My son has anxiety disorders and was recently diagnosed with selective mutism. A little background (he is 2 and 1/2 now) ...he started school at 16 months during that time I was under the impression he was doing great and thriving. Then at the END OF MARCH I was informed by his teacher that he does not speak in class and was asked if he talks at home (he had turned two at this point) I was SHOCKED! I thought they were talking about a different child. He not only did not speak a single word- but also did not smile or show any emotion while in the classroom. Long story short at that time I was 9 months pregnant with our second, I asked to observe the class and participate and see how my son interacted with peers. I was told NO, this was not something they did. I then had pregnancy complications very soon after finding out about the situation and was induced with our second. After months waiting to see specialist and finally getting a diagnose I again asked to come in (on the advice of the dev ped.) I was told NO again! I was so livid! Have any other parents have had issues with not being allowed to come into your childs class? I went above the director (he goes to to school at our temple- and I contacted the temple director) At which point a "lets fix this asap" meeting happened and I was called and told I could come in. Is this normal? ?? Also the fact that I was not told about his not talking for so long is very unsettling. I thought that I was sending him to a good school....but now feel lost. Everyday my son says he doesn't want to go (which is the anxiety talking) We have interviewed a new school which we fell in love with but they don't have an opening until next August. I hope this makes sense, as I have been in tears most of the day dealing with the fact that my wonderful happy boy doesn't speak at all in school and the fact that there is NO parent involvement makes me wonder about everything. How can they say no to a parent wanting to see how their child is doing?? Especially when they are aware of his diagnosis???
Re: Director said NO to allowing us to observe!