All the way up until today, both girls have been measuring almost identical in size (my girls are di/di). At my last appointment at 28w4d, both girls weighed 2lbs 9oz. I've been on low carb/high protein to keep my amniotic fluid down (since 24 weeks). Today Baby A was measuring smaller at 3lbs 11oz and Baby B was measuring on target at 4lbs 8oz. Since I don't have GD and my fluid looks great, I've been taken off my diet restriction and told to EAT. I'd love some recs for high caloric/high protein things that will help Baby A put on some poundage. I just had Taco Bell after leaving the doctors office. :-/
Is it Ensure some of you drink? Did you find anything that really helped one put on some weight after their was a weight discordance?
Re: Advice on putting on weight for one twin...
TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption!
Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!
My girls tended to measure close in size through out the pregnancy. But in then end I made it to 37 weeks and baby A was 7lbs 7oz and baby B was 6lbs 5oz. The way I saw it was why not eat like this and do all I could to help get great birth weights. There is a ton of research for MoMs correlating weight gain and birth weight. Not everyone here believes in this but I always thought, why not try everything in my power. Bc there is so much not in your power when prego with multiples.
I had my boys at 34w and they were 5 and 5 8.
@kgs0505 - my next scan is in 3 weeks 35w4d. Doc just thinks that since I was on a low carb/high protein diet since 24 weeks (I had high AFI for both girls) that I've been too restrictive. I've only put on 24 pounds (I put on 40-45 with my singleton but was way swollen by 29 weeks).
Since being taken off the restriction I feel ill from all the food. ::barf::