So I LOVE the name Clara Isabelle for a little girl, and my husband is also on board. But the few family member and friends I've mentioned it to, hate it. Complaints of it being 'ugly' and 'oldfashioned' and 'plain' and 'boring.'
Just wondering what other people's gut reactions to it are. I absolutely will not be offended if you hate it! My mother actually said 'I have never put my foot down with you on anything in your life but this will be the one time I will not let it go.'
Re: Everyone's hating on my fave!!
I like it!
DD#1 is 3! And LO#2 is on his/her way! Due Feb 26th, 2014.
BFP#1: EDD 5/7/2010 born on 5/20/2010. A little girl named Emily.
BFP#2: m/c 10/29/2012 EDD was 6/21/2012 Baby Hope was 6 weeks 3 days.
BFP#3: Twin B stopped growing at 8 weeks and 5 days. Found on 8/10/2014. EDD was 2/26/2014. Twin A is still doing great and due date is 2/26/14.
Your mother needs to get a grip. Not her kid, not her call. "Mom, you got to name your kids. Now it's my turn."
Married Bio * BFP Charts
T 2.12 | W 5.14
DS1-7/21/2011 @ 1:51am
DD-5/29/2013 @ 2:40pm
DS2-5/29/2013 @ 3:21pm
#4 EDD- 9/28/2016
I am not a fan of old lady names
Try not to get too hung up on what family members think. My sister openly didn't like DD2's name when we brought it up before she was born (we didn't decide her name until she was a day old) but I haven't heard a peep about it since it actually became her name. Trust me, they'll give it up once they meet Clara Isabelle.
Also, what has it ever hurt anyone to have a plain, boring name? She won't get teased for it, she won't get judged when she's applying for college or jobs because her name is too wacky. I mean, it might hold her back from being a stripper.
Also, the idea that your mom thinks she can put her foot down and prevent you from using any name, even a horrid one, is ludicrous. You and your husband are adults and can use whatever name you like.
Also, it's a lovely name.
Oscar born October 2011
Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)
DD due September 1, 2014
Your mother has no say in what you name your kid. I know my parents hated our son's name but just smiled politely and nodded. She doesn't sign the birth certificate, she doesn't get to put her foot down about anything. Seriously, stand your ground. Clara is a beautiful name.
Out of curiosity, @AshleighDB, what kind of names does your mom like? I only ask because I'm pretty sure my mother and I have different tastes as well.
One day when I was visiting, we were watching TV and somehow names came up. I was talking about how I want a name that grows well with him/her, and she says, "Well, I like Mackenzie!"
No offense to anyone with a child named MacKenzie, it's just not my style.
I've always thought that maybe she likes names that are more trendy or cutesy more than I do. She's not a fan of the "old lady trend."
I've been caught!
"> I actually watched an episode on my DVR last name. It's one of my terrible guilty pleasures.
Having said that, that's not what was on at my parents' house in this conversation..
I really don't remember what was on TV that spurred a name conversation, but my Mom said the MacKenzie comment all on her own. I basically tried to find a nice way to say that she'll never have a granddaughter named MacKenzie. Well, at least not from me.
The situations that Alex and Katie are in make me very, very nervous. I feel like both relationships are stuck in these dangerous cycles and it's hard for them to get out.
MacKenzie is definitely naive, but I find myself enjoying her scenes more since I feel like her situation isn't as volatile as the others. We don't see big blow-out fights, we don't see gigantic money issues, at least not as far as true concern over putting food on the table (like Kate does).
As for Briana, I'm very glad she has so much support from her sister and mother. It breaks my heart for her to know that she's so bummed about being a burden. I feel like she's doing the best she knows how.
Well, I guess on some level, I feel that they're all doing the best they know how, but they're just so daggone young and worn thin. Alex screams all the time, but then when I step back and look, I remember that she's working three jobs and worrying about a drug addict ex. It can't be easy.
Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14
My grandma HATES my boy name and told me she would give him a nn. I told her he's my kid and I'll name him hotdog if I want and she will call him hotdog. Of course hotdog is not on my list! She just did the same thing to my cousin who named her baby Toby. She told her how awful it was the whole pregnancy and now that he's here she hasn't said a bad thing about the name and calls him Toby. Don't worry about others. Name your child something you love. You're the one that will be yelling it 100x a day!
I feel bad your family is so pushy about what you name your child! My family wouldn't tell me they loved a name if they didn't but certainly would respect that it was our decision. My mother has a very different style than me. I think its a prefectly nice name Clara isn't really my style but I still think its a perfectly good name.