February 2014 Moms

braxton hicks

I forget what my doctor said to me last night about calling in about braxton hicks.. Im just about 27 weeks and Im getting them about every 7-10 minutes for the past hour.. Im trying to get as much water in me as i can because i think i could be dehydrated.. When did every ones doctors tell them to call in about them.. Mine seem to be slowing down with the more water i drink. I think ill still call any way just wanted to see when i should panic.



Re: braxton hicks

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    They said if they are more than 6 in an hr to drink tons of water and lay on your side, wait 30 min and if they don't slow down to call in. I've been having them lots and she just refreshed me on it today. Good luck and keep us posted!
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    6 i do remember that now. Thank you!



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    I'd give my doctor a call, and it looks like that's your plan too. GL!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    kreagle16 I was told the 6/hr rule as well. Good luck and hope you feel better!

    Just curious what they're supposed to feel like. I've been experiencing random tightening in my stomach and then it's hard as a rock. It's not painful, mostly just uncomfortable but I'm not sure what qualifies as Braxton Hicks. 

    Baby GIRL K is on the way! <3

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    Akrani said:

    kreagle16 I was told the 6/hr rule as well. Good luck and hope you feel better!

    Just curious what they're supposed to feel like. I've been experiencing random tightening in my stomach and then it's hard as a rock. It's not painful, mostly just uncomfortable but I'm not sure what qualifies as Braxton Hicks. 
    @akrani that's BH!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    I've been having 3-7 per hour off and on since Sunday.  When I called, they told me to lay down and stay hydrated and to come in if they started becoming painful, getting longer, or becoming regular.  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I was just at my doctor and for me, mine said hydrate well, lay on left side and try to sleep.... You won't be able to sleep through labor. I have them almost non stop for several hours each day so the 6 an hour does not work for me at this point.
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    Mine said anymore then 3 in a hour then go to ER
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    There are days where I don't get any, then days I feel like I get them ALL the time, usually on those days I slept poorly the night before, possibly dehydrated, and doing a lot of bending over and sitting down and standing up. There are definitely times I get more than 4-6 an hour. I've had three within fifteen minutes before and most of it was due to changing positions.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I went in and got checked by my doctor.. She basically told me i need to drink more water.. and since this is my second pregnancy im gonna have more braxton hicks and pressure. So at least she wasnt concerned. She told me if they turn painful to call. So im just gonna to drink more water and that seems to be working. Thank you for all your advice ladies!



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    Akrani said:
    kreagle16 I was told the 6/hr rule as well. Good luck and hope you feel better!

    Just curious what they're supposed to feel like. I've been experiencing random tightening in my stomach and then it's hard as a rock. It's not painful, mostly just uncomfortable but I'm not sure what qualifies as Braxton Hicks. 
    Yep, that's BH. Most of the time I don't even notice them. It isn't until I go to poke at my belly and its rock hard that I realize I'm having one. They're especially noticable when you change positions after being in one position for a long time.
    Interestingly, my doctor told me that most women have them from the very beginning of pregnancy, its just difficult to tell what they are that early on. But apparently the body is always working.
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