Trying to Get Pregnant

Implantation Bleeding Question

Let me start off by saying that this cycle has just about drove me bonkers.  It is the longest I have ever had (I'm used to 25-26, this one is at CD32), and with this being the first cycle I've truly charted everything, I had no way of determining my exact O, or LP date, or when AF should show up.  So I have put my faith in FF to help temporarily fill in those blanks until I could get a clear chart.
Now back to why I'm actually posting this.  Going off of FF I had about another 4 or 5 days before AF.  Well today I decided that I'd start taking HPT and continue taking one every 3 days until AF or BFP decided to happen.  Well, I got a BFN this morning, wasn't really expecting a BFP because I figured it was still too soon to tell anyways (mainly was doing it for charting purposes really).
Well, this afternoon I go to the restroom and noticed a little red in my tissue paper.  At first I said to myself "Dammit, I didn't bring a pad" and all of a sudden I remembered that I don't normally spot, and that I was 10-12 DPO, and then 'Holy shit, this might not actually be my period...." and a thousand curiosities came to mind on implantation bleeding and if i might be experiencing it.
I've always started with a heavy flow and then ended with spotting, so this is completely new to me.  I'm also not getting bad cramps like I normally do. But I do have my normal headaches and fatigue like I get on CD1. Things just aren't adding up and I don't know how to interpret any of it.

So would someone mind sharing their experience with implantation bleeding?  How long did you spot for before determining that it wasn't your AF?  Did you have cramping and was it normal cramping?  How long after determining that it was implantation before taking a HPT?  How did you chart it, as spotting or as light menses?

My Fertility Friend Chart

Self proclaimed Stepmom since 2009

Married since September 2013

Trying to become a full time mommy since September 2013

Re: Implantation Bleeding Question

  • Most people only realize implantation bleeding in hindsight, and even still it is pretty rare.
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  • IB is more of a hindsight thing.  Until you get a positive pregnancy test, there's no way to know.  I would mark what you saw as spotting on FF.  If what you had turns out to be IB, it would take a day or two for the hormones in your system to rise enough to turn a test positive.


    Trying to get knocked up since June 2012 ~ Dx: PCOS

    BFP 7.24.13 ~ EDD 4.2.14 ~ m/c  9.16.13 @ 11w4d

    BFP 5.4.14 ~ EDD 1.12.15 ~ stick little bean!

    TTGP 2013 Best Blog ~ Fruit ~ My BFP Chart 

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  • I had implantation bleeding on CD 10 with my 2nd pregnancy.  It was brown spotting, just one wipe of the TP, that's it.  I got a positive pregnancy test on 12 DPO.  That was the first test I took though, so I may have been able to get a positive HPT earlier than that.

    When I was first starting TTC with baby #1 I noticed a lot of weird things about my cycles, such as spotting before my flow, which I never noticed before.  I think I was just super sensitive about everything, because I was TTC.

    I would assume you're getting your period.  You'll only know it's implantation bleeding after the fact.


    son#1 born 6/2010

    son#2 born 4/2012

    son#3 born 7/2014

  • Just as you're having your longest ever cycle, you could be experiencing pre-period spotting even if you've never had it before. Cycles change at any time for no reason. Stop trying to read so much into every little thing and just wait things out until you either get your period or a BFP, it's really all you can do.



    Married August 2012. Me: 41  DH: 42 
    Daughter from previous marriage: 20

    BFP 12/19/12: Ectopic discovered at 8 weeks, right tube removed 01/18/13
    June 2013 Testing Results: Progesterone: 31.7, LH: 5, FSH: 5, Estradiol: 161
    Clomid cycles Nov. 2013 and Jan, Feb, and March 2014

    TTC journey over as of the end of October 2014


    All ALers welcome!

  • So  should I take a HPT if it does not become a normal flow in a few days?  Or should I just stick to my plan of testing every 3 days until AF becomes a regular flow?

    My Fertility Friend Chart

    Self proclaimed Stepmom since 2009

    Married since September 2013

    Trying to become a full time mommy since September 2013

  • aim1218 said:
    So  should I take a HPT if it does not become a normal flow in a few days?  Or should I just stick to my plan of testing every 3 days until AF becomes a regular flow?

    Feel free to pee on all the money you want, you're a big girl, it's your choice.



    Married August 2012. Me: 41  DH: 42 
    Daughter from previous marriage: 20

    BFP 12/19/12: Ectopic discovered at 8 weeks, right tube removed 01/18/13
    June 2013 Testing Results: Progesterone: 31.7, LH: 5, FSH: 5, Estradiol: 161
    Clomid cycles Nov. 2013 and Jan, Feb, and March 2014

    TTC journey over as of the end of October 2014


    All ALers welcome!

  • As the other ladies said, IB is all in hindsight.  On Friday I thought I had IB, but it was spotting and I got my period today.

    Remember, your body loves to play tricks on you when TTC.  My "regular" cycle became irregular. My predictable O date suddenly became unpredictable. My telltale headaches disappeared. And now I start spotting.

    Looking at your chart and that huge dip, I'd say AF is on the way. Stop wasting your HPTs.
    I kind of thought the same thing but wasn't sure.  I'm just gonna wait a few days and see what happens.  I just wanted to see what other's experiences were, makes me feel better that I'm not the only one who's noticed that your cycle goes all whack right when you start TTC and find your patterns :P

    My Fertility Friend Chart

    Self proclaimed Stepmom since 2009

    Married since September 2013

    Trying to become a full time mommy since September 2013

  • Getting your period 10-12 DPO is perfectly normal. Since it's your first time charting, you may discover that your LP is 11 days long or so on average.

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  • I think I had IB with my first. Had brown spotting at 9dpo. Thought for sure af was on her way, but that was it. Got a bfp at 13dpo
    Mom of Boys!!

    Baby #1 - 3 years old
    Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14

  • I had brown IB. I had a BFN at 12dpo and didnt get a BFP until 16dpo. I had no idea that it was IB until i had a pos test. hoping that it is will probably be setting yourself up for a disappointment. Your periods can change. Your ute didn't make a contract with you to always have the same exact signs and symptoms each month to warn you about your period. my body's signs changed a lot also when i got off of BC. give it time.


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  • I had brown spotting before my BFP.  I don't remember it being red at all, and it lasted about a day.  When it stopped, and AF didn't arrive, I took a test.  Wait it out, and if AF doesn't come, take another test.  Like the other ladies said, you will notice a lot of things when you are really paying attention.  You may have had something like that happen with another cycle and not have even given it a second thought.  GL!

    TTC #1 Sept '10    BFP! Dec '10     DD Anna born Aug '11

  • When I had IB, I legit thought it was my period. I used pads for three days after the tampon I used was so uncomfortable (not enough bleeding). I'd never spotted before, so I assumed any blood meant period. It wasn't until I turned a HPT at 6 weeks that I thought it was IB.

    Stop trying to dissect everything and your 2WW will be a million times less stressful.
  • janda426 said:
    I kind of wish you would contribute more to this board than asking us every other day if you're having pregnancy symptoms, thinking you've got IF after 2 months or wanting us to cross your fingers for you to be pregnant. Your give:take ratio is a little off balance here. 

     I don't post a 'pregnancy symptom' every day.  I experience something that I can't find an explanation to on the boards, so I branch out and post my question ie my board about temps and how to read them, and this post about IB. But quite frankly, I'm not too worried that it's bothered you that my 'ratio' is off.  Kind of hard to 'give' when i don't know anything, and it's kind of hard to learn anything without asking the questions.
    If my 'take' bothers you a little too much, you are more than welcome to skip over every single post I make :-]

    My Fertility Friend Chart

    Self proclaimed Stepmom since 2009

    Married since September 2013

    Trying to become a full time mommy since September 2013

  • katiewest said:
    According to her chart, CD1 was today so I guess that is the real answer to her question.  Sucky, sucky CD1.
    @katiewest Yessum my flow increased this morning so I decided to chart it as my CD1.  I'm actually quite happy about it because I finally got an answer as to what my body was doing and that it isn't completely out of whack.  Plus I'm planning a surprise trip to Disney for my DH's birthday in a couple of weeks, so now that AF has visited I don't have to worry about her springing up in the middle of our trip, or deal with a prolonged 2WW.
    Glad I learned about IB though through this.  Taught me a lesson for next cycle :-]

    My Fertility Friend Chart

    Self proclaimed Stepmom since 2009

    Married since September 2013

    Trying to become a full time mommy since September 2013

  • aim1218 said:
     I don't post a 'pregnancy symptom' every day.  I experience something that I can't find an explanation to on the boards, so I branch out and post my question ie my board about temps and how to read them, and this post about IB. But quite frankly, I'm not too worried that it's bothered you that my 'ratio' is off.  Kind of hard to 'give' when i don't know anything, and it's kind of hard to learn anything without asking the questions.
    If my 'take' bothers you a little too much, you are more than welcome to skip over every single post I make :-]

    from the newbie blog: implantation bleeding

    So yeah. The info that you "can't find" on IB  is on this board.

    Married 7/21/12

    Off bcp and ttc 9/1/13

    bfp 7/20/14, m/c 7/23

    will ttc again 8/14


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  • @jefa621 Maybe, especially since I stopped taking it over 2 weeks ago ;-]

    My Fertility Friend Chart

    Self proclaimed Stepmom since 2009

    Married since September 2013

    Trying to become a full time mommy since September 2013

  • Oh wait, was I supposed to hiss and strike back?  Sorry, being nasty and snarky just isn't part of my personality.  Sorry I let you down :/

    My Fertility Friend Chart

    Self proclaimed Stepmom since 2009

    Married since September 2013

    Trying to become a full time mommy since September 2013

  • Oh this is getting good.  Please, go on :))

    My Fertility Friend Chart

    Self proclaimed Stepmom since 2009

    Married since September 2013

    Trying to become a full time mommy since September 2013

  • Aim, you were given good advice from the get go, what else were you expecting? You wanted to know if you had IB, and you were advised to wait it out or take a pregnancy test. Stop taking hissy fit because you didn't get the answer you wanted.

    Married 7/21/12

    Off bcp and ttc 9/1/13

    bfp 7/20/14, m/c 7/23

    will ttc again 8/14


    cat animated GIF

  • If one more person asks about implantation bleeding can I call Yahtzee ?!

    Might as well. It's the replacement for the "Am I pregnant?" threads.
  • aim1218 said:

    Oh this is getting good.  Please, go on :))

    I'm just glad you're digging yourself a big enough hole that no one will respond to your dumb ass questions in your next 2 WW, because this is how you react.
  • janda426 said:

    I kind of wish you would contribute more to this board than asking us every other day if you're having pregnancy symptoms, thinking you've got IF after 2 months or wanting us to cross your fingers for you to be pregnant. Your give:take ratio is a little off balance here. 

    I told her the exact same thing last time she posted and she got all cranky. OP unless you start contributing more to this board this is pretty much how all your posts are going to go down. The only time you ever show up is when it is about you. That doesn't go over well around here and if you paid any attention to the going on of this board you would know that.
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    *Your friendly resident herbalist.  Ask me for facts about herbs--maybe I can help!*

    TTC #1 8/2012~Chronic Pelvic Pain Condition began 10/2012~Told I was crazy by many doctors until a good specialist DXed a labral tear and bone impingement in left hip 4/2013~Surgery on left hip: 5/31/13  SUCCESS!!!  Pain flares to continue indefinitely (but mostly gone).

    Resumed TTC 6/2013~Chronic stomach pain and distension: 8/2013~TTA 1/2014 Until Resolved ~7/2014: Trip to the Mayo Clinic--SUCCESS!!  Finally on the road to getting better.

    Resumed TTC 7/2014!  Third time's the charm....8/2014 Visited the RE~DX: MFI/low morph~Straight to IVF with ICSI! 9/2014~Transferred 1 perfect beautiful 6AA blast with 10 to freeze!!!~10/8/2014: BFP!!!!  EDD: 6/17/15 STICK LITTLE BEAN!!! IT'S A BOY!!!!! 

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  • cjchio said:

    janda426 said:

    aim1218 said:

    Oh this is getting good.  Please, go on :))

    I'm just glad you're digging yourself a big enough hole that no one will respond to your dumb ass questions in your next 2 WW, because this is how you react.

    If we're lucky, she'll flip her shit and never come back.
    Guise, she can't help it. Stop being such mean, whoremonal bishes. I have the sadz for your husbandz.


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