Baby Names


OK ladies, tell it to me straight.  I hate the made-up spellings.  But Eleanor is old-ladyish to me.  Elinor, on the other hand, is a classic old-fashioned spelling (quite popular in the last half of the 19th century - Elinor Dashwood, Sense and Sensibility, for heaven's sake!) and is so much more graceful and lovely.  DH likes it.  DDs 1 and 2 are Tessa and Margaret (Maggie), and Elinor fits nicely with them.  

Am I forever going to be labeled as a Youneek speller, though?  I have a feeling most people will think we made it up.  

Thoughts?  Also, any other sib suggestions (boy or girl) for Tessa and Maggie are welcome!

Re: Elinor?

  • I think Elinor is a completely legit variant, much like Anne and Ann. A matter of personal preference.
    It's a lovely sibset, and I love both Eleanor and Elinor.
  • KellyAnn911KellyAnn911 member
    edited December 2013
    I don't find Elinor to be visually appealing. I much prefer the look of Eleanor.
    ETA missing word


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  • I think Eleanor is so pretty as is.
  • I prefer Eleanor, but I would never side-eye Elinor

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  • I like it, mainly because I love the name Elin.

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  • Thanks ladies - Maggie was so so SO hard to name, I'm just excited we might be able to come to an agreement so early on a girl's name this time around.  Glad to see no one thinks it's terrible, at least!  :)
  • NerdyLucy said:

    I prefer Eleanor, but I would never side-eye Elinor

    This. I prefer Eleanor, but I wouldn't side-eye Elinor either.


  • So, as an Eleanor myself, I absolutely love my name and would never change it. But I can honestly say that Elinor is a lovely way to spell it too, it's totally legitimate and if you love it, go for it.
  • I prefer Eleanor, but if it's good enough for Jane Austen, it's good enough for me :)

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  • I love Eleanor/Elinor! Sadly, DH thinks it's an old lady name. I love Elinor, but I had never seen this spelling until looking at name sites/books, so if you're worried people will think you made up the spelling, I would go with Eleanor.
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  • Just by the way the names look I would pronounce them differently.

    Eleanor = Ellen - nor
    Elinor = E - lin - nor

    But maybe it's just me. If Elinor is a legit spelling and your and your H both love it, then go for it!
  • Love the name, but prefer the "Eleanor" spelling.
  • queenbonequeenbone member
    edited December 2013
    DH really liked Eleanor, and that is what he chose for DD's MN. What I didn't realize was that he liked the spelling Elinor because it better reflects his Norwegian heritage. He got extra points by using Jane Austen to persuade me.

    She's Magdalena Elinor (Maggie) So I obviously think it works well with your sibset. (Teresa (Tessa) was a top contender for us too.)

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  • DD is Elinor, I have had one person question it in the 15 months since she was born. The woman had a son named Jackxon (I kid you not) so her opinion does not count. I love it and most people think it is refreshing and youthful, I've also had a few "like in Jane Austen". I absolutely love the name and I think it works beautifully with your sib-set.

    For the record DH totally vetoed the alternate spelling because it 'looked old'.
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  • I love the name Eleanor and prefer that spelling.
  • I personally don't see Eleanor as old-ladyish any more than Elinor. Maybe partly because I have two young nieces (one on each side) named Eleanor. ;) I think you can go either way though.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Since no one mentioned it yet, Queen Elinor in Brave spelled her name this way (yes I know, fictional character and all)  She ended up being pretty cool.  A little girl today would probably relate to that reference.  She could have a doll with her exact name.





  • OhBenji said:

    Yeah because all a little girl needs is a doll with the same name she has.

    I like the name Eleanor, I just wouldn't spell it any other way because I would hate to have my child spell their name their whole life or correct people.  That's all.

    Eh, I have a weird name, and I fucking hate dolls and would have been happy if I found something when I was younger (there were no pencils, no mugs, no Lisa Frank Trapper Keepers) with my name,  was my only point.  Now, the only thing I need with my name on it is a check, but I'm not a 4 year old girl.





  • I'd assume you made it up.  I love Eleanor.
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