
Suggestions needed.

The past 3 nights I have had such sever back aches I feel like I could either throw up or blackout. During the day it's a consistent dull ache. I have tried bathes. Heating pads. Tylonal ect.
Any thoughts?


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Re: Suggestions needed.

  • Does it hurt when you put pressure on your back? It could be a kidney infection, I had the same thing at 20 weeks and had to go to the ER. If it is a kidney infection I would get it checked out ASAP because it'll induce labor. How far along are you? (On mobile can't see ticker if you have one).
    Expecting Twin Baby Girls! EDD: February 20, 2014

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  • I was going to guess UTI. I have major cramping from back and lower pelvis with UTI. Includes contractions. But always lower back pain. And I've had with my 6 pregnancies and now this twin pgcy.
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  • I'm 33 weeks.
    Would those things show up with the urine test they take at the dr? I was just there Tue and they said everything was good.


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  • A friend of mine got SPD (symphysis pubic dysfunction) in her last pregnancy, and the way she described the pain is similar to what you're saying. Did you mention the back pain to your doctor? Might be a good idea. I hope you feel better soon; that sounds awful!
  • They usually only check for protein and glucose at you doctor's appointment. Not for bacteria or white blood cells which would indicate a UTI. Those can be checked for at the hospital or a lab.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Possible kidney stone or uti. Good luck
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