Hello Ladies! Looking for some input/recommendations...DD1 is 16 months and DD2 is 2 weeks (EBF). I currently have the Baby Bjorn and Ergo carriers, and while I love them both, especially for older babies/toddlers, they don't seem to function that well for a newborn (especially when it comes to nursing). I've read a lot about the Moby and Ring Sling and am wondering, for those with experience in this domain, which carrier works best for nursing and keeping a newborn secure? I didn't nurse DD1 in a carrier, simply because I never really had to. Now that I have DD2 I need something that allows me to be "relatively" hands free and also able to nurse when needed. Thank you!
Re: XP: Moby Wrap vs Maya Ring Sling
If you are, however, interested in going the wrap option.. I wouldn't waste $ on a moby.. I'd look for a cheaper woven wrap (you can find some for under $100).. the thing with a moby is it's only functional up until a certain weight.. a lot of people (myself included) found the moby to lose functionality once the baby reached ~15lbs.. it will begin to stretch causing the carry to not feel as comfortable and the baby to not be as secure.. just my thoughts Good luck either way!