January 2014 Moms




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    @carolinagirl2014. Sex confession- I was sexually active at 16. Cannot get an O during sex at allllllllllllll......has to be stimulated externally! Didn't have my first O till I was 19. That is when I started self pleasure.....only really need to do it if my husband forgets about me during sex :( ha I do it,when he is asleep shhhhhhh
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    @carisue143 -- why the hell does your mom even care that you are buying freaking nail clippers? That sounds so ridiculous to me.
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    @peanutmuse agreed! I can't imagine caring what my son is spending $35 dollars on when he is an adult with a family of his own.
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    I want to go into labor. NOW. But I also want a full term baby. So I wait... But all I want to do is bitch about how miserable I am. I cry every day because my pubic bone is so bad. I'm so scared it's going to rip in half. I've been such a shitty mom to DS. I still make his food, do his laundry, change him and watch him to make sure he doesn't get hurt. But other than that, I use the tv to babysit him so freaking much. I feel horrible, but it hurts so much to get down on the floor and play with him. I have been such a boring, shitty mom to him and I should be enjoying these last few weeks with him as "just us".

    All I want to do when I see DH is punch him in the face.


    Hugs. I've been feeling like a shitty mom recently for the exact same reasons. I try to make sure my husband spends extra time actively playing and chasing him around. It's not like you are purposely chosing not to interact with your son, you are in a lot of pain. This is not your forever. He won't remember these last few weeks, it will get better :)
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    wilburbud said:
    angiek1 said:
    I broke up with a guy in college because he had a small penis.

    I've done this too.   sorry dudes but I'm a big penis kinda girl
    @wilburbud - I have no idea what you're apologizing for.....I think most of us have done this (unfortunately I had to do it twice, what rotten luck as they were both lovely and super handsome!). 
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    I want to go into labor. NOW. But I also want a full term baby. So I wait... But all I want to do is bitch about how miserable I am. I cry every day because my pubic bone is so bad. I'm so scared it's going to rip in half. I've been such a shitty mom to DS. I still make his food, do his laundry, change him and watch him to make sure he doesn't get hurt. But other than that, I use the tv to babysit him so freaking much. I feel horrible, but it hurts so much to get down on the floor and play with him. I have been such a boring, shitty mom to him and I should be enjoying these last few weeks with him as "just us".

    All I want to do when I see DH is punch him in the face.


    @benjaminsmommy16 - you are not alone! (hugs) 

    I know I'm getting towards the end of pregnancy when one second all I want to do is punch H and the next second I'm crying b/c I love him so much. I'm a mess.

    Last night he accidentally broke my Lenox grinch ornament, which I have had for years and love. I was so furious with him. Then when I went to bed he noticed that I had forgotten my water bottle, so he filled it up for me and brought it into the bedroom. I think I force-hugged him for 5 minutes. 
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    Dishylo said:
    wilburbud said:
    angiek1 said:
    I broke up with a guy in college because he had a small penis.

    I've done this too.   sorry dudes but I'm a big penis kinda girl
    @wilburbud - I have no idea what you're apologizing for.....I think most of us have done this (unfortunately I had to do it twice, what rotten luck as they were both lovely and super handsome!). 
    I broke up with a guy because it was curved.  Interesting at first but damn annoying after a while.  Never seen another one like it.
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    I eat Chik Fil A so much I feel like the drive thru girl is going to know me personally by the time I deliver LO.
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    I eat Chik Fil A so much I feel like the drive thru girl is going to know me personally by the time I deliver LO.
    I'm jealous. I want Chick Fil A soooooo bad, and we don't have them in Canada! I want a chick-fil-a drive thru girl to know me!!!

    @sugarland726  I TOTES know what you mean!!  DS loves M&M's and he too is picky about what colour he eats! I LOVE IT!



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    In regards to sex....h is the only man I'ce been with.I was telling my BFF one day how I think his penis is big. She said I should measure it to find out...so I did one time. She is in med-school. When I too her the number she said his bigger than the average man by a few inches and I should consider myself lucky. I cried because I think he is too big for me and sex hurts when he is all the way inside.
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    Continuing on the sex theme - last night I was in the middle of clicking my mouse ;) for the first time in ages when DH came home, so instead I tried to initiate with DH. Well he couldn't participate because he had already taken care of himself earlier.

    I told him it was no big deal and he still helped me out... but I can't help but secretly wonder if he did that cuz I'm huge and pregnant and he probably wanted to watch a normal-sized girl doing it instead of doing it with an 8 months pregnant lady.

    But I realize this makes me a total hypocrite since I was doing the same thing and it doesnt always have to have a reason!

    I'm also trying to let it go cuz I feel like if he knows it bothers me he will lie about it... but I can't help being secretly bothered, it does nothing for my self-confidence at this stage. He is being so nice to me and attentive in general though that I know I should just forget it.

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    In keeping with the sex theme: When I was 19 I got a condom stuck *in* me and could not get it out. I had to go to the ER and have it removed with forceps. Most humiliating moment of my life. In regards to penis size, I once stopped having sex with a guy halfway through because he was so small. I still debate whether or not to "count" him


    Quote box fail...again...

    I had the same thing happen to me. I was 25 or 26. It was like midnight, and the ER was "busy" (aka, the 1 doctor there had 3 patients). I am thankful the dr was professional, but he was still trying not to laugh.

    DS1 born 11/3/06   *   DS2 born 3/29/08   *   DD born 3/15/11  

    Scarlett Mae born 1/14/14                         Our family is now complete!


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    In keeping with the sex theme: When I was 19 I got a condom stuck *in* me and could not get it out. I had to go to the ER and have it removed with forceps. Most humiliating moment of my life.  
    I can't even imagine!  I was at a housewarming party once where after everyone was drunk and passed out, my friend's roommate hooked up with this guy and got the condom stuck in her.  His fingers were too short to reach it so they went in my friend's bedroom and asked him to try.  All I heard from where I was on the sofa downstairs was "Google that shit!"  It's become one of our favorite phrases now.  I hope the people in the ER weren't snarky with you!
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    sapatel1 said:

    I have yet to announce on FB that I'm pregnant. DH thinks that we should just wait until the baby arrives at this point.

    This is us, we've said nothing on Facebook. I saw a friend at church and she was shocked that we were expecting. A cousin at thanksgiving was also surprised when she saw me, I think it's kind of funny!

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    angiek1 said:

    I broke up with a guy in college because he had a small penis.

    I once made a guy get out of my truck, during foreplay, because his penis was so small. I thought maybe he was a "grower, not a show-er"
    Turns out he wasn't and so I didn't want to waste my time anymore...

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    I went for the most amazing pedicure ever yesterday on my lunch. I may or may not have said I had an appointment as leaving the office only to allow people to think it was baby related.

    Also if DH falls asleep whenever I tried to start sexy times, I just give up and let him even though I feel like shouting, "hello I'm giving you a handy or bj how the hell do you fall asleep!?"

    ME (34) Secondary/unexplained IF, DH(35) MFI w/varicocele repair
    DS conceived NTNP; born 1/8/14 
    TTC 5/15
    TI w/Clomid 12/16, 1/17, 2/17
    OB ordered SA 2/17 and referred to RE for MFI - Low Count/Motility
    DH Varicocele repair 6/17. 
    9/17 SA: count improved
    TI w/Letrozole 9/17, 10/17
    IUI#1 11/17 BFN
    IUI#2 Christmas day :'( Canceled due to low count/poor sample  :'(
    IVF#1 w/ICSI: 3/18 BCP, Lupron down reg, Follistim 300IU, LDHCG 10units, Lupron 5units, Ovidrel trigger on 3/18. ER 3/21
    8 retrieved, 5 mature, 3 smaller no fertilization w/IVF. 3/5 fertilized w/ICSI. Day 5 Fresh transfer scheduled 3/26 or day3 on Saturday if any arrest.

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    It's 10:30, I've been at work for 3 & 1/2 hours, and I've gotten absolutely nothing work-related accomplished.  I have 4 more work days until my maternity leave starts, and in my mind, I'm totally checked out. 
    December Siggy Challenge:

    A Charlie Brown Christmas


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    megngregk said:
    Bad sex in part ruined my first marriage. He was gorgeous, had an amazing body, good sized equipment. Everything added up to great sex, buy it was so boring every single time, and he was a two pump chump. 
    This made me LOL! Luckily I'm on my own in the office!



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    I've gone from no fffc to a bunch.

    I was worried about the whole giving birth process before my appointment on Monday but now I'm petrified. Ultrasound estimate is baby's head is in 95th percentile and baby is 84th percentile overall. I cannot believe that I have to squeeze a big headed child out of me. DH and I joke that I'm carrying Baby Stewie.

    Also afraid that because we're having a bobble headed baby, our baby won't be cute. Glad to know I'm not alone in the fear of having a not cute baby.

    I have sex related one but I'll have to post that later when I'm not on mobile. Took me long enough to type this post. Preggo fingers don't type well. :(
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    I also ended things with a guy who had a penis, literally, only slightly longer than length of my pinkie. I tried it a few times, but it required way too much alcohol and drugs to even be able to fake it. It was a shame because he was so eager to please, but unfortunately nothing could be done.

    Also, my fffc contribution is lame. I haven't done any christmas shopping yet, except for my elf, and I don't have any plans or ideas to start. Our holiday isn't going to be anything like it normally is, and I'm just not in the mood.
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    ANDYLEAH said:
    I changed my desk around at work purposely so my computer screen is away from everyone and I can bump all. Day. Long!

    @ANDYLEAH, I did this a few months ago.  I even did a test walk by my office to make sure I couldn't see my computer screen.  I still think that they are monitoring my internet and are going to fire me one of these days!

    I am also super scared my baby is going to be ugly!  I rationalize my trips to Baby Gap that way...she may be ugly, but at least she will look look cute in this new outfit!

    Funny ER story (not having to do with me).  My step-dad is a transplant surgeon but he also works trauma because he thinks its fun.  He text a few months ago about a guy that came into the ER to "remove a perfume bottle from from rear end" :)



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    My boss is gone, our programs aren't working, and I am seriously considering taking off.

    But I can't.

    DS1 born 11/3/06   *   DS2 born 3/29/08   *   DD born 3/15/11  

    Scarlett Mae born 1/14/14                         Our family is now complete!


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    I also ended things with a guy who had a penis, literally, only slightly longer than length of my pinkie. I tried it a few times, but it required way too much alcohol and drugs to even be able to fake it. It was a shame because he was so eager to please, but unfortunately nothing could be done. Also, my fffc contribution is lame. I haven't done any christmas shopping yet, except for my elf, and I don't have any plans or ideas to start. Our holiday isn't going to be anything like it normally is, and I'm just not in the mood.
    I think you left out a word!  Bwahahaha!!!!


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    BMReid said:

    Special brownies-related:

    My friend and I made a pan of brownies for a midnight showing of Harry Potter. We ate the whole pan and fell asleep. When I woke up and realized we missed the movie...I cried.

    @BMReid   I freaking love you.
    Baby Chugging born 12.28.13
    induction due to HELLP

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    sapatel1 said:
    I have yet to announce on FB that I'm pregnant. DH thinks that we should just wait until the baby arrives at this point.
    Same here. I keep meaning to say something, but now it seems weird because I'm so far along.
    OHM born 12/16/11, BAM born 1/10/14, mmc 06/30/15
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    sapatel1 said:
    I have yet to announce on FB that I'm pregnant. DH thinks that we should just wait until the baby arrives at this point.
    Same here. I keep meaning to say something, but now it seems weird because I'm so far along.
    I have announced on FB, and posted several times about how things are going, and I've had several people the last month show surprise that I'm pregnant! Oh... :( ... does this mean no one actually reads my FB status??? (j/k, I don't really care)

    DS1 born 11/3/06   *   DS2 born 3/29/08   *   DD born 3/15/11  

    Scarlett Mae born 1/14/14                         Our family is now complete!


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    BMReid said:
    @chuggingwater - I left out the part about having had a lightning bolt drawn on my forehead...and a wand (aka a stick from the yard).
    Haha, I love that. I made a wand too...I still have it. H found it the other day. 
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    sapatel1 said:
    I have yet to announce on FB that I'm pregnant. DH thinks that we should just wait until the baby arrives at this point.
    Same here. I keep meaning to say something, but now it seems weird because I'm so far along.
    We never made an official announcement. When I was about 30 weeks, we just posted a picture of us and left it at that. I got quite a few comments, but I am sure there are many who never saw. Those that need to know do know. We did contemplate not announcing until she was born though. 



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    I quit being a facebook addict and moved over to TB and became a "regular" x)

    Sex confession: my right arm is way bigger now than my left all thanks to my in-house shake weight *cough* since I got pregnant.

    Bahaha!! Everytime I see a shake weight, I think of that!!
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