
New to Homeschooling

I'd like to start working with my three-year-old at home, but I really have no where to start. Any suggestions?

Re: New to Homeschooling

  • At the 3 year old level, things don't have to be too complicated.  When my daughter was 3, we would sing the alphabet with her, help with shapes and colors, and help her with learn some numbers.  Don't underestimate the power of craft time and basically just letting him/her be creative with finger paints, crayons, watercolors, etc. 


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    Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,and He shall direct your paths.
    Proverbs 3:5-6

  • We use COAH LOTW.  You can get all of the pages free on her site but you have to download each individually, it's well worth it to just pay the $15 for it.  My only problem with it is that it's so expensive to print.  I will say that my kids love it.  I haven't started this school year with it but last year when my twins were 3 years and DS1 was 5.5 they loved it.  Over the summer DS1 kept asking if we could "do school".  He's in K now (DH will only let me HS PK - I keep praying if it's God's will for God to change DH's heart on the matter, I think he's getting a TINY bit softer) but he enjoyed it so much that once we get rolling soon I'll start having some "school" activities for him when he's not in school but we're doing PK with his brothers.  

    GSx1 - 05/13/2013
    GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!

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  • Three is a great age, I started singing the alphabet and making letter trains with my son.....obviously, you are working with short attention span, so don't push him/her. It should be casual and fun at this age:)
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