My last growth scan was at my 35w appointment. The OB estimated Baby A's weight at 5lbs 12 oz, and Baby B's at 5lbs 7oz. He did say he felt less confident about Baby A's measurement b/c his head was so low it was tough to measure accurately and that may be throwing it off. But the boys have tended to grow at similar rates--the same or Baby A slightly ahead--so it made sense.
Just came back from my 37w appt. I had to see my OB's partner since my OB is on vacation this week. He estimated the babies at 5lbs 11oz each. I wish I had asked him if I should be concerned but at the time I was just thinking, "OK, maybe Dr. Austin was right that A's measurement was off last time," but it sounds like even Baby B only gained 4 oz in two weeks.
What do you think? Would you be concerned? Or would you chalk it up to ultrasound error? And/or even the fact that the measurements were done by two different OBs, and it's late in a twin pregnancy. The boys both got 8/8 on their biophysical profiles, he says they are looking good, my cervix is now dilated to 2-3 so they might come soon and if not, I have an induction scheduled for Tuesday so they'll be out by then at the latest. I guess the only reason I'm hesitant is b/c this OB doesn't have much twin experience and also seemed in a rush to get through the app't and start his New Year's vacation so it'd be good to hear from some other MOMs.
(And for those of you who remember me posting about this, Baby B is vertex again!!

Re: Should I be concerned? (37w growth scan)
You shouldn't be concerned. Ultrasound weight measurements at the end of pregnancy are notoriously unreliable, and the comparison of measurements by different docs is even more likely to be a measurement error on the part of one of them.
Also, for comparison at 37 weeks, Sarah was measured at 5lbs 5oz, and Madeline was measured at 5lbs 7oz. They were born at 38 weeks 4 days weighing 6lbs 6oz and 5lbs 12 oz (Sarah was bigger at birth, even though she measured smaller at 37 weeks).
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!
Honestly, I wouldn't be concerned. The ultrasounds are still just an estimate of weight so you can't treat it as fact. I don't remember now what the estimates were, but Baby B weighed less at birth than her estimate, and between my 36 and 38 week checks, she only gained 4 oz. She's had no health problems at all. She has yet to even catch a cold. Baby A was always showing larger weight gains and was a full pound bigger at birth, which the ultrasound estimates didn't reflect. They were close, but not spot on.
All that being said, it never hurts to call and talk to the dr or nurse about your concerns, if anything, if it puts you at ease, it's worth the time.
Good luck, you're so close to the finish line and that is excellent to carry to full term!
I was told it was very hard to get good measurements late in the pregnancy. Twin weights slows down towards the end of the pregnancy as opposed to singletons-they are not growing as rapidly.