Health & Exercise

Hello and pilates core exercise Q

I'm not sure if you do intros on this board, but hello! We are 12w6d with our first, and both active people. I searched to see if this topic was already covered, and didn't see it, so forgive me if I am in fact in duplicate. I am wondering about core exercises in pilate, or in general. I have a pilates DVD which includes a section with modified core movements, on your back but propped up with 1-2 pillows. I hear some people say this is a terrible idea, but it seems if they are modified and don't cause discomfort they must be safe? Any info? I plan to ask my midwife when I see her next week.

Re: Hello and pilates core exercise Q

  • I did Pilates throughout both my pregnancies my last class was on my due date with my daughter and the day before with my son. With that being said I was doing it on a reformer and I done it for years before I got pregnant. For someone who is not used to Pilates I think it is a bad idea. I find Pilates DVDs a bad idea in general and less you know what you're doing. My OB said she only approves Pilates for those who have been doing it before they got pregnant
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  • I had only done pilates on and off before getting pregnant, but I bought the 10 minute solutions pre-natal pilates videos and did them every day when pregnant.  I really liked them and think they helped me from getting typical pregnancy symptoms like sciatica and helped me keep some core strength (really helpful for labor!)
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  • Thanks! I have been doing more yoga and running prior to getting pregnant, with only occasional pilates, so these tips definitely help! :)
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