Natural Birth

Induction Acupuncture

Has anyone ever tried this?  I'm scheduled for my first visit next Thursday.  My baby has been measuring 3 weeks ahead via ultrasound and outside belly measurements and if he doesn't come a bit early, I'm scheduled for a c-section at 39w0d.  I've had my other two children vaginally and would really like this one to be born vaginally as well.  I'm willing to try anything!  

Any experience?  
*My Loves, My Life, My Littles*

02/18/11, 05/24/12 and 12/03/13

Re: Induction Acupuncture

  • I'm doing prenatal labor prep acupuncture, and next week if I am still preg (past DD). They will switch to induction...I don't know if it works, but that's how it is with most natural induction methods!!
  • I went in for acupuncture on my due date with DS #1 and my water broke within 24 hours.  Can't say that is the reason I went into labor for sure....but if I had gotten to 40 weeks with DS #2, I would have done it again in a heart beat.
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  • I went in for cervical ripening for three weeks before I delivered. I ended up going into labor naturally just hours before my scheduled induction!

    I don't know exactly if the acupuncture helped (I also pumped nightly and had my membranes stripped twice), but in the end I went into labor, so I guess it did!

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  • Is there a reason your providers are skipping over an induction and going straight to a c-section?  

    To answer your question I had acupuncture with a chiro adjustment at 39w6d & 40w0d with my first.  I had DD at 40w3d, but my second was born at 40w3d too (charting both times), so that just might be how long my body thinks it needs to 'cook a baby'.   I will say that I think it helped to get my body ready if nothing else.  The first day I had it I was laying in bed getting ready to go to sleep and I started having this terrible sciatic nerve pain that would come and go.  I could also feel DD moving around a ton.  This went on for a while, but I was eventually able to get to sleep.  The next morning when I woke up I had dropped and I don't mean maybe baby was a little lower, it was a huge change, even noticeable to DH who never notices anything!  Definitely worth giving it a try, it's relaxing if nothing else!  Oh and check with your insurance, I was surprised to learn mine covered 90%! 
  • I did it with my second and went into labor 12 hours later. It was actually pretty relaxing. I was at 41 weeks 3 days and facing an induction at 41wks 5days. It's definitely worth a try.
  • sschwege said:
    Is there a reason your providers are skipping over an induction and going straight to a c-section?  

    My doc scheduled a c-section because I have had really rough deliveries with my other two kids who were not big babies (a 36 weeker that was 6lb 10oz and a 38 weeker that was 7 lb 14oz) where I fractured my tailbone during birth, forceps delivery, pushed for hours with both kids, 4th degree tearing, etc etc.  She is afraid that if I make it to 39 and he's already measuring 3 weeks ahead inside and out that I'll just end up laboring and pushing for hours again and I won't be able to get him out.  
    *My Loves, My Life, My Littles*

    02/18/11, 05/24/12 and 12/03/13

  • I had acupuncture (supplemented by some deep acupressure at home after each acupuncture session) for three days with membrane stripping on the third day (I was not even really 2cm ans had no "signs" of labor) and it worked. Go for it. What have you got to lose for trying it out?

    I had my DD either right at 42 weeks (according to my midwife) or 42w2d according to me. And she was just shy of 9lb and no shoulder displasia or anything, she came flying out all at once! So my situation is very different from yours.

    Still acupuncture is worth a shot!
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  • Saraevh said:
    sschwege said:
    Is there a reason your providers are skipping over an induction and going straight to a c-section?  

    My doc scheduled a c-section because I have had really rough deliveries with my other two kids who were not big babies (a 36 weeker that was 6lb 10oz and a 38 weeker that was 7 lb 14oz) where I fractured my tailbone during birth, forceps delivery, pushed for hours with both kids, 4th degree tearing, etc etc.  She is afraid that if I make it to 39 and he's already measuring 3 weeks ahead inside and out that I'll just end up laboring and pushing for hours again and I won't be able to get him out.  

    Sorry to hear you had such a rough time, hope this time is better for you!  Best of luck!
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