Ever since we got back from our road trip, DS has not been sleeping well. We got back last Monday, he's gone down successfully for a full nap twice since. Twice. The only way I can get him to sleep longer is if I hold him and I really cannot start THAT habit.
Unfortunately, the poor sleep habits are also ruining his nighttime sleep (which was pretty rubbish before our trip). He wakes up 4x a night and will not go down unless he's nursed and rocked to sleep and still I have moments when he gets restless and might have to be put to sleep 3x in one waking.
We're starting sleep training soon, something I was putting off until after our road trip on purpose when DS's sleep habits first went down the crapper back in October thanks to teething. I just have to wait for DH to have enough time off that he can really help me through the first few nights and still get up early for work the next morning. In the mean time, I am exhausted and it's making me a major grouch with my two daughters. Just venting, here, maybe looking for a little sympathy and "I've been theres" and "It'll get betters".
DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS- 3/20/13
Re: Not Napping