Pregnant after a Loss

Get any pg comments lately?

Lets hear 'em!  I've gotten two in the past 24 hours, I need somebody to commiserate with. :)

Yesterday, I was talking to two co-workers.  Woman A says "Your belly's getting big!", to which woman B replies, "Its starting to show in her face too".  Um, what?!  So, you're saying my face is fat?  Thanks a lot.

Today, I got the usual "So how are you feeling?" from another co-worker (as an aside, seriously, do you need to ask me EVERY day?) and then the "How much longer do you have again?"  I told her, 3 months left and her eyes got really wide and she goes "3 months?!"  Maybe I took it wrong, but it seemed like her way of saying I look a lot bigger than 6 months pg...great.

So girls...hear any good ones lately??

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Re: Get any pg comments lately?

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    LOL - I'll commiserate with you. 

    I've recently gotten: "Oh, you look so good. I mean, you can tell in your face, but that happens to everyone." Gee, thanks.

    Over Thankgiving I got: "Black certainly is slimming!" after having worn black the previous day and yellow that particular day.

    Another Thanksgiving comment: "Has your doctor said anything to you about the weight gain?" and then, "No? Ohhhh."

    But I've also gotten lots of nice comments too, so I just laugh at these. The things people say!!

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    well on thanksgiving my mother greeted me with "hi chubby" (at 15w) and then adimantadly denied it several weeks later.  charming, isn't she??
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    People have been less extreme this time around than they were with ds, I think, but yes, every time I go anywhere, strangers ask when I'm due and always look really confused when I tell them not until St. Patrick's Day.  They all think I'm due any day now, lol.

    But I think the best one so far had no words at all...last night I saw a little girl (maybe 6?) staring at me across the room, mouth open, then she whispered something to her mom, and just kept staring at my belly, cranking her head as she walked past, like she was hypnotized by it.  I think she was in utter awe, lol.  It was cute and funny.

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    Lets see just today I have gotten "wow you are huge" and you looked ready to pop....... Great!
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    I keep getting "You're pregnant? You don't look pregnant!"


    How does this NOT look pregnant: ???????


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