2nd Trimester

insomnia meds

Anyone taking anything for insomnia? I'm about to ask my ob for something as the benadryl and unisom no longer work. 

Re: insomnia meds

  • yes, tried melatonin. Doesnt work.  
  • My doc prescribed Ambien, and it isn't working for me (which is odd, because I used it a lot pre-pregnancy and it worked like a champ).  So I've stopped taking it.

    Is your problem FALLING asleep or STAYING asleep?   

    I have no problem falling asleep at the beginning of the night...but I wake up at 1-2am and can't fall back asleep until like 5 (and I have to get up at 6).   Problem is if I take Ambien at 1-2, then by 6 I'm still pretty groggy.   If I take it at bedtime, I still wake up at 1-2am....makes no sense, but that's the problem...
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  • I took ambien pre-pregnancy and it worked just fine, but I haven't taken it during my pregnancy (I haven't needed it). My OB said it was fine though & to ask for a prescription if I need it. I get 10mg and cut it in half...10 is sometimes too much for me. I had the 5mg tabs, but they weren't as effective as a 10mg cut in half (for me anyway). 

    On a side note, if you are starting to hallucinate, then the meds have kicked in and its time to go to bed. It doesn't happen every time if that is what you may be concerned with. 
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  • I'm lurking from first tri. Those of you who had Ambien prescribed, did your doctor say how often you could take it? My doctor said I could because I haven't been sleeping at all, but I'm concerned because she just said "as needed" and so I haven't been taking it often. I'm miserable, though!
  • I took ambien every single night from 5 months on. This was with my first pregnancy 3 years ago. She is perfect!! My ob wanted to put me on it earlier because I was literally a walking zombie from no sleep but I wanted to tough it out,, .. got to my breaking point and it was the best thing for me to take. And like I said my daughted is great!! I was nervous taking something during pregnancy but I felt like a new women after good sleep. Now I am 14 weeks pregnant and I take a over the counter unisom every night. The dr said it was safe. Maybe try that first
  • My doctor prescribed me 10mg Ambien.  She said for some women Benadryl and Unisom stop working.  It's annoying because I go to a practice of 5 obs, and some of them won't prescribe it for me.  Guess I'll make the rest of my appointments with the one who will :)
  • I'm lurking from first tri. Those of you who had Ambien prescribed, did your doctor say how often you could take it? My doctor said I could because I haven't been sleeping at all, but I'm concerned because she just said "as needed" and so I haven't been taking it often. I'm miserable, though!
    My midwife said she didn't want me taking it every night, and that if I found I was using it more than 3 times a week to let her know.  I don't think it's because the Ambien is necessarily bad or dangerous, just that if it wasn't fixing the problem then she wanted to see me so we could find the actual cause instead of just treating the symptoms.  But like I said, it didn't really work for me at all, but the upshot is that I'm sleeping okay (not great but okay) without it now, so I'm not so worried about it.
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  • i've tried several things! unisom (helps sometimes but i wake up about 3hours into my "sleep") tried melatonin first trimester it was the only thing i felt comfortable taking while baby was growing all the important parts! my neurologist put me back on doxapine(spelling?) because lack of sleep was causing migrane flares but the nightmares were not worth it to me. it gave me chilling bad dreams. my ob prescribed Ambien as needed yesterday, i'm looking forward to 1-2good nights of sleep a week!
  • edited November 2013
    maybe i should ask for ambien as well...
    Mom of 4 plus one more!!!!
  • Anyone taking anything for insomnia? I'm about to ask my ob for something as the benadryl and unisom no longer work. 
    Did you OBGYN say Melatonin was OK to take? It has an increased risk of causing developmental disorders if taken while pregnant. I do not recommend taking Melatonin. 
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  • I didnt even inquire about melatonin. It has never helped in the past.
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