

So for about 3 weeks+ now DD has been extremely fussy in the afternoon/evening. It seems as though if she is not eating or sleeping, she's crying. I have done everything I can think of to calm her down. I check to make sure she isn't hungry, wet, cold, hot, or anything else. I try holding her, putting her down and putting her in a vibrating bouncy seat. The swing works sometimes, but not always. I really don't know what else to do. She's literally screaming at the top of her lungs as I type this because I've run out of options! She likes to wake up happy in the morning, stay up for about an hour or 2, then take a 2 hour nap. After she wakes up from that nap look out, because she's going to cry all the rest of the day until she goes to bed. I am so so frustrated with it! Why can't she just be happy? It really makes bonding and other things very hard because all she wants to do is scream in my face...She is 13 weeks actual and about 8 weeks adjusted, I really hope she's just behind a bit and grows out of it!
Lilypie - (4VBD)
Kira Otter

Re: Frustrated!

  • Check out "Happiest Baby on the Block." There are some great suggestions for soothing a baby. To summarize, he advocates the 5 S's: 1.Swaddle; 2. Side--lay baby sideways or on her belly in your arms; 3.shush--loud shushing, to mimic the sounds of the womb; 4. swinging--sway back and forth somewhat swiftly, enough that the baby can feel it; 5. suck

    This helped us a lot. Try to do all of them and you might be standing there swinging and shushing for a while, but it could help.

    You could also talk to the dr. about possible reflux, especially if she happens to be crying after eating. But try the soothing techniques first.

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  • Does she act like she has gas? Pushing, grunting, lifting legs, etc ... We ended up having to get gas drops for our little guy and it worked like magic. We also have the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD - amazing!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers


    Pregnancy #1 EDD 1/20/13, D&C for unexplained miscarriage at 12w
    Pregnancy #2 EDD 8/28/2013, Carson was born on 6/28/2013 at 31w - spent 37 days in the NICU
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  • Does she act like she has gas? Pushing, grunting, lifting legs, etc ... We ended up having to get gas drops for our little guy and it worked like magic. We also have the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD - amazing!

    This. Mines was the same. We switched formulas and added gas drops and did the 5 S's and just waited it out.
  • Could it be colic? I've heard that colicky babies often are worse in the evening and are in consolable. Luckily, they do grow out of it.
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

  • Sounds like colic/witching hour/purple crying.

    My boys are always fussiest between 5pm - 9pm. The usual soothing techniques just don't work and they fight sleep. It sucks, but it will pass.

  • Thanks everyone! I think she is also in her purple crying period. I keep telling myself it will pass but it's really hard at the moment. She is getting a little better each day and a few days after I made the post she was actually a little happier.
    Lilypie - (4VBD)
    Kira Otter
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