
MoMs check in Week of 12/2

Hello MoMs!! Here is the check in for the week!!

How far along are you?
Any updates?
When is your next appt?
QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?

Mono/Di Twins - Due March 3, 2014 (Realist EDD - Feb 5, 2014)

Mommy to Jericho - 2 Years Old.

Re: MoMs check in Week of 12/2

  • Okay, guess I will start :)

    I'm 27 weeks today! One more week until check point #2. I'm getting excited

    Team/Type - Double Blue Mo/Di

    Updates : Baby A is back to measuring behind again. This time 20% instead of 27%. So I'm back to getting full scans every 2 weeks.

    Next Appt -Dec 17th. I will be 29 weeks then though, which makes me feel better

    QOTW - I went out on Fri with my son, who is 2. I was so scared about crowds but Target and Best Buy we're dead (this was at 11am though) and I got DH an Xbox. had a great deal on cloth so my parents hooked me up with some bumGenius freetimes.. Like 10!! I'm so excited. Yes, I'm getting cloth diapers for Christmas :)

    Mono/Di Twins - Due March 3, 2014 (Realist EDD - Feb 5, 2014)

    Mommy to Jericho - 2 Years Old.

  • 17w team purple! Di/di

    Just found out last week we're expecting one of each! I'm so excited and also a little scared that maybe they were wrong. Oh well I'll take healthy babies either way!

    I see my MFM Friday. Hopefully everything looks good. My cervix looked great at my last u/s so I'm just hoping that continues.

    Didn't go shopping this year. I really missed it, but DH put his foot down because I've been trying to take it easy.
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  • How far along are you? 37w1d

    Team/Type: Pink x 2 (di/di)

    Any updates? C-section is scheduled for Wednesday at 7:30am. It can't come soon enough.

    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals? Nothing yet.

  • How far along are you? 26w3d

    Team/Type: Green di/di

    Any updates? I started to have swelling in my legs yesterday and more BH than usual. We just got back from a week with my family and a 9 hour drive the night before, so I'm sure I overdid it. I spent most of the day on the couch and things seem a little better today. I guess I better get used to slowing down a little - but it's so hard!

    When is your next appt? Dec. 9th for a growth scan. I'm curious to see if the babies have moved or are still ying/yang transverse.

    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?
    I'm bitter about this today for two reasons. First, I went online to get a train table for DS, thought it would be great for when the twins come. I had the item in my cart and was looking for one more thing for free shipping. By the time I went to check out the train table was gone. I was so mad at myself.

    Second, I got a great deal on a kitchen for DS. We had told family we were getting this to give them ideas of other gifts. SIL went out and bought him a kitchen too so now it looks like we either have 2 kitchens and DS doesn't get to open mine or I have to take it back. All in all, not the end of the world but I'm just disappointed that both things I was really excited to get DS have fallen through. I'm sure the pregnancy hormones aren't helping this.

    Sorry for turning this into a vent!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • How far along are you? 30w5d!
    Team/Type purple di/di
    Any updates? not too much actually - just dealing with hip pain while sleeping - it really sucks.
    When is your next appt? Thurs for ob/gyn and then BPPs start at 32 weeks.
    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?   The only thing I've bought is my twin z nursing pillow since they had a $15 off coupon code - I figured I might as well buy it since I don't think they have a ton of sales on it. 
     TTC #1 since 6/09
    Dx: PCOS and MFI
    3 IUIs, 4 IVFs = BFFN
      3rd RE: IVF #5/FET = BFP
    14dp5dt=1170 16dp5dt=2573

    1st u/s=
    It's a Boy and a Girl!

    Born at 34w3d! 

  • How far along are you?
    32 1/2 weeks - first off, its insane that this is the 12/2 check in, second, 32 weeks?!?!!!

    Green, Di/Di

    Any updates?
    Swelling has kicked in - probably partly due to thanksgiving food with so much salt and fat, but also 32 weeks. I just feel like a sausage today. The belly is an unruly size. Definitely hitting the wall and getting close to being DONE. Just a few more weeks now!! 

    When is your next appt?
    OB tomorrow, then MFM on the 16th. NSTs start twice a week next week @ 34 weeks.  

    Well, had I not been an idiot, would have had a pack n play on its way but waited too long hemming and hawing and its no longer available. 
    I did score a TON of good Polo stuff for my husband's xmas gift over the weekend! :D AND I got my sister a leather jacket for $30!!! (down from $90) despite the website crashing every time I put something in my cart! 
    Married my best friend, June 8, 2008

    5/17/13 BFP!!! 6/6/13 - OMG its TWINS!

    Josie and Lexie were born on January 4, 2014 at 37w2d
    Josie was 5lbs2oz, Lexie was 4lbs15oz 
    Both had a 9 APGAR score with no NICU time
    Planned unscheduled C-Section due to both being breech
    We all went home on Jan 6th, 2 days after surgery

    My popular blog posts:


  • How far along are you? 37w1d Team/Type: Pink x 2 (di/di) Any updates? C-section is scheduled for Wednesday at 7:30am. It can't come soon enough. QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals? Nothing yet.
    Stephanie!! Just a few more days! I kept thinking we'd see an update from you going in to labor this weekend, I guess they are just too cozy! 
    Married my best friend, June 8, 2008

    5/17/13 BFP!!! 6/6/13 - OMG its TWINS!

    Josie and Lexie were born on January 4, 2014 at 37w2d
    Josie was 5lbs2oz, Lexie was 4lbs15oz 
    Both had a 9 APGAR score with no NICU time
    Planned unscheduled C-Section due to both being breech
    We all went home on Jan 6th, 2 days after surgery

    My popular blog posts:


  • How far along are you? 35 weeks today!
    Team/Type Team Purple / Di/Di
    Any updates? I am sooo tired today.  Work is def dragging.  I have bronchitis right now but its finally starting to clear!  C-section is scheduled for 12/17 but only if the Amnio comes back that babies lungs are mature. Still very exciting!!!
    When is your next appt? I have a gazillion appts this week. NST and a growth US tomorrow, MFM on Weds, Eye Dr, NST, and OB on Friday. 
    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals? Yea we got DS an IPAD Mini on Thursday night.  I went with my mom but she is the trooper who stood in line for an hour and a h alf, I mostly waited in the 
    Type 1 Diabetic, Hashimotos, RA. Its twins!!!!  EDD 1/6/2014 Di/di b/g twins.
  • Hello MoMs!! Here is the check in for the week!! I always miss this! How far along are you? 36w4days 
    How far along are you? 35 weeks today!

    Good luck to both of you in your final stretch!! Looks like we have quite a few ladies nearing the end of the road. 
    Married my best friend, June 8, 2008

    5/17/13 BFP!!! 6/6/13 - OMG its TWINS!

    Josie and Lexie were born on January 4, 2014 at 37w2d
    Josie was 5lbs2oz, Lexie was 4lbs15oz 
    Both had a 9 APGAR score with no NICU time
    Planned unscheduled C-Section due to both being breech
    We all went home on Jan 6th, 2 days after surgery

    My popular blog posts:


  • How far along are you?   will be 31 weeks tomorrow!

    Team/Type  Team Blue/ mono-di 

    Any updates? had a trip to L&D last night due to lack of movement from Baby B, which turned out that he just flipped next to baby A so both are fine.  This morning my parrot bit my hand and I have about 10 puncture marks so went to my primary for antibiotics.  Hopefully I have an uneventful rest of the week! 

    When is your next appt? OB appt Wednesday then I start going every week and start NST's next week at the MFM.  

    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?  I am soooo not a shopper, so no!!!!  
    Me (37) DH (39); PCOS changed to Unexplained, changed to DOR in 2012 (finally a correct diagnosis!); 
    Started TTC 2009 with RE after 6 months.  
    Clomid + Trigger x2; 
    IUI + Femara x1,
    IUI + Follistim x2;
    IVF #1 (MDL) February 2013- BFN.
    IVF #2 (antagonist) May 2013, First BFP of my life. 
    Identical twin miracle BOYS (!!) headed our way- due date is technically 2/4/14 but c section is scheduled for 1/7! 

    BabyFetus Ticker image
  • How far along are you? 24 weeks!

    Team/Type - Team green triplets; tri/tri

    Any updates? Not really. Still on MBR/restricted activities, but feeling myself slow down even more. Not sleeping well at all.

    When is your next appt? MFM and OB on Wednesday. Will have growth scan at MFM.

    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals? Nothing for me. DH scored some computer components at a good price though.
    Me: 33 DH: 36 Unexplained IF
    First pregnancy - DS 01-Apr-09;
    3rd cycle Clomid/IUI after 2 years TTC
    TTC #2 since ~June 2010
    IUI #1 & 2 - Clomid/IUI - BFN
    IUI #3 &4 - Gonal-F/Ovidrel and IUI -- BFN
    IUI #5 - Gonal-F/Ovidrel and IUI -- BFP!!
    EDD: March 22, 2013
    It's triplets!!

  • Thanks ladies. I honestly think they'd stay in there a few more weeks but my MFM isn't comfortable with that since they are both breech. And lets be honest, I wake up every morning hoping my water will break. ;)
    No kidding - I am so uncomfortable at 32.5, I can't imagine 5 weeks from now!!! 
    Married my best friend, June 8, 2008

    5/17/13 BFP!!! 6/6/13 - OMG its TWINS!

    Josie and Lexie were born on January 4, 2014 at 37w2d
    Josie was 5lbs2oz, Lexie was 4lbs15oz 
    Both had a 9 APGAR score with no NICU time
    Planned unscheduled C-Section due to both being breech
    We all went home on Jan 6th, 2 days after surgery

    My popular blog posts:



  • How far along are you? 28w5d!

    Team/Type: Team Pink x2 with mo/di

    Any updates? It's been a pretty mellow week for me! I noticed my appetite has really increased this week. And Just growing super big!!

    When is your next appt? OB appt 12/12 and MFM appt 12/17.

    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?
    No shopping for me this year on Black Friday. Just didn't think I could handle the crowds and long lines.
    Expecting Twin Baby Girls! EDD: February 20, 2014

    Visit my blog at
  • How far along are you? 35 weeks today!
    Team/Type Team Purple / Di/Di
    Any updates? I am sooo tired today.  Work is def dragging.  I have bronchitis right now but its finally starting to clear!  C-section is scheduled for 12/17 but only if the Amnio comes back that babies lungs are mature. Still very exciting!!!
    When is your next appt? I have a gazillion appts this week. NST and a growth US tomorrow, MFM on Weds, Eye Dr, NST, and OB on Friday. 
    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals? Yea we got DS an IPAD Mini on Thursday night.  I went with my mom but she is the trooper who stood in line for an hour and a h alf, I mostly waited in the 

    Jealous!! My OB wants me to go as far as I can!

    How far along are you? 35w1d
    Team/Type Green Di/di
    Any updates? Home from the hospital. Almost 2 weeks after I started PTL. MIL is here to stay with me til my water breaks or I go back into labour. Definite c/s since A is still breech.

    When is your next appt? December 9, OB appt
    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?
    MIL bought me some yoga pants for post c/s. that's all!
  • How far along are you? 21w3d!   Getting soo close to viability!

    Team/Type: Team Purple!  Di/Di

    Any updates?  No new updates!  I usually get ultrasounds monthly and mentally I do great for the first 2 weeks and I feel positive during this time!  Well it is like clockwork, when I hit 2 weeks since last ultrasound I start to worry and it continues for the remainder of the 2 weeks weeks until my ultrasound!  I seriously pray for strength!  
    Yesterday I was getting out my decorative snowmen and my putting up my christmas tree and my back/whole body was killing me!  I did push myself just a little longer to get more done and then just laid on the couch and started crying.  I hardly ever cry and I just laid there the rest of the night!  I wish I would of stopped earlier because I am still feeling it today and have to work 12.5 hours tonight! 

    When is your next appt?  Dec 17th!  Cant wait!  This will be the week of viability!

    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?
    No deals but I am proud to say I did buy our first big nursery item yesterday!  I got a changing table!  I am proud of  myself!  This was a big step for me and I am excited to get it!  I am still trying to find a crib : )
    BabyFetus Ticker

    TTC SINCE 7/2010, BFP-10/2010 ended in miscarriage 11/2010 : (.....
    Progesterone level 4/2011= 11.29. SA normal. HSG normal.
    8/11 Clomid 50mg=BFN progesterone level 35,
    10/11 Clomid 50mg =BFN progesterone level 31,
    11/11 Clomid 50mg=BFN progesterone level 12,
    12/11 Clomid 50mg=Progesterone 31
    01/12-Break from meds-BFN
    Feb-cd3 blood work FSH(5), AMH(0.56) 02/12 Break....
    03/01/12-Clomid 50mg with IUI #1=BFN.
    04/01/12-Another round of clomid with IUI#2=BFN.
    5/8/12-Diagnostic Laparoscopy-found minimal endometriosis and small fibriod.
    June and July-much needed break
    August-Bravelle 75 with IUI#3- BFN
    September-Bravelle injects with IUI #4-BFP!! MC 10/7/12 : ( Sonohysterogram-Normal
    December- Bravelle(3 good follicles & E2 1252) with IUI#5 BFFN :*(
    July IVF #1- BFP! : )  Beta #1-245, #2- 703, #3- 1655, #4- 3553 YAY!  Praying and Praying this one sticks around!
                      1st U/S scheduled for Aug 23rd!  
    We are having a BOY & a GIRL !!

  • How far along are you? 21w3d!    

    Team/Type: Team pink!  Di/Di

    Any updates?   @NBA0703 - I feel exactly the same way. I have been going nuts leading up to my u/s hoping that everything is still OK.  I am still only feeling occasional rolls and no kicks. I can't tell which baby I feel either. Anxious to know they're both OK.

    When is your next appt?  this Wednesday
    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?
    Nah.   I don't like to fight the crowds, especially not this year. We did stop at Lowe's mid-day on Friday for a gift for my dad, but we were just in and out with no lines or drama. I'm probably going to do most of my gift shopping online, but not sure I'll get to it today. I have vowed not to shop for the babies until after my showers.

    Age: 35 TTC since 2005, MFI & DOR 

    IVF #1 Sep '11 - canceled poor response

     IVF #2 Nov '11  8R/8M/4F 3dt x2 - chemical

    IVF #3 April '12  11R/6M/4F 3dt x2 - m/c

    FET #1 Aug 2012  3dt x2 - BFN

    **new RE**

     IVF #4 Jan '13 BFN 11R/6M/6F 5dt x2 - BFN

     IVF #5 July '13 16R/10M/10F 5dt x2 + 1 frostie

    9dp5dt Beta 1 = 344!! 16dp5dt. Beta 2 = 4822 7wk u/s= 2 heartbeats!

    Twin girls! 3/6/14


  • 15w 3d

    Mo/di and we should find out sex on Wed!

    I've grown tired of eating all the time. I'm still hungry but just don't want to make food. Ugh. DH and DD both got a stomach bug over Thanksgiving, which I somehow escaped. It made me nervous bc I know I've been exposed and hoping the babies were not impacted even though I had no symptoms.

    Appt with MFM for growth scan on Wed morning.

    Didn't venture out on Friday but I'm supposed to be finishing some photo books now so I can take advantage of 60% off on Snapfish. Still have a lot of work to do!
  • How far along are you? 35 weeks today!
    Team/Type Team Purple / Di/Di
    Any updates? I am sooo tired today.  Work is def dragging.  I have bronchitis right now but its finally starting to clear!  C-section is scheduled for 12/17 but only if the Amnio comes back that babies lungs are mature. Still very exciting!!!
    When is your next appt? I have a gazillion appts this week. NST and a growth US tomorrow, MFM on Weds, Eye Dr, NST, and OB on Friday. 
    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals? Yea we got DS an IPAD Mini on Thursday night.  I went with my mom but she is the trooper who stood in line for an hour and a h alf, I mostly waited in the 
    Jealous!! My OB wants me to go as far as I can! How far along are you? 35w1d Team/Type Green Di/di Any updates? Home from the hospital. Almost 2 weeks after I started PTL. MIL is here to stay with me til my water breaks or I go back into labour. Definite c/s since A is still breech. When is your next appt? December 9, OB appt QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals? MIL bought me some yoga pants for post c/s. that's all!

    @tootsscott Are they letting you off bedrest at some point or is it until you deliver??  I hope there is an end to that in sight for you! Glad you made it home tho!

    My OB is doing my RCS at 37 weeks due to my type 1 diabetes and the increased risk of placenta deterioration.  I think the amnio is a bit extreme since I see people on here who have scheduled c-sections at 37 weeks with twins all the time but I def would rather  be safe.

    Type 1 Diabetic, Hashimotos, RA. Its twins!!!!  EDD 1/6/2014 Di/di b/g twins.
  • @pittpanther, since I'm 3cm dilated I assume home bed rest will continue until I go into labour... I know this sounds selfish but I don't know why they don't just schedule my c/s for 37 weeks (even though I know I won't make it that far!)...

  • How far along are you? 13 weeks 4 days
    Team/Type: This is still a little confusing to me, maybe you ladies could help me out. We had two eggs and when we had our first ultrasound they were separate and still they are on opposite sides. I need some twin knowledge :)
    Any updates? MS is starting to get much better and I am getting hungry again which is great, but I have to eat small meals about every two hours.
    When is your next appt? We have an elective gender scan on the 14th and then an OB appt on the 20th followed by our level II ultrasound on xmas eve, my mom will be in town and is so excited to come along. 
    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals? We went out and got some tommee tippee bottles at babies r us and some wipes, my parents ordered our cribs which were also on black friday sale. 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

  • Team/Type: This is still a little confusing to me, maybe you ladies could help me out. We had two eggs and when we had our first ultrasound they were separate and still they are on opposite sides. I need some twin knowledge :)

    Sounds like you are di/di - they have their own sacs and their own placenta and are in their own little black circles, rather than sharing a black circle. 

    I have an update to the QOTW: I got the Graco Twin Pack n Play for $140 instead of $219!!! I saw it on babies r us for $169 and tried to buy it but it went out of stock. I realized mid day that it was on sale on Amazon too, so I used my completion discount and scored it for $169 - 15% plus free shipping AND I had a gift card! I don't know why I am so excited for this but I am :) 
    Married my best friend, June 8, 2008

    5/17/13 BFP!!! 6/6/13 - OMG its TWINS!

    Josie and Lexie were born on January 4, 2014 at 37w2d
    Josie was 5lbs2oz, Lexie was 4lbs15oz 
    Both had a 9 APGAR score with no NICU time
    Planned unscheduled C-Section due to both being breech
    We all went home on Jan 6th, 2 days after surgery

    My popular blog posts:


  • Hi all!

    How far along are you?  10 weeks
    Team/Type  Di/Di
    Any updates? Just got back from our appt and we got to see our wiggly little ones dance around today. Most importantly, we finally got to hear their heartbeats on the doppler! Woohoo!
    When is your next appt?  We're waiting for the MFM to schedule our NT, since there's two they have to do back to back appts for each of them? It'll be before the 26th though.
    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?  Not really, I avoided the crazies haha.

  • Leahanna21Leahanna21 member
    edited December 2013

    How far along are you?  30W4D
    Team/Type  Di/Di Blue
    Any updates? Nothing much other than crazy movement.

    When is your next appt?  This Friday
    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?  Nothing to great but I did go out because I love Black Friday!!!!

    Pregnancy Ticker

     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


  • Team/Type: This is still a little confusing to me, maybe you ladies could help me out. We had two eggs and when we had our first ultrasound they were separate and still they are on opposite sides. I need some twin knowledge :)

    Sounds like you are di/di - they have their own sacs and their own placenta and are in their own little black circles, rather than sharing a black circle. 

    Thanks! That is what I was thinking, I asked at my last appt to the nurse and she said its hard to tell at this point I started thinking she did not understand my question haha

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

  • How far along are you?  25 w 3 d
    Team/Type  Mo/Di girls
    Any updates? Appointment today. Girls are measuring 2 lbs a piece. Yay! Cervix is at 3.9 woohoo!

    When is your next appt?  3 weeks Dec. 23rd. Scan, GD test, blood count, RohGAM and registering at the hospital. Busy Busy!!
    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?  I got a Melissa and Doug horse for DD#2 on Amazon for 50% off. :)

  • How far along are you?
    26 weeks 1 day

    Team purple

    Any updates?
    Oh yes....started leaking fluid late last night but chalked it up to sitting too long and then standing. Well it happened at work today multiple times. 15 minutes after using the bathroom, I had leaked through my underwear and pants. I went to L&D and tested positive for amniotic fluid and therefore a water broke. I'm in magnesium to prolong labor as much as we can and was given a steroid shot to help the babies lung development. I'm in the hospital until they make their appearance.

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    Check out my blog:



  • How far along are you?
    20w tomorrow.
    Purple/ di/di
    Any updates?
    Didn't take GD test bc MFM said w Twins and PCOS (on Metformin), that id have it. I didn't believe bc I'm on the meds. Yup- blood sugar stays bw 150-200. They're putting me on insulin this week. Plus BP is going up. Ahhh!!

    When is your next appt?
    Thurs MFM- Big Anatomy scan and I'm REALLY nervous. Also RX for insulin. Dang.

    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?
    We went fri night and got kid Jammies at Walmart for $4 lol I was happy.
    Also got my upholstered swivel rocker for $100 off at Baby Furniture Plus Kids.
  • How far along are you? 33w 6d! I can't believe I'm almost 34 weeks
    Team/Type di/di boys
    Any updates? Baby A is 4lbs 8oz  and Baby B is 4lbs 5oz.  Baby A we can tell has hair (which would explain all my heart burn) Baby A is vertex and Baby B is still breech.  I still have a marginal previa so babies will be here at some point the week before Christmas!
    When is your next appt? I go back to the OB today and hopefully we will have a C-Section date.
    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals? No I stayed away from all the madness plus I was working during Thanksgiving and black Friday.  I checked out cyber Monday but didn't find anything I really needed.
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • How far along are you? 25 weeks today (yay!)

    Team/Type? Green di/di

    Any updates? I'm trying to behave myself and spend as much time off my feet as possible, and I'm so bored. Last week my cervix was still 2.5 cm, but now it's funnelling so my reduced activities is being more strongly encouraged.

    When is your next appointment? Friday for U/S and OB. Basically getting scanned for cervical length every week.

    QOTW: No Black Friday deals for me (not allowed to go shopping) but my hubby got a lot of Christmas shopping done for his family.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • How far along are you?
    26 weeks 1 day

    Team purple

    Any updates?
    Oh yes....started leaking fluid late last night but chalked it up to sitting too long and then standing. Well it happened at work today multiple times. 15 minutes after using the bathroom, I had leaked through my underwear and pants. I went to L&D and tested positive for amniotic fluid and therefore a water broke. I'm in magnesium to prolong labor as much as we can and was given a steroid shot to help the babies lung development. I'm in the hospital until they make their appearance.

    Oh geez, that's scary. Prayers for you and the babies!
  • How far along are you? 13w 6days

    Team/Type? green mo/di

    Any updates? ms has finally subsided after 5 horrific weeks! I am still taking Zofran and so far so good. I was able to discontinue the Phinegran (sp).

    When is your next appointment? Mon, Dec.9th, it's the last regular appt, then we start getting an us along with our appt every 4 weeks.

    QOTW- I didn't get out this year I was still pretty nauseated then.



    Married my love ~ 10/16/04

    Twins! - 9/2/06, handsome son - 11/14/07, baby girl - 2/9/11, m/c - 12/21/12, BFP! - 9/25/13, TWINS AGAIN!!- EDD: 6/4/14!!


  • Almost 15 wks with triplets
    Not sure yet..12.19.
    Had cervical check. Firm & closed. Seems short.. knew that. Not an issue yet.
  • How far along are you? - 34w

    Team/Type - Team Purple, di/di

    Any updates?

    Growth check and final cervix check was today. Baby A just over  5lbs and Baby B just under 5 lbs. Weekly biological profiles from here on out. MFM doc things Christmas week (week 37) is a very probable week for delivery.

    MFM doc also said that the placenta with twins starts to "go bad" after 37 weeks. Like a singelton placenta starts to "go bad" after 40. I had not heard/read that before, so that was news to me and DW.

    When is your next appt?

    MFM was today, OB is tomorrow. Weekly appointments with both for the remainder of the pregnancy.

    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals? \

    Nothing really. We looked at some sale flyers and looked around online, but nothing we needed/wanted was really on sale.

  • How far along are you?

    27 Weeks today! I think this marks the beginning of the third trimester!


    mono/di GIRLS

    Any Updates?

    Had an ultrasound yesterday and everything is looking great. DH has forbidden me to take our German Shepherd for walks by myself anymore because she can pull super hard when there’s another dog or cat around, DH is afraid I could lose balance and fall over! Feeling more braxton hicks as well.

    Next Appointment?

    Seeing my OB next Tuesday, will be getting the glucose tolerance test for gestational diabetes.

    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?

    On black Friday we scored a rocker/recliner chair for $130! We love it!
  • How far along are you? 21w2d

    Team/Type: Green Mo/Di

    Any updates? Not much since last week!  Trying to stay positive after hearing that B is stable, but the situation is so fluid that it's hard to be confident for very long.

    When is your next appt?  Friday with the MFM.  We're still going weekly.

    QOTW - Did you score any awesome Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals?  Not a single one this year.
  • Far along: will be 36 weeks on Friday

    Team: purple

    Updates: tons of contractions from "irritable uterus" (the term my doctor gives from the uterus being stretched so much - currently measuring 53 weeks) and have hit a wall energy wise. I think Friday might have to be my last day actually going into work. With all the recent snowstorms, my commute has been horrible so I am hoping to get some work done from home starting next week. Kinda wish my doctor would just order me to stop because it is so hard to pull back on my own. But I know that I have been so lucky to have avoided bed rest, etc.

    QOTW: Totally not in the holiday mood this year. Got our decorations up and our cards mailed out but haven't done any shopping yet or even really thought about it. With the babies coming any day and trying to get things wrapped up at work for my maternity leave, I think my entire family is just gonna get gift cards this year. Fortunately, we don't have any older children so hopefully everyone will understand.
    BFP #1 on 12/15/11 but missed m/c with d&c on 2/1/12.
    BFP #2 on 5/1/13 = boy/girl TWINS with EDD of 1/3/14 but expected no later than 12/20/13.
  • Far along: will be 36 weeks on Friday

    Team: purple

    Updates: tons of contractions from "irritable uterus" (the term my doctor gives from the uterus being stretched so much - currently measuring 53 weeks) and have hit a wall energy wise. I think Friday might have to be my last day actually going into work. With all the recent snowstorms, my commute has been horrible so I am hoping to get some work done from home starting next week. Kinda wish my doctor would just order me to stop because it is so hard to pull back on my own. But I know that I have been so lucky to have avoided bed rest, etc.

    QOTW: Totally not in the holiday mood this year. Got our decorations up and our cards mailed out but haven't done any shopping yet or even really thought about it. With the babies coming any day and trying to get things wrapped up at work for my maternity leave, I think my entire family is just gonna get gift cards this year. Fortunately, we don't have any older children so hopefully everyone will understand.
    You're still working????? Holy smokes! Somebody get this woman an award!

  • Updates: tons of contractions from "irritable uterus" (the term my doctor gives from the uterus being stretched so much - currently measuring 53 weeks) and have hit a wall energy wise. I think Friday might have to be my last day actually going into work. With all the recent snowstorms, my commute has been horrible so I am hoping to get some work done from home starting next week. Kinda wish my doctor would just order me to stop because it is so hard to pull back on my own. But I know that I have been so lucky to have avoided bed rest, etc.

    You're still working????? Holy smokes! Somebody get this woman an award!
    I had the same thought, I can not believe you are still working!!!  I am out next week at 34 weeks and it couldn't come soon enough, and I have a super easy commute. My dr told me to just let him know when I was ready to be out, and he would sign me out.   Dec 13 it is.  
    Married my best friend, June 8, 2008

    5/17/13 BFP!!! 6/6/13 - OMG its TWINS!

    Josie and Lexie were born on January 4, 2014 at 37w2d
    Josie was 5lbs2oz, Lexie was 4lbs15oz 
    Both had a 9 APGAR score with no NICU time
    Planned unscheduled C-Section due to both being breech
    We all went home on Jan 6th, 2 days after surgery

    My popular blog posts:


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