October 2013 Moms

*Final update* I'm no Miss Manners, but clearly neither is this chick

huntjulhuntjul member
edited December 2013 in October 2013 Moms
So a friend of DH sent me her wedding invite on Facebook. Yes, Facebook. Which is made even weirder because she knows we live in a foreign country.  But that's not the best part.  Read it:  

"Anyone can come who wants to be there" (she invited all 470 of her closest FB friends) "but I probably missed inviting some folks" (I rather doubt that) "so please RSVP yes even if I didn't personally invite you" (cuz it's okay, even if I don't know you at all, that's cool too).

"Please RSVP because we need to cut attendance short at 75" (then why did you invite 470? What is this, a Black Friday special?). "Please DO NOT click that you are going if you are not going" (really, that's what an RSVP is? All these years, and I never knew). 

"We also need help with providing food. Let me know if you can bring something" (potluck wedding? A little odd, but mmm-kay). "Please don't buy us any wedding gifts. If you would like to give us a gift, please just donate money" (yeesh, I don't need an etiquette book to know that's not standard). "We are both not in the best financial situation and we aren't sure how we can afford to go on a honeymoon. If you can't attend and would like to send a gift" (*cough* I mean a check) "send it to..." 

 Yikes! Seriously!  What'd ya think, oct'13?  Best evite ever?

***update Go to page 2 to see her latest guest request!  Keeps. Getting. Better.

***NEW wedding day update!! Scroll down!
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Re: *Final update* I'm no Miss Manners, but clearly neither is this chick

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    Wow...just wow. My MIL would've skinned me alive!

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    Wow! That's different!
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    Priceless. I feel like you need to take screenshots and send it to some snarky website.
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    So she invited 470 but only 75 can attend, but it's ok because if you don't make the cut you can still send a check oops I mean a check to her address in Tackytown?

    Are you going to be participating on the lottery?

    Also please update us as this unfolds. When she has her meltdown because someone clicked yes then didn't show. It should be speshul.

    9/13/12 BFP 9/25/12 M/C at 6.5 weeks

     ***All AL'ers Welcome***

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    This may be the fodder I need to finally FB block her. I'm tired of reading all her posts linking to blogs from non-sciencey folks telling us flu vaccines will kill us for reasons that are all BS. 

     Note: not all anti-vaccine sites are full of hooey, and the ones with facts don't bother me. But ALL of the ones she posts are full of BS and it pisses me off that she passes these blogs around like an expose when they're written by someone with a degree in knitting!  No offense knitters, you make some awesome stuff. 

     ::steps off soapbox::
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    So she invited 470 but only 75 can attend, but it's ok because if you don't make the cut you can still send a check oops I mean a check to her address in Tackytown? Are you going to be participating on the lottery? Also please update us as this unfolds. When she has her meltdown because someone clicked yes then didn't show. It should be speshul.
    No lottery for me.  I'm not sure traveling 2500 miles for a potluck wedding I'm supposed to bring a check and food to is going to be high on my list.
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    Baaaaaad. So so bad!

    Ooooo come on...include the address to we can all send her something special - like a little something from Emily Post.
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    wedding06 said:
    Is she saying "donate" to her??
    Yes, donate money to the potluck wedding.  Naturally.  8-|
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    'We don't have a place' ...where are they living??
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

    DIStickerscom Ticker
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    WoW I'm in shock! I've seen my fair share of FB invites, but this chick takes the cake.

    DD#1~Emma Dawn 12/19/00 7lb 10 oz 21"
    DD#2~Daphney Mae 04/17/03 7lb 13oz 21"
    DD#3~Grace Deonea 05/20/10 8lb 2oz 21"
        DS#1~Brody Maxwell born 10/16/13 8lb 10oz 21"

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    sleepy33 said:
    'We don't have a place' ...where are they living??
    I believe right now she is living with her parents--along with her two kids from a previous marriage.
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    Wow. That sounds like... fun? If it's public, that would be somewhat hilarious if Oct13 rsvpd yes. ;)
    She obviously missed inviting us all! Haha

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    What was the asterisk for?

    Or is it because she doesn't know what obtuse means, should I assume she also does not know how to properly use asterisks?
    m/c 9/22/07 at 8w5d...BFP 12/23/07! DD born 9/4/2008, BFP 2/14/13...DS born 10/22/2013 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Wow. That sounds like... fun? If it's public, that would be somewhat hilarious if Oct13 rsvpd yes. ;)
    She obviously missed inviting us all! Haha

    Yes!! We should all say we are going just to enjoy the shenanigans.

    DD#1~Emma Dawn 12/19/00 7lb 10 oz 21"
    DD#2~Daphney Mae 04/17/03 7lb 13oz 21"
    DD#3~Grace Deonea 05/20/10 8lb 2oz 21"
        DS#1~Brody Maxwell born 10/16/13 8lb 10oz 21"

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    She sounds amazing!!
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    I think I like the crying face she put in there or that she spelled Saturday wrong
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    huntjul said:
    Update, hot off the presses! She requests no potato chips!
    So not only are guests expected to come with food (no chips, please), but they are now supposed to be in charge of getting in touch with her if she can't manage to communicate on her own.
    july sig challenge: babies are not dogs
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    This is happening 12/28, as in a week from now? Classiness abounds!
    image  Lilypie - (E5mQ)

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    HFrizzle said:

    Wow. That sounds like... fun? If it's public, that would be somewhat hilarious if Oct13 rsvpd yes. ;)
    She obviously missed inviting us all! Haha

    Yes!! We should all say we are going just to enjoy the shenanigans.
    I was thinking this same thing. If it's an open group, anyone can join and RSVP. What's another 200+ people?

    I like the part where she talks about a poor financial situation and possibly not affording a honeymoon.
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    huntjul said:
    DETrent said:
    huntjul said:
    Update, hot off the presses! She requests no potato chips!
    So not only are guests expected to come with food (no chips, please), but they are now supposed to be in charge of getting in touch with her if she can't manage to communicate on her own.
    Well how else is she supposed to know if your yes is a yes??
    Guests these days can be so irresponsible...
    july sig challenge: babies are not dogs
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    Just keeps getting better!! Can we pleeeeeease all RSVP? ;-)
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    Wow!  I am guilty of sending FB invites to our wedding (so I can only judge a little here), but it was just a BBQ in our own yard and I was classy enough to feed everyone. Also when I said no gifts, I meant no gifts, not give me a check. 
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    I am dying!!!!!! :*( bahahahahah! Poor girl
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    tashad18tashad18 member
    edited December 2013
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    Well my gifs aren't working for some reason and that makes me really sad because I definitely think this calls for many snarky gifs.


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    No potato chips?

    I die.


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    This is something else. Thanks for the entertainment!
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    "For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him." x 2


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    ElleStaxx said:
    This actually beat the baby shower evite that required $ 6.50 if you wanted to eat.
    Seriously?  Some people  :-O
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