the pool nonetheless :)
    my niece and nephew will always remember that day as the day "auntie fell down".
  • I'm sorry that happened to you.   I'm glad you weren't hurt.
    Me-41, Hubby-40.
    1st BFP-8/17/12!  Missed Miscarriage discovered @ 8 week US.  D&C.
    2nd BFP-2/13/13!  Blighted Ovum discovered @ 8 week US. Natural miscarriage.
    3rd BFP-5/22/13!  By early June, progesterone plummeting.  Another loss.
    August 2013 - started Donor Egg process, but surprise BFP with my own eggs.
    Dear Son born 5/28/14
  • oh my gosh! I'm glad there was someone there to help and glad you're OK!

    I haven't had that happen being pregnant but I've passed out in public places a couple times pre-pregnancy and it totally sucks. It's embarrassing and scary.
  • I feel ya sister. I nearly fainted a month or two ago. Had to barge in on some business men's lunch and sit down at their table before I hit the floor. Came on super suddenly. I felt like a total idiot too. Not standing in one place seems to help me a little. Keep your legs moving so the blood doesn't start to pool in your feet. I was pacing in Best Buy again this morning when I was feeling light headed. Snacks help, but I've also found that really cold water helps too. Chug it. I usually start getting really hot when I'm light headed.

    I've also noticed that since that incident I get light headed a lot more frequently. At least 3-4 times a week. I'm always having to be super conscious of it, and the second I start feeling funny I'm working to feel better instead of trying to tough it out.

    Glad you didn't get hurt!! Take care of yourself mama!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My experience with this same thing came many years ago. It's bad news. Make sure you tell your doc. There may be an easy fix. For me I just had to learn how to detect it was about to happen. Try to keep some bite size chocolate in your purse and when you start feeling really tired like that eat one and find a very sturdy surface to hold onto. I have had to just stop and sit in the floor before. It's embarrassing but much better than a busted head or falling on you tummy.

    *BFP- Sept 2013*

    *Ryder due June 1,2014*

    BabyFetus Ticker

    *Love of my Life*

    image image



  • Oh noo… I would be uber embarrassed if that happened to me too.  Luckily I tend to get lightheaded in the mornings when I am still at home.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Yikes! Glad you are good! That was nearly my experience the other day at the Disney store. Luckily I was able to pay and get out of there quickly. The cool outside air and a coke helped get me back to normal.
    Lilypie Maternity tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPicLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • So glad you're ok!!! And someone with experience was close by to help! I used to have low blood sugar as a teenager and had to keep food with me. Keep something with sugar on hand to help quickly. But carry something with complex carbs if you're not close by to get something with more sustenance. Like peanut butter snacks or something.
    I had an experience like that last week in the grocery store. Thankfully dh was there and I sat down on a bench for a bit. It definitely is scary!!! Feel better hun!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    **Lighting a candle in memory of our angel babies and angel mama in heaven from May'14**
  • MigggMiggg member
    edited December 2013
    Always carry a snack.  Me and the 6 fake teeth in my mouth are proof that it can happen at any time. 

    Whoah that sounds like a bad fall @ABColeslaw! Hope you were otherwise ok - yikes!

    Glad someone had your back @Iv2011, literally and figuratively! I haven't had any public fainting while pregnant yet but it's happened to me plenty of times in my normal state. I actually fainted on one of my first dates with DH and didn't wake up for about 10 min. I was so embarassed when I woke up and he was standing over me in the girl's bathroom. The first words out of my mouth were me trying to explain that I'm just a fainter, not a drug addict or anything!

    Fainting falls can be serious business though, a friend of mine has permanent brain damage after passing out on a concrete grocery store floor. Don't want to scare you, just make sure you get down whenever you feel light-headed, no matter where you are or how silly you look!

  • This happened to me except I was at the tire shop. All the men were freaking out, they were running around getting me Gatorade, water and pedialyte. Thank god hubby saw me wobbling around and caugh me before I hit the concrete floor, face first!



  • Ummm yeah, I passed out in the middle of a busy Boston street face first.  Asher was in the belly and fine, but all six of my top front teeth got broken.  It was bad :(
    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

    PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
    Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion

    My Spring Babies! 
    <3 Angel Baby   Elisabeth Adelle  April 2008 <3
    Asher Benjamin  April 2010
    Lola Aisling  May 2014
  • Ummm yeah, I passed out in the middle of a busy Boston street face first.  Asher was in the belly and fine, but all six of my top front teeth got broken.  It was bad :(

    You passed out in the middle of the street?? That is about as bad as it gets, so glad you're okay!!
  • Miggg said:
    Ummm yeah, I passed out in the middle of a busy Boston street face first.  Asher was in the belly and fine, but all six of my top front teeth got broken.  It was bad :(

    You passed out in the middle of the street?? That is about as bad as it gets, so glad you're okay!!
    Yupp pretty damn scary
    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

    PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
    Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion

    My Spring Babies! 
    <3 Angel Baby   Elisabeth Adelle  April 2008 <3
    Asher Benjamin  April 2010
    Lola Aisling  May 2014
  • @ABColeslaw - that's terrible! Glad your teeth was the worst of it, though.

    Thanks, ladies, for making me feel better about that. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been caught off guard by it. It's just been a heck of a day all around. MFM appt (which went well) at 7:40am 45min away on icy roads, the low-blood-sugar-incident, DD has the flu and I had to take her in to urgent care to get checked, and I'm starting to feel off a bit, too. I'm just glad the day is nearly over!
    BabyName Tickerimage  BabyFruit Ticker  
    DD born 2/3/03
    BFP 3/21/13 w/ EDD 12/02/13, C/P 3/29/13.
    BFP 9/18/13 w/ EDD 5/26/14,
    Beta #1 @ 14-16dpo = 375, progesterone 33.6
    Beta #2 @ 20-22 dpo = 8,782!
    Beta #3 @ 27-29dpo = 44,230, dx subchorionic hemorrhage/ threatened mc
    Beta #4 @ 29-31dpo = 72, 080 :)
    Grow, little one, grow!

    ***** All  AL  Welcome *****


  • RedInLoveRedInLove member
    edited December 2013
    I'm glad the nurse was there to help you! I hope you're feeling better!!

    I haven't have that happen. The closest I got, which wasn't all that close, was one day when I was around 14w. MIL and I had plans to head out for a late lunch, and I was at her house to pick her up. She was going on and on about stuff, yada yada yada, and hadn't finished getting ready to leave the house. I tried to steer her towards the door, getting ready so we could go. She'd say oh yes, but then would never quite make it to the bathroom and just keep going on about whatever. I started to feel not so much lightheaded, but maybe a little weak and a little flush. I finally said to her that late lunch is turning into dinner, and we needed to leave or I'm raiding her fridge. I didn't tell her I was starting to not feel very well, but it was enough to get her ass moving and us out the door.

    I have been trying to carry water with me so I'll drink more of it and stay hydrated, but I never thought of keeping a snack on me. I will start doing that when I leave the house from now on.

    photo May2014jpg photo MomTatWhiteNew40jpg

    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
  • I had the very same blood sugar drop problem today at the mall. I let my husband pay where I went out to find a place to lean on. Then went and got a cookie. Definitely try carrying some kind of sweet with you so this doesn't happen again. Sorry this happened. . I would have been so embarrassed!

    It's a BOY

  • I'm hypoglycemic, have been for 5+ years, and know that sudden blood sugar drops are no fun! I've luckily never passed out, but some symptoms to look out for before getting that bad are: getting really hot or sweaty and cold, feeling suddenly confused or spacey, nausea, sudden headache, dizziness... All these symptoms will come out of the blue and that's when it's time to have a snack. Sugar is only good in emergencies, but know that of you eat sugar to fix low blood sugar your body will blow though the sugar very fast and your blood sugar will drop even lower shortly after. Best thing to do is carry complex carbs or protein like wheat crackers with peanut butter, nuts, protein bars, and dried fruit.
  • Oh another experience with this (fainting but not from blood sugar). My company was standing in formation for a ceremony for one of our retiring sgts and BAM! Some soldier is face first on the floor. He passed out by locking his knees back, which decreases blood flow when you stand too long. Thankfully the guy in front of him kinda broke his fall! He had no clue what happened when he woke up and saw everyone standing around him! He was the new kid that drill, will never live down the fact he disrupted sgt's retirement speech!
    Just saying this as a note to people that when your standing don't lock your knees, keeps your legs moving.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    **Lighting a candle in memory of our angel babies and angel mama in heaven from May'14**
  • thought of you guys today whilst in line at the grocery store. between my empty stomach and the smell of the rotisserie chicken (ick) i thought i was going to pass out in line. lo and behold! a pile of belvita breakfast biscuits for $1! i grabbed one and chowed in line :)
  • Back in high school I was caution flagging a big turn during a motocross race in the middle of summer AND in the middle of the southern Idaho desert, when I suffered heat exhaustion and passed out mid race. I woke up on the medic cart and had to chug Gatorade.

    I was so mortified at the time because there were close to 200 spectators and really hot racers who all witnessed me collapse in the middle of the track.


  • I feel for you! I'm sorry this happened. It almost happened to me in the grocery store last weekend. I started to feel really clammy and shaky so as soon as I got to the car I grabbed an apple out of the things I just bought (I figured it was fiber and sugar). That was the last time I traveled without a snack!

    Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014

    Baby #2 due 4/26/16!

  • I'm sorry that happened to you! Its scary that's for sure. I was at the grocery when I had a low spell and started eating while shopping. I knew if I didn't, I was doomed. I always keep pb whole wheat crackers with me.
  • So sorry that happened, and glad you're OK!  I haven't fainted yet while pg but have before - mostly from blood-pressure-drop which seems to be harder to rescue from than from low blood sugar, but have definitely gotten the feeling of a faint coming on from low blood sugar too.   The worst fainting incidents were at a fancy dinner/speech event (for something dh was involved in) - I started feeling woozy; tried to tough it out; finally got up to go to the bathroom and passed out in the hallway.  Of course everyone who saw that freaked an hotel had to cover their a$$ so called 911.  Ambulance ride, whole deal.  Yuck!  The other worst one was years earlier on a ski lift - that one was a pain reaction (it was an old lift and the bar fell down and clobbered my knee right after we got on) - I didn't quite faint all the way but vision tunneled in and then went all black and my sense of time got all screwed up (which I didn't realize); dh didn't understand that I really meant it when I said I couldn't see so didn't yell for them to stop the lift or pull me off with him at the top; I got up when I thought it was the right time but it was actually after the turn at the top - luckily I landed in a snowbank and not on any of the nasty jagged boulders that were at the top of most of the lifts there!  

    Lessons learned - agree with pp's!
    - always carry snacks - ideally both a quick sugar and something more sustaining like pb crackers
    - avoid standing line line if feeling even a little woozy until have taken care of it by eating/drinking/sitting, or, if the feeling comes on in a line or something, just go ahead and squat or bend down or other usually socially inappropriate ways to get some blood flowing to head
    - pay attention to the warning signs that it is coming on (instead of trying to tough it out) and bend, sit, or even lie down even if it's embarrassing to do so there - it is safer and less embarrassing than actually fainting.
    - in addition to food, water, and changing position, putting something cold on face/neck helps a lot.  
    Me: 39  DH: 44  together since 2000 married 9/2004 TTC #1 since 2/2012
    BFP #1 6/5/2012  m/c 6/15/2012 about 5w3d   BFP #2 6/?/2013 m/c 7/1/2013 5w 3d
    BFP #3 8/25/2013  EDD 5/7/2014    DD A. born 5/8/2014!!  Love!!!!
  • It's such an awful feeling! I was getting my hair done last week and it happened twice while sitting in the chair. I think I was getting too hot with the smock on. The second time I had to lay down on the massage table for a few. Luckily my stylist is wonderful. She brought me juice and cookie then fanned me with a magazine.

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    Nora - 10.26.12

    Henry - 5.9.14

  • This happened to me in line at the grocery store. My doctor told me it can be blood PRESSURE related and I should lift and bend my legs when standing for long periods and make sure I've eaten before long times standing
  • Hi- Yes, I do have something that will make you feel better. I was at a prayer meeting at church and started feeling a bit nauseous. I am 22 weeks and have not been sick at all and remember thinking- "this is weird, why do I feel sick now?" The next thing I know, I woke up with my Pastor and about 20 other people standing around me asking me if I was ok. It was very disorienting and scary. I fell flat on my back (thank fully) and was not hurt at all. Praise The Lord!  Hopefully this will not happen again- to you or me!
  • spacepotatoesspacepotatoes member
    edited September 2014
    Hi- Yes, I do have something that will make you feel better. I was at a prayer meeting at church and started feeling a bit nauseous. I am 22 weeks and have not been sick at all and remember thinking- "this is weird, why do I feel sick now?" The next thing I know, I woke up with my Pastor and about 20 other people standing around me asking me if I was ok. It was very disorienting and scary. I fell flat on my back (thank fully) and was not hurt at all. Praise The Lord!  Hopefully this will not happen again- to you or me!

    It definitely won't happen to the OP again since she had her baby months ago and is no longer pregnant. 

     Yay, zombie threads! Thank you, google.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hi- Yes, I do have something that will make you feel better. I was at a prayer meeting at church and started feeling a bit nauseous. I am 22 weeks and have not been sick at all and remember thinking- "this is weird, why do I feel sick now?" The next thing I know, I woke up with my Pastor and about 20 other people standing around me asking me if I was ok. It was very disorienting and scary. I fell flat on my back (thank fully) and was not hurt at all. Praise The Lord!  Hopefully this will not happen again- to you or me!
    You didn't even tell us what would make the OP feel better.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014


  • Hi- Yes, I do have something that will make you feel better. I was at a prayer meeting at church and started feeling a bit nauseous. I am 22 weeks and have not been sick at all and remember thinking- "this is weird, why do I feel sick now?" The next thing I know, I woke up with my Pastor and about 20 other people standing around me asking me if I was ok. It was very disorienting and scary. I fell flat on my back (thank fully) and was not hurt at all. Praise The Lord!  Hopefully this will not happen again- to you or me!

    You didn't even tell us what would make the OP feel better.

    Praising The Lord?

    Turns out, she's carrying Satan's spawn.

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