
Is Christmas talk ok?

Is it ok to talk about Christmas?? I know it's not even Halloween yet so just let me know!

Re: Is Christmas talk ok?

  • I've been listening to Christmas music for three weeks and bought Eggnog today. 

    I have no problem discussing Christmas today.  



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • I'm in. I'm hosting Christmas this year and I'm pumped!
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  • I've already planned out (& talk incessantly about) 4th of July weekend 2014, so I see nothing wrong with Christmas talk.
  • LOL good. I was wanting your opinions on elf on the shelf. Personally I think it's a cute fun idea, but a few friends I have talked to think that it's scary and that I am going to scar DS. Opinions ladies?

    And for anyone who doesn't know... this is what I'm talking about:


  • Elf on a Shelf - I have never personally known a child to be scared, scarred or traumatized by it. The kids I know (ranging from 18 months to 12 years, a ton of kids) universally love it. My own kids love and want it.

    I am scared fucking shitless and have nightmares all Christmas season long about that creepy fuck, and hate it, and refuse to allow it in my house.
  • image


    I am usually scared of dolls in general. But then I just wanted him to do funny shenanigans like these. I'm torn...


  • @piffle42 I looked for one last year on clearance after Christmas but I couldn't find one. Then the debate came up again this week. B/c if we do get one I want it to be here by Dec 1st so that we get 25 days of fun out of him. I just don't know if I can commit to it or not. seriously he is a little creepy... but I think I might like it!
  • DS is too young for it anyway, but I honestly feel like I am just plain too lazy to come up with new shenanigans for EOTS to do.  I'm pretty sure DH and I would bicker about who has to set up the GD Elf every night.
  • Elf on the Shelf scares me. Like makes me think of that old Twilight Zone episode about the murderous doll. : shivers:

    I agree with Sarah, but will cop to the fact that I started crocheting DD a Christmas hat. Mostly because I want to give myself enough time to finish it in case other things come up.
    Lilypie - (KNqh)





    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • Bring on the Christmas talk! Just rearranged my living room today thinking of Christmas tree placement.

    Santa, he's the bomb!
  • sgreen13 said:
    Two days ago I started singing Jingle Bells to my LO b/c I'm over all the standard kiddie songs.

    Also, just asked DH to buy me some jingle bells from Amazon.
    I did the same thing! I sang it 3 times and he learned it right away, and now that's all he sings. I'm so glad my child has inherited my Christmas spirit. :)

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