Toddlers: 24 Months+


Of course I think my kid is a unique snowflake, but seriously... My DD will be 2 next month.  Her dr seems to think shes ahead of the curve.  But DH isn't convinced and neither am I.  I know what she was doing at almost 2, I did and so have my neices.  However, my friend's kid is far behind DD and only a few months younger.  Can someone tell me what is "normal" for a 2 year old to be doing? counting, ABC, verbal skills,eating, sleeping, potty... anything?  Id like to know if my dr is being nice,or serious.  
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Re: Milestones

  • Based on my 2 year appointment with my son, there is a huge curve of "normal" at 2.  So I'm not sure an internet survey is going to do much.

    At 2 my son was speaking in short sentences, and basically speaking all the time.  He was singing the alphabet and wheels on the bus.  He counted to 10 (but always skipped the number 4).  Eating is hit or miss - some days he'd eat everything in front of him, other days not much at all, but a varied palate.  Slept through the night, but wakes at dawn.  Not potty trained.  Jumps, runs, skips.  Pretends to cook food, make phone calls, feed toys.  Could identify all family members (grandma, cousins, uncles/aunts, etc.)
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  • I just want some input as to what others her age are doing.  I don't really have a lot to compare to.  I know each child is different and they all grow at different rates.  I'm not trying to catch her up to anything.  I just want to have a better idea of how she fits in with others her age. 
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  • if you don't want to input then don't.  I'm not shaking you down on it.  I would just like to know, i'm a curious person. Arguing over the internet about why I want to know something is petty. I'm not you, I just like to know things. 
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  • I don't think your doctor is going to say something just to be nice. He probably thinks she's developing normally and there is no cause for concern
  • There's a huge range of "normal" and kids will be better at some things than others.

    At 2, my son had just started putting 2 words together. He could count to 16 and sing the alphabet. He recognized a couple shapes, no numbers, letters, or colors. He could jump, do a somersault, and alternate feet on stairs. He was not potty trained. His sleep was crap but normalized again a few months later. He has always been a good eater, so he ate a variety of healthy foods without developing any real aversions to any food group.

    He's 2 years 9 months now and speaks in short sentences, counts to 24, knows some letters, numbers, and colors, and most shapes. He knows a variety of songs. He can get himself dressed and undressed. He still is not potty trained. He sleeps and eats well.

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  • As the above have said, the range for normal is HUGE. DD will be 2 on Friday and is still not speaking more than a few words, but per her doctor is within the normal range. Her nonverbal communication is great, her fine motor is good, and her gross motor is phenomenal. Each kid is different.

    Don't stress about it. :)
  • CDC milestones for a 2yo:

    At 2, DD1 was talking in full sentences, sometimes two sentences strung together. She was showing interest in potty training and was day trained by 28 months. She could count to 10, sing the alphabet and identify all 26 uppercase letters, a few lower case letters, and some of their sounds. She recognized her name when written, could dress/undress with little to no help, fed herself with utensils and was starting to drink from an open cup. Champion sleeper, mostly champion eater. 

    DD2 is 2 and talks in mostly full but short sentences, but her speech isn't as clear. She's interested in potty training but not even close to being trained. She can count to 4, identify some upper and lower case numbers, spell her name verbally, and knows what sound "t" makes. She can dress/undress with little to no help, feeds herself with utensils, not great with an open cup. She's a much more physical kid - doing more climbing, running, jumping at 2 than her sister was. Great eater, mostly great sleeper. 

    So. Two kids, same parents, at very different places at 2yo and both perfectly normal. As other's have said, there is a huge range of normal, and your DD could be on the high side of normal, but all that matters is that she is hitting the milestones that all 2yos hit.
    Mama to two sweet girls
    DD1 Feb 2010
    DD2 Sept 2011

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  • DS turned two last week.  He says things like "I did it!" and "Ok Mom"  He knows words for his favorite foods but I'm pretty much the only one who can understand him at this point.

    We've been counting the same three bears in Goodnight Moon since he was born and he still shows no interest for counting.  Except, completely at random he said "eight" when I didn't finish counting as we were walking up the stairs.  He was right.  We were on eight.  That was a few weeks ago and he's never said it since.

    He's just started to show interest in puzzles.  He can do simple ones.  He received one with 12 pieces (separated) for his b-day and mastered it the first night.  It was tractors so there was incentive.  We have one with 5 pieces (shapes) that he can't figure out at all.  He's had that one for about 6 months.

    I'd say he is "behind" verbally when compared to most little girls his age.  He seems to be normal for little boys.

    He's also started to show affection for cats, dogs, etc…While he's been taught to be gentle with them for a long time, I've started to notice that he's developing a relationships with them.

    He's become aware of emotions of others.  I slammed my finger and yelped the other day.  He came to me and hugged me and said "kiss.  hug"  He donkey kicked at swimming (right in my gut and I'm on fertility drugs at the moment so, ouch.) He asked,"Mom.  OK?"

    I'd say that's all completely normal for this age.  I get your curiosity and didn't think you were AW'ing.  bUt just remember that as every other poster has said, the range or normal is huge.  


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  • Thanks!  I was never actually told what the 2year milestones were.  I appreciate the info ladies! 

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  • @OhBenji  Actually my kid isn't ahead of the curve. That's why I didn't mention what she does or doesn't do.  I wanted to know what the general 2 year milestones were because I never knew them.  I've realized this board is a bunch of catty women who are less than supportive.  I'm glad at least a few women were willing to give me some information.  Thanks. 

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  • The post from @memali26 was very helpful.  Thanks! 
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  • ThatWasAHootThatWasAHoot member
    edited November 2013
    I remember when my son turned 2 I thought there was something wrong with him because I kept comparing him to these children that were 4-6 months older than him.  Nope.  He's totally normal and fine.  I don't remember the milestones, but I do know that a LOT happens within those 6 months! :]
    At 2 and 3 months, my son was potty trained.  Some of his friends weren't potty trained until 3 or 3 and a half.  I don't think that's a milestone, just a learned behavior. 
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