
Saturday Spam! (Has anyone started it yet?)

I know I'm a little late but just wanted to get a Saturday Spam thread started. What are all you bishes up to today? MamatoA is running errands (my mom's birthday is tomorrow and I waited until the last minute to get her a gift) and am contemplating hitting the gym but scarfing down a bag of Skinny Pop popcorn sounds a lot more appealing.

Re: Saturday Spam! (Has anyone started it yet?)

  • We're just hanging around the house today. A deer decided to plow into the side of my new car last night, so DH had to drop it off at our buddy's body shop today and pick up a rental. Deer suck.

    Anywho...DS is napping and now DH is out in the yard pretending to do yard work. I'm laying on th e couch doing a whole lot of nothing, wondering what I want to snack on. Got a pork roast going in the crock pot for dinner. Yum!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @MrsT0514- sorry about your deer run in! Hope everyone is ok and your car gets fixed quickly! And pork roast in the crock pot? Dinner at @MrsT0514's house tonight!

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  • @MamatoA2010 thanks...Fortunately everyone is ok. Thank god my son wasn't in the car with me at the time. I was by myself and the damage is minimal, so I got lucky!

    And come on over! Pork roast for everyone! But you'll need to bring the wine, 'cause I'm fresh out of it!!
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  • @MrsT0514- so glad your son wasn't in the car with you! That is my biggest fear is someone hitting me with DD in the car. Glad you're ok and the damage is minimal! What time should I stop by? ;) I'm sure your pork roast will be awesome :) Gotta love the convenience of crock pots!
  • We went out for FIL's bday and picked up our Christmas pictures and cards! Going to start getting them ready to send later.
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
  • I'm fucking bored. Why is it that DH can always seem to keep himself busy with a whole shitload of "stuff that needs to get done", but I can't?

    And I have no wine in the house...and I can't go out and get any bc.....lazy. And kinda tight on cash, so trying to conserve. And calories. Hmph. FWP here.
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  • MrsT0514 said:
    I'm fucking bored. Why is it that DH can always seem to keep himself busy with a whole shitload of "stuff that needs to get done", but I can't? And I have no wine in the house...and I can't go out and get any bc.....lazy. And kinda tight on cash, so trying to conserve. And calories. Hmph. FWP here.
    WTF is boredom like? I don't remember.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • I went to the mall. I got a coat and a scarf for the bebe. I need to do housework, because my MIL will be here on Tuesday, but I don't wanna.
  • I ran errands with DD, housework, catching up on the DVR...  Going out with DH tonight to celebrate my BIL's birthday.  Very excited to wear my new boots, that I kinda told a little white lie about the price to my DH...oh well, sorrynotsorry.
  • LuckyDad said:

    MrsT0514 said:

    I'm fucking bored. Why is it that DH can always seem to keep himself busy with a whole shitload of "stuff that needs to get done", but I can't?

    And I have no wine in the house...and I can't go out and get any bc.....lazy. And kinda tight on cash, so trying to conserve. And calories. Hmph. FWP here.

    WTF is boredom like? I don't remember.

    Lol. Fortunately (or UNfortunately?) my boredom is usually short-lived. DS is up now and I'm folding laundry. Fun times!
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  • I am getting ready to go party!! My BfF's 30th is tonight and I bought a new outfit and heels. T minus 1 hour til bedtime



    My 4 Angel Babies.....
    MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009

    Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!

  • DH js currently acting likr a douchecanoe. So I'm giving him the silent treatment. Real mature, I know. But IDGAF. I'm pissed at him and he knows it.
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  • MrsT0514MrsT0514 member
    edited November 2013
    Thanks @Sunnydays26 He's acting a little entitled at the moment and it irked the hell out of me. He's off work for the next week (his holiday vaca began this past friday) and all I asked him to do was help out a little by washing the few dishes in the sink, while I focused on getting our dinner ready as well as feed DS dinner. Normally, I don't ask much of him since I SAH with DS and he works like a dog, long hours and manual labor...but he's been off work and I've been letting him sleep in, so wtf. Pitch in a little is all I was asking.

    You would have thought I asked him to scrub the whole damn kitchen with a toothbrush or sumshit. Then he decided to make a passive aggressive comment about how inside the house is "my territory" and outside the house was "his territory". Really dude? Fuckin bite me.

    Sorry bout the novel!

    Eta clarity
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  • I've done as little as possible today. DH cleaned and has DD out and about right now. I almost feel guilty, but nope.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • Sorry he's being a jerk @mrst0514. I think that's a pretty shitty comment to make.
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
  • MrsT0514MrsT0514 member
    edited November 2013

    @mrst0514, I'm sorry he made that comment to you. I'd be upset too. Is something else maybe bothering him? I'm assuming that comment isn't like him. I hope he apologizes to you soon. In the meantime, wine? Wine always helps.

    No, he's usually not like that. Idk what his deal was. he said sorry, but it didn't seem genuine. It seemed more like he was just attempting pacify me at tthe moment. I mean, he def pulls his weight with everything else in the household (maintenance on the house/cars, lawn/other yardwork, etc), so I usually don't even ask for help inside bc I take care of all that stuff. nbd. But once in a while shouldn't be an issue when I ask for help. So just seemed lilike a pissing match between us.

    It doesn't help that AF is in town for me and I've been kinda moody the past few days. And no wine in the house...fuckity fuck fuck!

    Eta more info
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  • @Sunnydays26: it's just nachos with potatoes instead of tortilla chips.  I'm making roasted cubed potatoes and topping it with blackbean chili, melted cheese, greek yogurt, and jalapenos.

    @bearsbearsbears that sounds amazing! Yum!!!
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  • Thanks for listening ladies...I got lots 'o love for all of you! <3
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  • piffle42 said:

    Sorry @MrsT0514, MH makes stupid comments like that sometimes too. We can nut punch them together.

    Sounds like a plan to me!
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  • We ran errands today.

    We had Gymboree in the morning than I ran to the cleaners, the bagel place and Target with Reese and my mom. We went to Applebees for lunch--which is Rees's new favorite place to eat at---she LOVES their French Onion Soup.

    Came home for nap and then ran out to the food store quickly. I didn't get too much, knowing that we were going to be celebrating Thanksgivakkah this week--latkes for dinner Wednesday night; Thanksgiving Thursday and Hanukkah brunch Friday--but I need things for Monday and Tuesday night for dinner. 
    My daughter is my hero.
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