Hey! I have a question for anyone (particularly teachers) on here who has been ton the Children's Museum of Indy. This week I am going on a field trip there with my third graders and I am nervous about how I am going to handle pumping and keeping my milk cool (it is about a 2 hour bus ride). Anyone else done a field trip while pumping? I am planning on bringing a little insulated bag with ice packs for my milk.. I hope that will be enough. Does anyone who has been to the Children's Museum know how private their accomodations for nursing/pumping moms are? I know they do have a nursing area...I just really don't want to be in view of my students (even if I am under a cover). I tried calling but apparently they are closed today. I feel like what should be a fun day is just going to end up being a pain!
Any and all advice is appreciated. I am stressing over it.
Re: Pumping at Children's Museum