March 2013 Moms


Like if having one baby wasn't a big enough and happy enough surprise, we just found out yesterday that we will be having twins!!!! I am still very early in the pregnancy at only 5 weeks and 2 days but the doc was able to see two sacs with two yolks and two little specs. . lol. We are so so so so so SO happy and I can't wait for these 9 months to fly by so that I can meet my 2 new babies! We also let my 8 year old daughter know yesterday that she will be a big sister and she was so giddy. . .lol. She just kept asking "when are they coming. . .when are they coming. . .can they come now?" This is such a blessing and I am so thankful to God for this great gift. . .and whats even better is that my estimated due date is March 10th 2013. . .my birthday is March 19th!!!!!!!! Good luck to everyone here with new pregnancies I'll be praying for all of you :0 )
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Re: OMG, TWINS!!!!!

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