2nd Trimester

formula on registry

Is anyone registering for formula? Is that something that is normally done or not done?

Re: formula on registry

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  • I don't see anything wrong with it. Many people give and get diapers. Practical is good. Some people on here are pretty etiquette-centered, though, so it might not be "the norm." Your pregnancy, your baby...do your thing! :)
  • If I saw that on a registry I would think "great they can't afford to take care of this baby" a baby is your responsibility and a baby shower is to celebrate that not pay for your kid for you. Just my opinion

    well, that's silly. Everyone who would be looking at my registry already knows we can afford a baby. If you register for a crib, i wouldnt think, oh they dont have enoufgh money to get the baby a cribb
  • I wouldn't, just because like other said, you don't know what is going to work for your baby.  
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    If I saw that on a registry I would think "great they can't afford to take care of this baby" a baby is your responsibility and a baby shower is to celebrate that not pay for your kid for you. Just my opinion

    well, that's silly. Everyone who would be looking at my registry already knows we can afford a baby. If you register for a crib, i wouldnt think, oh they dont have enoufgh money to get the baby a cribb
    Well let's put it this way, would you register for food when you register for your china or blender for a wedding?  I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say no.

    Well, people register for diapers on their baby registry, but dont register for underwear on their wedding registry. i think its different.  But thanks for your opinions, y'all. :-)
  • @NicoleNielsen59 I didn't register for my crib or anything over $130 because unless its the grandparents offering to give a gift like that then I would never expect anyone else to pay that much for a baby gift. I would also assume a crib or anything along those lines on a registry to be there for the immediate family to buy. 
  • Oh ok...we have different kinds of social circles then. I wouldnt bat an eye if a friend of mine registered for a crib. Its actually common to register for big ticket items in my circle.
  • I have a baby registry for me and one for everyone else. The one for me are things I don't want anyone to buy for me (I just want the 15% discount I get from Amazon Mom) like a Bugaboo stroller, a playpen, snot sucker, etc. The one for everyone else are things that I would be okay with being gifts blankets, clothes, basically the lower end things. If you still want the discount at the end but aren't sure about having people buy it for you, maybe my plan can work for you, too.

    That One Gal From Alaska :)



  • I dont see any reason not to. Powder takes awhile to expires and plus some stores will let you return it unopen if baby is not able to take it. Plus it's your registry put what YOU want on there!
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  • I don't see any reason not to other than picking the brand that is best for you. With DD we went through 4 brands before finding the one that worked best. If you do register do small cans or perhaps more than one kind.

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  • nah82nah82 member
    edited December 2013
    I don't think it's a great idea because you might get a whole bunch that ends up not working for your baby and then you can't return it.  (Not only are stores wary that it could've been tampered with, it is also seen as a big ticket item to steal and try to return for cash or resell.  We used to have to put stamps with our store name on the big canisters when I worked at a grocery store.)

    A lot of babies develop reflux and need formula changed.  My cousin's son could only drink the premixed version of Similac but not the powder because it gave him bad gas and made him fussy.  Enfamil gave my son terrible diaper rash that he did not get from Similac.  One of my friends tried Gerber Good Start and it made her baby poop blue!  It might not be an allergy, but you really just don't know how a certain formula will affect your individual baby until they are here.

    It might seem like a practical idea, but in the long run, it's really not.  I would suggest using gift cards you are given towards formula instead and sign up on all the formula brands websites to receive samples and formula checks to help save on costs and/or try store brands.  I had a friend who literally got 8+ 12 oz. cans of Similac by having her mom and aunts also sign up for free samples on the website for her!  Then, of course, it didn't work for her baby so she passed it on to me!
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  • I wouldn't register for formula, but if you do, you can always donate it (unopened) if it doesn't work.

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  • Just for some perspective, I'm in Hong Kong where the Baby Formula shortage has ensured that all formula sold in stores is kept behind locked glass or the register and there is a limit on how much one can smuggle outside of the country. On a registry, formula might be more valuable than most other gifts!
  • t loves rt loves r member
    edited December 2013
    I don't know about return policies for formula, but I wouldn't bat an eye if I saw it on a registry. How's formula different than registering for a breast pump and supplies? Breast feeding may not work out. Granted you can't return a used pump, but it seems like the same concept: registering for ways to get baby milk. If you want to put it on there, go for it. And if it doesn't work for your baby and you can't return it, maybe you can donate it if it is unopened or find a mama in need. I wouldn't not put it on my registry for fear of breaking etiquette. I my opinion, it's not an etiquette situation. :)

    Edited because my phone is wack
  • You can get samples in the mail for pretty much every formula out there to try, so it seems silly to register for some beforehand when you have no idea what will work for you.  Go to any brand's website and they will send you a good size jar along with coupons.
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  • flerlgirlflerlgirl member
    edited December 2013
    Definitely don't. Kids have allergies, intolerances, etc. You might have to go through a few types of formula to see what works for you. Same with bottles and sometimes even diapers. DS' skin is sensitive to some of the disposable diapers.

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  • t loves r said:
    I don't know about return policies for formula, but I wouldn't bat an eye if I saw it on a registry. How's formula different than registering for a breast pump and supplies? Breast feeding may not work out. Granted you can't return a used pump, but it seems like the same concept: registering for ways to get baby milk. If you want to put it on there, go for it. And if it doesn't work for your baby and you can't return it, maybe you can donate it if it is unopened or find a mama in need. I wouldn't not put it on my registry for fear of breaking etiquette. I my opinion, it's not an etiquette situation. :) Edited because my phone is wack
    Breastfeeding typically doesn't work out for different issues than formula. The only way (unless you don't pump) to find out if BFing will work is to get a pump. You can try formula samples instead of being stuck with a bunch of it that doesn't work out. 

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • My DD was supplemented with formual and pretty early on we learned that she could not tolerate regular formula and had to be on soy.  I would not register for formula because you never know what will work for your baby.  If a diaper leaks it sucks but you change it so often that you can use them and return un open packages.  For formula you can't return it and if it is affecting you baby they will be gassy, uncomfortable and unable to sleep so it seems like an awful lot of waste because you definitely would not be able to use it.  It is also not great to switch between brands if they are doing wonderful on one they may not do well on another.
  • Laurendag said:
    People in my area register for formula here all the time. That way people know what brand they prefer. yes, allergies/intolerance can happen but it is not common.

    Actually it IS common. Maybe not allergies but intolerances to brands or types of formula within a brand are pretty normal. So not sure where you got that one from.
    Yes! My son ended up drinking soy formula after I stopped nursing him. It took many formula tries to find a brand and kind that worked for his sensitive tummy! Food allergies are so common these days!
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  • Laurendag said:

    People in my area register for formula here all the time. That way people know what brand they prefer. yes, allergies/intolerance can happen but it is not common.

    Actually it IS common. Maybe not allergies but intolerances to brands or types of formula within a brand are pretty normal. So not sure where you got that one from.

    Yes! My son ended up drinking soy formula after I stopped nursing him. It took many formula tries to find a brand and kind that worked for his sensitive tummy! Food allergies are so common these days!

    Yes, I know that all brands are the same. If a child has an allergery or intolrance, then they usually switch to Soy based (first). As I said, mom's I know registered so people know which brand they prefer.

    And an allergy or intolerance under the age of 1 years old is about 2-7% of the population. Yeah, that that is SO common. And the protein intolerance is more common in certain ancestral heritages: like Asian and African, where it is closer to the 7% mark and Western European is closer to the 2%.

    Just because you, a family member or some one you know has it, does not mean it is common.

    And there is no way of knowing before if your child may or may not have an allergy/intolerance. Are mom's just going to have to buy 1 can at a time, because just in case?

    ...I would go with one can at a time at first, just in case. Especially for a newborn--they don't eat that much. And, like PP said, all formula companies will send you some full size samples if you go to their website to register.

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  • nah82nah82 member
    edited December 2013
    savannah_girl said:
    Laurendag said:
    People in my area register for formula here all the time. That way people know what brand they prefer. yes, allergies/intolerance can happen but it is not common.

    Actually it IS common. Maybe not allergies but intolerances to brands or types of formula within a brand are pretty normal. So not sure where you got that one from.
    Yes! My son ended up drinking soy formula after I stopped nursing him. It took many formula tries to find a brand and kind that worked for his sensitive tummy! Food allergies are so common these days!
    Yes, I know that all brands are the same. If a child has an allergery or intolrance, then they usually switch to Soy based (first). As I said, mom's I know registered so people know which brand they prefer.

    And an allergy or intolerance under the age of 1 years old is about 2-7% of the population. Yeah, that that is SO common. And the protein intolerance is more common in certain ancestral heritages: like Asian and African, where it is closer to the 7% mark and Western European is closer to the 2%.

    Just because you, a family member or some one you know has it, does not mean it is common.

    And there is no way of knowing before if your child may or may not have an allergy/intolerance. Are mom's just going to have to buy 1 can at a time, because just in case?
    Quoting studies about allergies does not mean that your child is not going to have an issue with a certain formula.  Your child is an individual, not a statistic.  And just because they aren't deathly allergic, doesn't mean a certain one might not give them worse gas or diaper rash.  Why set yourself up for the chance that you receive tubs and tubs of something you might not be able to use and also won't be able to return so in the end you are just screwed and have to give it away?  If people want to give a practical gift, they will still give diapers, wipes, baby wash/lotion, gift cards, or money (which you can use towards formula).  Honestly, sometimes moms who have been there done that do have a few nuggets of good advice that statistics can't match, even if you don't like how they offer it.

    Um, yeah?  That is what people normally do unless they get WIC in which case they have to get the whole month's worth at once on the WIC check.  Those big canisters of powder were $25 a piece a year and a half ago when I was buying it to supplement my son, and they expire and take up a lot of space in the pantry.  We bought one (big tub) each shopping trip, and if it looked like we would be running out soon, we went to the store and got some.
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  • It seems like a shot in the dark if you don't know what's going to work. However, I certainly wouldn't scrutinize someone for having formula on their registry. Like, seriously, who cares?
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  • OP, the only stuff I side eye on baby registries is stuff that is clearly not baby related (like a TV, vacuum cleaner, or clothes for older kids). That said, many PPs have given you good reasons why registering for formula may not be practical. If you do register for formula, don't expect it to be bought; it's probably the least fun baby gift to give I can think of. Good luck!
  • I think it's good to have a variety of items on your registry. There may be someone who will love the idea of buying you formula. Others may find it weird but they don't have to get it. My reservation would be your baby not taking it or for some reason you can't use it and it's not returnable.

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  • Registry is to register whatever u want. :)
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  • I'd suggest not to. It is not just allergies that may require special formula. DD had to have a special high calorie formula for a while since she was so small. When she got off that, she had silent reflux and had to be on Enfamil AR. We tried the generic once and she didn't tolerate it. There are so many possible issues related to type of formula your kid could need/tolerate. It would be a waste if it didn't work out.

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  • namcgee said:
    savannah_girl said:
    Laurendag said:
    People in my area register for formula here all the time. That way people know what brand they prefer. yes, allergies/intolerance can happen but it is not common.

    Actually it IS common. Maybe not allergies but intolerances to brands or types of formula within a brand are pretty normal. So not sure where you got that one from.
    Yes! My son ended up drinking soy formula after I stopped nursing him. It took many formula tries to find a brand and kind that worked for his sensitive tummy! Food allergies are so common these days!
    Yes, I know that all brands are the same. If a child has an allergery or intolrance, then they usually switch to Soy based (first). As I said, mom's I know registered so people know which brand they prefer.

    And an allergy or intolerance under the age of 1 years old is about 2-7% of the population. Yeah, that that is SO common. And the protein intolerance is more common in certain ancestral heritages: like Asian and African, where it is closer to the 7% mark and Western European is closer to the 2%.

    Just because you, a family member or some one you know has it, does not mean it is common.

    And there is no way of knowing before if your child may or may not have an allergy/intolerance. Are mom's just going to have to buy 1 can at a time, because just in case?
    Quoting studies about allergies does not mean that your child is not going to have an issue with a certain formula.  Your child is an individual, not a statistic.  And just because they aren't deathly allergic, doesn't mean a certain one might not give them worse gas or diaper rash.  Why set yourself up for the chance that you receive tubs and tubs of something you might not be able to use and also won't be able to return so in the end you are just screwed and have to give it away?  If people want to give a practical gift, they will still give diapers, wipes, baby wash/lotion, gift cards, or money (which you can use towards formula).  Honestly, sometimes moms who have been there done that do have a few nuggets of good advice that statistics can't match, even if you don't like how they offer it.

    Um, yeah?  That is what people normally do unless they get WIC in which case they have to get the whole month's worth at once on the WIC check.  Those big canisters of powder were $25 a piece a year and a half ago when I was buying it to supplement my son, and they expire and take up a lot of space in the pantry.  We bought one (big tub) each shopping trip, and if it looked like we would be running out soon, we went to the store and got some.
    This. We bought one tub at a time.

    DD1: IUGR, low AFI delivered at 36 weeks

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  • I'm pretty sure most people buy one tub at a time... They're expensive and you never know how baby will react Espically if it's the first time with said formula
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  • Except it expires and you don't know what brand or type will work for your baby. I don't see how it's a good idea, at all.

    And it's not returnable.

    This and this.
    I had to buy a few different types of formula for DS before I found one that didn't make him projectile vomit.
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  • me personally, i wouldn't put it on my registry. simply because as others have stated you don't know what formula will work. i do know for a fact that many babies do not tolerate certain formulas as i am a pediatric nurse.  the other items that will get purchased off of your registry will essentially "free up" some of your money so that you should have it once you know what your lo will tolerate.  it's ultimately up to you though.
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  • If I saw that on a registry I would think "great they can't afford to take care of this baby" a baby is your responsibility and a baby shower is to celebrate that not pay for your kid for you. Just my opinion
    well, that's silly. Everyone who would be looking at my registry already knows we can afford a baby. If you register for a crib, i wouldnt think, oh they dont have enoufgh money to get the baby a cribb

    Well let's put it this way, would you register for food when you register for your china or blender for a wedding?  I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say no.

    I registered for Oreos and a case if beer for my wedding. It was more if a joke than anything but I got it. And a bag of Doritos.

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  • That being said, for logical reasons (expires, not returnable, might not work for your baby, etc) I would not register for formula.

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    Congrats to my GP Sister from another mister Bruinsbabe!!

  • I've never seen it done around here so it wouldn't have even occurred to me if I hadn't seen this discussion. We registered for the free samples from the various brands and will just stick with those until we know what we need.

    Personally, I don't think it's the same as registering for diapers or a pump. Those things strike me as a lot easier to get rid of if you don't end up needing them than an opened can of formula with an expiry date.
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  • Why don't you just register for gift cards and use them for the formula?
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