I put a counter in my blog, so I know how many hits. and I also have the traffic feed, but noone has seen my blog but me, and I sent a link to my sister to look at bedroom inspiration for Blaire. There is one nestie that has looked at it b/c she commented on a post, and that's only b/c I was a follower on her blog. Now, I've set it to follow all anonomously, but I honestly don't read any other blogs. There may be a few others who have looked at it, but all of my traffic feeds are from a town near where I live, so I know it's just me.
and it's not that I really care that other people read it, it's just not very exciting. It's mainly ideas I've had for doing Blaire' new room, and our hall bath. I've posted Christmas pics and what we did and a few other occasional posts, opinions.
Hey. Email Me. New address though. Same first part as my old yahoo address. Just at gmail now. Understand? I will send you my blog link and you can get the live traffic feed from there. Just have to paste the html code in the extra thing on your blog settings. I can't get to it to explain better, not on BB. It is the same place where you make your title, and stuff.
Re: bloggers - questions