Greetings Special Needs Mamas! My name is Prim.
I'm not really sure if I "belong" here with the situation we've got going on with DD. She just turned 2 in October and has yet to really string sentences or move past to make real words a lot of the time. She babbles all the time. She has some basics like "hello", "bye bye" "bird". However, none of them are articulated very well.
We are in speech therapy and its slowly "Paying off". I just wanted to introduce myself. Does anyone else have experiences with delayed Toddler speech? DD is completely alright in other areas. Its just her speech output. She understands a TON. Its just getting her to open her mouth and not flip out.
I look forward to getting to know you all (if this is the right place). Also, I won't be offended if there is a better place for our situation. I know there are more serious delays and this may be a drop in the bucket in comparison.
Re: Intro: New: Toddler Delayed Speech
There are all kinds of moms here that have LO's with speech delays and have speech therapies in place!
My DS has been in speech therapy since he turned 1 and now he is almost 5.
My DS has speech delays. He is just over two and rarely uses sentences, has just à handful of phrases and maybe a twenty single words. He started with therapy at 21m.
BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11
BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14
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