So, I am the overprotective, organized, schedule, type A, take on all the responsibility type of person.
Normally, my mom watches DD if hubby n I have to do something, but my mom is horribly sick and I didnt want DD around her.
So, I let my guard down and decided to let my sister in law come babysit LO for the first time! She is normally great with her, but she is a but inexperienced with kids and how to handle upsets, but I let go and left for just 2 hours.
When I got home at 9pm, LO had been passed out *there goes bedtime* for 20 minutes, was hyperventilating *because she was screaming so much from being upset*, had soaked through her clothes *her diaper had not been changed*, and was all flushed and hot!
I woke her, changed her diaper, comfort nursed her, put her PJ's on, and am trying so hard to get my now untired child asleep!
She told me she was screaming, so she tried rocking her in the rocking chair, putting her in different positions, etc, but those things don't work on an 8 month old who is upset! At least not mine.
I obviously didn't show I was upset, and thanked her tons, because she did do her best.
With that being said, I now see why I am that protective, I do all, mother.
My husband, myself, and my mom are the only ones I trust to do what she likes!
I feel irritated that I wasn't called while she was screaming, so I could home, or at least tell her how to calm her.
I can tell she was frazzled, because there were clothes everywhere! Backtrack, she changed her, because water spilled on her! Lol She was searching through the wrong size clothes, then finally found something DD could wear! Her toys looked like they went through a tornado, and things are everywhere!
I guess I'm sharing to give myself therapy, and give others a laugh. I'm irritated, but find the humor.
Point blank, lesson learned!
Me: 30 | DH:34
Married: 08/04/12
DD: 6 years | Born: 03/28/13
DS: 1 Year I Born 10/15/17
Re: Babysitting gone wrong...
As far as soothing goes, every baby is different. I could explain what she likes, but actually doing it are so different!
I didn't explain how to get her to sleep, because she wasn't suppose to be sleeping! I came back by bed time, but LO was so upset she got tired n put herself to sleep.
Granted, she has no kids, so she didn't know. When I got home and tried putting LO to bed, my sister in law walked up stairs and started playing peek a boo with her! AFTER I even said, ok I'll be right back down, I want to try getting her to bed without waking her too much, or she won't go back to sleep.
It was horrifying lol
I was irritated, but thankful. It wasn't anyone's fault. Just a learning experience for both.
Married: 08/04/12
DD: 6 years | Born: 03/28/13
DS: 1 Year I Born 10/15/17
I love my in laws. They are great with her.
I asked my sister in law, BECAUSE she is so great with her. She just had a mishap that made me feel bad for LO n after the initial irritation, I laughed n shared...
They do love her a lot, but also do a lot of things I don't like.
My DH n I are on the same page. For example, tease her with food, etc.
They have gotten better, but this is also stuff they did to my DH when he was little and he hated it.
The type of people that when you tell them something, they don't listen, and only believe what they think is true.
I love them, and how much they love LO. We are both working at it.
Married: 08/04/12
DD: 6 years | Born: 03/28/13
DS: 1 Year I Born 10/15/17