Pregnant after a Loss

Vent - My mom needs to put on her big girl panties!

My mom told me that she would plan my shower when I was very early in the pregnancy.  And now that it's getting to that time, she's being a bit of a nambi-pambi.  I picked the date and the place (clearly this is not a surprise shower).  And I've gotten the list of names and almost all the addresses and I'm ready to hand it off to her. 

So I tell her this yesterday and her resopnse was - well then what do I do, do I send out the invites and then call your friends who said they would help or call your friends first?  My mom has planned a shower before - she threw my sister one without the help of anyone.  Why can't she get it together now?  And she knows my friends, it's not like she's calling strangers - shoot she even officiated one of the girl's wedding.

I was trying to keep my sister out of all this because my BIL has been out of work since September and I know money is tight for them but I may need to have her step in and hold my mom's hand - at least hand holding is free.

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Re: Vent - My mom needs to put on her big girl panties!

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    How aggrivating! Maybe you could just tell her you trust her to do what needs to be done and put it in her hands.  You should not have to stress about your shower.
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    How aggrivating! Maybe you could just tell her you trust her to do what needs to be done and put it in her hands.  You should not have to stress about your shower.

    I agree.

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