Ok so the holidays are fast approaching..which means many people wanting to see/touch/hold my precious preemie.
As I've posted before, our ped told us to not fear RSV so much it keeps us home...just to be very diligent with everyone washing their hands, staying away if sick, and as few kids as possible around him.
So we plan to live fairly normally this holiday season and just be crazy anal about asking people to wash etc.
I want to post something on my FB status about it..a brief synopsis of what RSV is and the precautions we are taking in an effort to make our friends/family aware ahead of time. My hubby thinks that's stupid and people either won't read it as it will be too long, or just think I'm annoying. I think it's an easy way to get it out there and even if just a couple people read it, that's a couple people less that I have to explain myself to in person.
Long story short... What do you think? Is this necessary, or dumb? If any of you have done this what did you say? I think my hubby is just sick of seeing people posting their parenting beliefs etc (we have a few very pushy friends with very specific views on things that post way too often) so he doesn't want people to be annoyed or add me to that list of "annoying new mom". Am I over thinking this? Lol
Re: RSV awareness in my FB status?
I think if I just share a link people won't read it.. I need to say a little more.
We've already found it awkward having to stop people and ask them to wash before touching. I have no problem dealing with the awkwardness and will tell people with no issues as it's what's best for him.. But just looking for ways to make it easier.
We were in a very unique situation with me having experience in how seriously bad rsv can be.