Cloth Diapering

Holy soap, Batman!

I bought a bunch of used diapers on the swap page and waited for all of them to arrive before bleaching and stripping them. I have been washing them for 7 hours straight today. One regular wash with bleach, one regular wash to rinse and I have been rinsing ever since. The soap keeps coming out! I can't believe how much buildup is in them!
Chad and Fawn

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Re: Holy soap, Batman!

  • Sounds like someone used too much soap or the wrong kind of soap.
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  • I had a bunch of hemp/bamboo inserts and 4 GroVia AIOs in there. I know those are harder to get clean and rinsed, but that was ridiculous!
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


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  • It kind fo reminds me of the lady on my local cloth swap. She gets all pissy when you tell people that liquid detergent (like Tide and All) aren't that great. Why? Cuz she uses it. She posted an article saying that people CDed before fancy detergents and blah blah blah. I didn't point out that 1. detergent was different back in the day (not as much chemicals) and 2. "back in the day" they didn't have synthetics in their dipes. They were regular prefolds and flats with plastic pants. Those things can handle it. I imagine all her dipes are probably like this though :P. I hope that she never has to leave her liquid detergent bubble.
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  • Haha. Some people are dumb. I feel bad for some people's kids. The ones who's parents are too stubborn to give in and the kids suffer. :( (not necessarily the mom you mentioned, just in general.) Makes me think of this mom on the swap page that had her kid in dirty diapers because she wasn't washing them properly and wouldn't listen to anyone. And she wondered why her diapers still smelled like crap when they were "clean". :(
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


  • Ugh, that's so annoying! I know this mom though. She's really nice, but apparently doesn't do well with different opinions. Which is fine I guess. I just hate having misinformation spread around. Telling people to use liquid detergent is just asking for people to have issues and give up.
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  • Then we get their super cheap diapers when they give up and just want them gone! ;) Honestly, you can't help people who don't want it. It's frustrating, though.

    I use tide, so I'm one of those people if you are a hardcore cloth diaper soap nut. Pun intended. Haha
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


  • Ugh, that's so annoying! I know this mom though. She's really nice, but apparently doesn't do well with different opinions. Which is fine I guess. I just hate having misinformation spread around. Telling people to use liquid detergent is just asking for people to have issues and give up.
    I just don't even participate in the advice posts on my local CD board on FB for this very reason. All of the "experts" on there are avid liquid users or use WAY too much soap in their loads and encourage new users to do the same. I've tried sharing my experience of issues with too much soap over long term, but some people don't want to listen to any opinion they don't share. I just gave up and decided to browse it for the sales and trades now.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


  • And I bet whoever owned those dipes gave up CDing in a fit of fury and frustration bc they just couldn't figure out why the dipes were leaking, stunk like ammonia, and gave LO rashes.

    Her loss, your gain.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
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    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
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    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
    Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
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  • TJ1979 said:
    And I bet whoever owned those dipes gave up CDing in a fit of fury and frustration bc they just couldn't figure out why the dipes were leaking, stunk like ammonia, and gave LO rashes. Her loss, your gain.
    That's was kind of my thought too! LOL It always amazes me the people that won't just take basic advice. Like the ladies on the cloth swap that refuse to use bleach to get rid of yeast. They do everything to treat it, and will do all these wacko things besides a little bleach. Then they give up on cloth all together.
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  • For the people who don't use bleach, what do they do with used diapers? That's gross!
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


  • doeie04 said:
    For the people who don't use bleach, what do they do with used diapers? That's gross!
    From what I've seen TTO, GSE and Vinegar.
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  • I could never put unbleached, used diapers on my kid. Especially how I have seen some people care for theirs. Icky.
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


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