August 2012 Moms

Extreme Separation Anxiety

Any one else experiencing this? My son SCREAMS whenever I leave the room. We have an open layout and he can see me in the kitchen from the living room and he just stands at the gate crying. He even cries when my husband is in there with him. I'm lost about what to do. My pedi said there isn't a whole lot I can do until he's older. It breaks my heart to see him so upset but I have to leave the room sometimes. Please tell me I'm not alone.
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#2 BFP 8/23/14, EDD 5/1/15, M/C 9/17/14 - Forever in our hearts <3

Re: Extreme Separation Anxiety

  • sdlaurasdlaura member
    edited December 2013
    Does it happen all the time or only every once in awhile? We dealt with it last week when my in-laws were visiting, but I think it was because DD was teething. She is better this week. Thank goodness, because she wanted to be held all the time and that's not super easy at 33 weeks pregnant. Good luck!
    BFP #1 9/2010 (lost our baby at 21 weeks) BFP #2 8/2011 (ectopic pregnancy) BFP #3 10/2011 (chemical pregnancy) BFP #4 12/2011 (Abigail born 8/15/12) BFP #5 5/2013 (Griffin born 1/23/14 with heart defects, now repaired!)

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  • L12541 said:

    Does it happen all the time or only every once in awhile? We dealt with it last week when my in-laws were visiting, but I think it was because DD was teething. She is better this week. Thank goodness, because she wanted to be held all the time and that's not super easy at 33 weeks pregnant. Good luck!

    It's all of the time. He does like to be held a lot, but he is ok playing independently a lot too. However, he only plays independently if I am in the room. I feel horrible because now he even cries with my husband. I don't know what to do!
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    #2 BFP 8/23/14, EDD 5/1/15, M/C 9/17/14 - Forever in our hearts <3

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  • Me me me. Ours is bad, and it's not new or anywhere near going away. Our recent progress is her being excited to see/happy with DH...and that took until a month or so ago. I have recently decided to work with the child care lady at my church, who is awesome, to work towards at least being able to go to the service but it will take us a few months if at all. Hoping this baby step will lead towards bigger and better things, I get zero break from her unless she is asleep. I know she will grow out of it bit dang it's tough. Every time is leave the room too. I make dinner through screaming, I pee through screaming, etc. I attribute a lot to her dairy allergy and not feeling well but I'm sure that is just me trying to cling to an excuse. I'm sorry you are dealing with it too, I am here to commiserate if you need it!

    DS was not like this, but I worked after I had him so he kind of had to deal whether he liked it or not.

    I'm sorry you are going through this too but it does make me feel better to know I'm not alone.

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    #2 BFP 8/23/14, EDD 5/1/15, M/C 9/17/14 - Forever in our hearts <3

  • My lo is OK with dh or me, however drop off at daycare has been a cryfest. Everyday I drop him off he bawls once he realizes I'm gone. I can hear him as I'm leaving. Its heart wrenching. I feel awful, ex specially since I haven't wanted to be at work lately.

    1999- Dx Prolactinoma

    8-25-2012 - Lucas born via C-section at 38 Weeks 2 days
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  • I'm sorry. We deal with severe stranger anxiety. This includes family members especially, actually more than actual strangers. In the grocery store she's a little charmer smiling and saying hi to people. I think it's because she knows they won't touch her. If we are at a family function she has to be held the whole time. I know how hard it can be when they won't leave your side. DD1 was the same way. I know it's not the same as what you're dealing with but it will pass. I promise. All you can do is be patient. DD1 has always and is still the type that needs to know what's going on. Maybe you could try making sure he knows you're leaving the room? These babies really are born with their own personalities, so there probably isn't much you can do.
    victoria5month samantha5
  • DD is like that. I was trying to clean up the kitchen tonight and she just stood at the gate crying so hard there were actual tears today and DH was in the room with her trying to play... It seems like she is worse on the weeknights since she doesn't see me all day once I am home she doesn't want to let me out of her site!


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  • Reilly626Reilly626 member
    edited December 2013
    My daughter had it but since starting school- they are in Waddler class daily, it's gone and she loves her teachers. My son will cry when I change her (twins) that's weird since we are in the room. Mine get upset when I leave the room- it's a mommy thing!
  • Does it happen all the time or only every once in awhile? We dealt with it last week when my in-laws were visiting, but I think it was because DD was teething. She is better this week. Thank goodness, because she wanted to be held all the time and that's not super easy at 33 weeks pregnant. Good luck!
    It's all of the time. He does like to be held a lot, but he is ok playing independently a lot too. However, he only plays independently if I am in the room. I feel horrible because now he even cries with my husband. I don't know what to do!
    This is us. She gets excited when DH gets home since she recently says "Daddy" all day long, but if I'm off her radar for even a second she goes bat sht crazy.
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  • We dealt with this last week with drop off at day care. I coped by sneaking out while he was distracted playing ring around the roses with his teacher. Not sure if that will help you pee by yourself, but maybe you could designate a special toy or book that only gets taken out when you leave the room? That way it feels special?

  • DD had a weird night last week (Friday) during which she woke up at 2:00 AM and didn't need anything but just wanted me to sit with her.  This has literally never happened before - girl loves to sleep and loves her bed.  She only gets up at night if something is seriously wrong.  Friday night, I just rocked her while she laid on me and sighed happily for 20 minutes, then put her back in the crib and she was a happy camper.

    For her, this is extremely needy.  Other than that, her main crying is when one of us goes outside.  This has nothing to do with us leaving; it has to do with her wanting to go outside in the snow.
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